The Merwolf Table of Elements
Remember suffering through chemistry class? Missy is quite an expert at chemistry--at least certain kinds. Her stories can be broken down into the Merwolfverse elements found below. Visit the S.O.A.P Research Center or combine them on your own to produce a chemical reaction. Do try this at home!
H = Henbane He = Hercules or Hera's left tit, depending on your mood Li = Lyceus Be = Be Nice! B = Bard C = Chocolate N = Number of hits on O = Oxytocin F = Feramones Ne = Never-ending Na = Name changes Mg = Missy Good Al = Ale Si = Silliness P = Pups S = Soulmates Cl = Clue Ar = Argo (a rare and noble horse) K = Potedeia Ca = Cait Sc = Scenic mudhole Ti = Ticklefight V = Virtue Cr = Chakram Mn = Mincemeat Pie Fe = Feathers Co = Couch Ni = Nice @$$ Cu = Cupid Zu = state of Amazon Nation after the flooding Ga = Gabrielle Ge = Jessan As = Appleseed Se = Hey! It's PG-13 Br = Breadstick Rf = Rolling on the floor Ha = laughter (it's not all mush you know) |
Kr = Kerry Rb = Reboot Sr = Solari Y = You, the reader, waiting for an update Zr = Zeus' renegade nutballs Nb = Nutbread Mo = More stories, please Tc = The Centaurs Ru = Rumors about Dar and Kerry Rh = Factor of Kyle's blood type Pd = pretty damn (speed of Xena's sword) Ag = color of sword exercises in moonlight Cd = Bitter Suite In = Innkeeper Cyrene Su = Sweathut Sb = Strawberries Te = Tease I = Iolaus Xe = Xena Cs = Circus of Salmoneus Ba = Sheep Hf = half-goddess Ta = The Amazons W = Wolfpack Re = Read fanfic Os = Old Soap Ir = In Reality Pt = Pithy comments Au = frequent color for Gab's hair Hg = Hugs Ti = Thai food Pb = Leather Bi = well, don't hold your breath Sg = Salacious Gabrielle Ns = Nummy Showers |
Po = Pony At = Athens Rn = Xena's medicine kit Fr = Forest people Ra = Radiant La = Lao Ma...her spirit lives Ce = cellphone Pr = Princess Nd = Network traffic Doom Pm = time of much mushiness Sm = smirk Eu = Eustace Gd = Gods Tb = To Be updated soon Dy = blue in the frosting Ho = Hormones Er = Destination for Dar's assailants Tm = Trademark mushiness Yb = It better be updated soon Lu = Lunacy Ac = needed for computers in Miami Th = Thug Pa = Paladia U = Uber (I used to hate this, but...) Np = Neck Pinch Pu = Scent of mudholes Am = refusal to shine Cm = C'mere Bk = what Merwolf should publish Cf = Cliffhanger Es = Eastern Standard = Missy's time zone Fm = Foaming at the mouth Md = yet another beheading for MaryD No = No Joxer Lr = Lots of Romance Mt = Maintext Uun = University of Undercouch |
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