Hey there!
First of all I would like to thank you for putting up an amazing
webpage with regards to Xena tattoos. I've been wanting a tattoo for so
long and of course -- what better tattoo could there be for a Xenite
but that of her warrior princess! and your webpage had helped me a lot.
and in return I would like to share it with not only you but with
everybody who visits your website and have the same interests like I do.
I just had my tattoo a couple of hours ago and boy I tell you this
may sound crazy but I felt complete. I bought this Xena logo pin like 2
years ago and ever since then I wanted that to be my tattoo. so after
further editing ... I had one inked on my lower left leg just a couple
of inches below the ankle. I guess there's not much explaining to
do here for the X within the chakram says it all -- XENA!
Kimmy - June 2007