Welcome to the S.O.A.P Foundation.

Our researchers have been working hard examining a phenomenon called MerAddiction. This recently discovered "affliction" stems from the fan fiction writings of a "Merwolf." Thousands are affected everyday. All of them willingly. We here at S.O.A.P have dedicated ourselves to the study of MerAddiction.

Please stay and educate yourself on this new ailment. It is truly for your benefit.

Classic Posts
A collection of some of the best posts from the Merwolf PackList

Conversations From S.O.A.P Researchers
Listen in on an actual conversation between our crack research staff.

Go There Ride Guide
Handy guide for those on their way there.

Merwolf Table of Elements
The periodic table of elements ala Merwolf.

SUDS: S.O.A.P Update Database System
Learn what our researchers are studying now.

Scientific Measures of S.O.A.P
Learn the tools of the trade.

Home For comments or questions about the content email Laur
For comments or questions about the design email Nic