
Screengrab by Judi Mair, for the Australian Xena Information Page
Episode #: 1
Production #: 1411
Initial Air Date: 10/02/2000
Rating: 3.3
Lucy Lawless: |
Xena |
Reneé O'Connor: |
Gabrielle |
Kevin Smith: |
Ares |
Adrienne Wilkinson: |
Eve |
Tsianina Joelson: |
Varia |
Sela Apera: |
Queen Marga |
The Furies |
Written By: |
Melissa Good |
Directed By: |
Mark Beesley |
Log Line | TV Guide | General | Synopsis and Reviews | Missy's Comments
News | Multimedia | Merpup Commentary | Disclaimer
Log Line:
Ares needs Xena's help to restore his godly powers, but he gets more than he bargained for when the Furies play a trick on him.
TV Guide:
In the sixth-season opener, Xena, Gabrielle and Eve travel to meet with Ares and discover that the former god is involved in a war with the Amazons in a misguided attempt to regain his immortality. But unbeknownst to him, the Furies have masterminded a plot of their own: to avenge the deaths of the Olympians by killing either Ares or Xena. Xena: Lucy Lawless. Gabrielle: Renee O'Connor. Eve: Adrienne Wilkinson. Ares: Kevin Smith.
Excerpt from Whoosh! interview with Robert Tapert by Bret Ryan Rudnick:
I understand you had some difficulty when you wanted to have Melissa Good write some episodes. Did you have trouble with people convincing them to do that?
(smiles) Only amongst my writing staff. It's not conventional to go into fandom and pluck out a writer. It invites problems. It's also challenging to the staff. I give R.J. a great deal of credit. Missy did a pretty darn good job on LEGACY (117/605). The whole system worked exactly as it should have. He [R.J.] spent maybe a day or two polishing up some stuff, working out a bit of logic, this and that. All in all, her script was left pretty much intact. COMING HOME (113/601), due to the story we had assigned her, R.J. had more
to do in acts three and four, working out a bunch of mechanisms.
On COMING HOME, Missy did as good a job as I would expect any junior or new staff writer to do, but that was a struggle because the first two acts were left intact and the last two acts needed more work. There were some holes in the story. We noticed Xena didn't talk to her daughter after she was "arrested" by the Amazons, things like that. Then we putzed around with it some more down here.
But I'll tell you why I like working with Missy Good: she loves Xena and Gabrielle. That's invaluable to me. If I had my druthers I'd have Missy write two more scripts, but I'll take what I can get and have her write one more.
MaryD has posted screengrabs from the preview and the transcript of the promo. [click here]
According to MaryD's Season 6 Rumours
page....Adrienne Wilkinson said at Cherry Hill that Xena's chakram
attack on Gab in "Motherhood" would be addressed in "Coming Home".
(Can't wait to see how Missy handles this one!)
Posted on the Merwolfpack mailing list by pup Judith: This from the Cherry Hill Convention:
"When asked what she thought of the script Coming Home by Missy Good, Adrienne Wilkinson said it was great and that having Missy there for re-writes and stuff was a very *good* thing:}
Then, I casually asked her what she thought of the
dialogue:} She immediately said it was the best dialogue she has ever
heard in her life. The attending Pups howled and applauded
uproariously!!! A memorable moment for the Pups. Quite possibly for AW
as well. (g)"
Yep. "Coming Home" will be filming from August
15th-August 22nd. Get some good pics Missy!
Given Missy's flying schedule...it looks like
this episode will be filming in the middle of August.
This episode will be the season 6 opener...what
a great way to start the year!
"When we started having discussions about the story,
Rob said he was really thinking about putting a character driven, lighter ep
first, to go up against the Olympics which are still running that week. The
plot line we came up with was designed with that in mind." - Missy Good
Synopsis and Reviews:
Missy's Comments:
(This is a compilation of comments that Missy has posted on various mailing lists.)
- How do you feel about episode?
I liked it. I thought Kevin, Lucy, and Renee did a great job. I think
it was a good choice to start the season off with - I laughed at the funny
bits even when I knew they were coming. (g)
The Amazons came off really well - I liked the scenes between Varia and
Eve - I liked the fistfight in the snow - I liked the revival scene...(g)
What didn't I like? I would have liked the original
apology scene to have stayed in, and I would have changed the end scene.
But all in all, it worked for me.
I think it turned out a nifty
ep, given that it had a lot of things to achieve, and was designed to
appeal across a broad spectrum of the audience since it was the
opener. I know Kevin did a great job.
- Did you have fun?
Oh, I was having an enormous amount of fun.
CH was a trip of a script to write - I laughed the entire first act
while I was typing it. It came out even funnier than I imagined, due to
Renee, Lucy, and Kevin's interpretation of Ares and Furies.
Renee's Fury Gab had me on the floor - I thought she was going to
lean over and blow in his ear for a minute.
I think it was nice
for the cast - they'd just finished filming the Ring trilogy, which was
a tough go of it from what I hear. This allowed them to relax, and just
'ACT'- as Lucy put it - do the heart stuff and not have to deal with
monsters and FX and the rest of it. Also, it was their first filming
with Kevin that year, and there were a lot of nice Amazons and hunky
fighters walking around - as well as the three Furies, who were, indeed,
- What did the cast think of having a writer on the set?
were very curious to meet a writer for the show. The only one they'd
dealt with before that was Rob himself. I was treated as another
crew member - it was very nice.
- Was the episode different than your script?
From the shooting
draft? Yes - but that's mostly because Rob put back in a lot of elements
from the first three drafts of the scripts I sent in. I was especially
happy with what ended up happening at the end of the fight.
- While you were in NZ, who proposed changes to the
Some the director asked for, and some Lucy asked for, and
yes, you betcha both Lucy and Renee have input. (g) A lot of times
they'll redo dialog because they know their characters better than the
writers do.
- What was your favorite part?
Actually, that whole first
exchange starting with "This greater good thing gets old" is one of my
favorites, aong with the armorer discussion. I saw the armoror scene get
filmed - the guy playing the armoror was hilarious especially his facial
expressions. (nice guy, too. Tsianina was really nice as well)
- What parts were purely yours?
Hm. Is there something in the
ep that I can point to, that pretty much went from my demented brain
directly to the screen?
The fly. (g) The Ares/Furies
scenes. The scene between Ares and the armorer. The
It's definitely a collaborative process - RJ and RT had
a huge amount of input, as did the actors and director when they
interpreted the material.
- The Subtext?
On the subject of subtext - good friends was
exactly what I was aiming for. After 5th season, and how things were at
the end of the year, a launch directly back into subtext didn't seem
realistic to me. What I was aiming for was a solid partnership to be
reestablished - and let the subtext be worked on a little later in the
season. (ggg)
- What was it like writing for Eve?
Eve was interesting,
because one of the objectives was to try and redefine who she's becoming
now that she's no longer a killing machine, and following Eli's path. I
wanted to show that there was still some.. for want of a better word
'Xena' in there so that she can get frustrated, and the potential might
be there for her to let her temper loose if she gets pushed too
- What do you think of Kevin Smith's performance?
Kevin did a
fantastic job in the ep. There was material there that was different
than anything he'd had before as Ares - and I think he really went for
it - all across the range from threatening (at the very beginning) to
totally wackoid (during the fight scene with Xena) Nice job.
- Comments on Ares storyline....
We'd actually had a debate
about whether or not to subtract his powers along with his immortality.
It was felt that it made for a much better story if he did not have his
powers - and it really only lost me one thing - in the beginning, where
Ares punches out that guard - I had him turning the guy into a pig. So
the only thing he was after was his immortality back. I think this
made for a better story.
- How about that famous Xena/Ares kiss?
It was a scene that was
already filmed in Motherhood, but they had to cut it for time. (I think
it was referenced in TV Guide, or some other guide, if you remember) So
it was recreated here. I didn't mind the scene - however, I think to
balance it off, we should have kept in the full version of the apology
to give Gab equal time.
It was something they felt very strongly
about including. In my mind, it was the closing of a door, with Xena
acknowledging their connection much the same way she had with
- Speaking of the apology....
That was something that was on
the minds of quite a few members of the staff for a long time, and
when we started discussing CH, it was definitely one of the things
that was brought up almost from the start.
Finding a way, and a
place was the tough part.
The apology was oddly placed, because
it was moved around as much as it was, and where they ended up putting
it was the only 'quiet moment' we could find to fit it in. It
really needed a line or two more for a good transition, but we just
didn't have the time available.
We had a lot, and I do mean a lot
of discussions as to how we could put in a beat to address or, to be
more accurate, acknowledge the chakkie throw - without derailing the
current story, and the eventual result was a collaboratative effort. I
saw it filmed on the last day I was in New Zealand, and while the
transition into it felt slightly awkward to me, the emotions of the
scene worked as I saw it filmed.
It was a very tough thing to
work out. I give Lucy and Renee a lot of credit for tapping into the
emotions of the moment, and doing their best to give us that beat,
because they knew it meant something to a lot of people.
A touch
I really did like, was just before that discussion, the flinch Gabrielle
does as Xena tosses and retrieves her chakram. It was a very subtle
thing inserted by the director, Mark Beesley, and I liked it very
Merpup Commentary:
Xena and Gabrielle's psyche were not harmed in the making of this motion picture.
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