Mom's instructions for using Merwolfdigest

So if you'd like to do all this, here's how:

  1. Go to (you should be able to just click on the blue link to the left I think, but sometimes AOL rules are different, so if not, just go to the internet and get to that address.)
  2. Type in your email address and password in the appropriate boxes on the left and then click on Member Center down below that.
  3. You should get a listing of the lists that you are subscribed to.
  4. If you are not already subscribed to Merwolfdigest, do so now. Then use the Member's Center button on the left to return to your list of subscribed mailing lists.
  5. At the top you'll see one column that says Digest and one that says No Mail. Click and place an X in the box under Digest for all the lists you subscribe to EXCEPT Merwolfdigest. Then click Change and you should be all set.

This will give you all your mail in digest form except the one that sends you the pictures.

Hope this helps. Incidentally, if you click the No Mail column, that will keep you from getting any mail. This is handy for times when you are out of town so that your mailbox doesn't fill up and crash. You can always go back and read the digests by clicking on the name of the list. You'll see something called Archives Index, and you can just click on each digest and read what would have appeared in your mailbox if you hadn't set it to No Mail. When you click change, it's instantaneous, so you can change things at any time.

I hope this is more clear and helps a bit.

Love, Mom

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