Entering a story is like entering a whole nother word. You don't know what there might be - love or hate, life or death, laughter or tears, action or mushy stuff. But you know, that what ever is there, you can read it, and enjoy it, and for a little while, escape reality, and live again. |
By Jessica Gordon |
Top Ten Reasons Why I Love DRSubmitted by: Alix |
10. She has a very cool name that suits her to a T! |
9. She doesn't take any s**t off anyone! |
8. She's the VP of a big company! |
7. She eats Sugar Frosted Flakes for breakfast! |
6. Chocolate milk is her favorite beverage! |
5. Although tough enough to chew circuitboards, she becomes a little
girl around Doctors, Hospitals, and long needles! |
4. She gave her love a teddy bear, a rose, a dolphin pin, and a puppy! |
3. When she falls in love, she means it! |
2. Her favorite clothes to lounge around in include a worn baseball
shirt. |
1. And the number one reason I love DR: She looks like Xena!! |
Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Kerry |
10. She has hair the color of the sun. |
9. "Cute" is her middle name. |
8. To quote a Stuart housekeeper, "She has the prettiest
little belly-button!" |
7. She's a big person in a small package. |
6. When provoked, she can beat the "snot" out of
sniveling weasels! |
5. She's a Pooh fan. |
4. She favors a Tweety-bird night-shirt to sleep in. |
3. She hasn't let adversity taint her beautiful soul. |
2. She's very much like a certain beloved, blond bard. |
1. And the number one reason why I love Kerry: Dar's tender heart is forever safe in her hands! |
Hi Missy, I am a fellow bard. I just want to congratulate you! How wonderful to get a chance to write for XWP!! The clever writing is what attracted me to the show. I write under the name of J. L. Raymond and "MOSES". Battle on.... |
By Jude |
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