What's New -- May 1999
May 16, 1999
- Merwolf the Magnus is having a Palace chat this coming week you can
ask questions about X & G, D & K, TS the book or TS the movie...or you could ask her the meaning of life...I'm not sure she'll answer though<g>.
When: Saturday, May 22nd, at 10:00 AM PST/ 1:00 PM EST
Where: palace://mycorner.dynip.com:9998
Host: My Corner© Staff
More info: http://www.thepalace.com/communities/eventinfo/mycorner.htmlMay 2, 1999
- Archived April what's new page
- The Works under the Merwolf links:
Tropical Storm - The Movie under the Dar&Kerry links:
May 1, 1999
- Did you miss the NY con in February? Are you wondering what is instore for the Orlando con? Do you have nothing better to do? If you answered yes to any of these questions visit http://www.merwolf.com/merpups/packnews/con_reports/nycon.htm
Curious about what was new before? Check these out baby!
Please send any questions or comments about this page to Nic