What's New -- March 1999
March 25, 1999
Updated the http://www.merwolf.com/merpups/packnews/convinfo.htm#cons San Antonio Convention Information with Guests. Tickets are now on Sale.
March 23, 1999
Updated the links page with Barbara Maclay's Family Portraits page
March 19, 1999
"Mary D's Heads" has been updated at
http://www.merwolf.com/merpups/shrine/heads.htm run don't walk.Update to the convention pages with more info about the Orlando con. Also added info about other upcoming conventions. http://www.merwolf.com/merpups/packnews/convinfo.htm
March 15, 1999
It's here! The brand new addition to the Den is now online, a search engine. In an effort to make finding that certain pup simpler the Den now has a fabulous search engine which was put together with the invaluable help of pup Paul (pdickson@worldnet.att.net). Please pass on a big pup slobber to Paul for all of his hard work.
Updates to Conventions Page
Added a link to Maj|ks pictures of NYC Con
Updated the Convention and Pup Gathering Info for the Orlando Con
Added DC pup gathering to the Conventions Page.
March 12, 1999
Added links to the Merwolf section:
Added the famous cars and Dar's song to the Dar&Kerry section:
For those who missed the Missy chat on 03/06/99 you can read the log at Phil's page. http://www.phillabuster.com/Palace/events.htm
March 7, 1999
- Updated The Merhaven Shrine with the Amazon Elders' Book of Wisdom.
March 5, 1999
- Posted new price information on the Merwolfpack jackets. See the Mer-chandise page.
- Revised and updated the Pack Convention page and linked in the transcript from the Question and Alpha session with Missy at the Santa Monica Convention. (thanks pup pd)
March 1, 1999
- Archived February What's New page
- Added link to "Stand By You" video to Merpup's Links
Please send any questions or comments about this page to Nic