You have joined the audience. Moderator: Welcome to the Tropical Storm chat! Glad you could make it. Missy Good is on the stage. Moderator: Hi everyone, hi Missy Missy Good: Betsy, I thought you were going to get different color curtains in here! Moderator: just waiting for Debby now Moderator: sorry hon, my interior decorator is coming in next week Missy Good: (sigh_ Moderator: come on up, Debby Moderator: Alc, can you go to Sal's and see if Debby needs help getting in? Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "Hi, Missy. :)" Missy Good: Debby probably went to get her Thai food Moderator: heh Missy Good: Hi Lorana... Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I like the blue curtains " Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Thanks Mel, they're kind of 1987, but they work for me Missy Good: actually, so do I. Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Missy, you are my moon-goddess!" Missy Good: uhhhh...... Moderator: well now, that's a great way to kick off the chat Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Missy, I bet you hear that all the time Missy Good: that's a first. Moderator: lol Moderator: what, you don't get the "you are my moon goddess" thing every day? Missy Good: no... I get 'can you fix that circuit' everyday. Moderator: well, same thing Missy Good: though... Moderator: {@Naiv@} says: "Hello!" Moderator: Annie says: "hey Ive heard worse starts to a conversation.. *g*" Missy Good: I do get called a unix goddess from time to time. Moderator: Petunia says: "Is there anything you can reveal before Debby gets here?" Missy Good: about what? Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "ohhhh..cyber talk...I love" Moderator: Snuggle says: "hi Missy... how's your supply of chease and caramel popcorn!" Moderator: Folly says: "oh good , secrets!!!" Missy Good: I want more. Missy Good: I tried some in Denver, but it didn't compare. Missy Good: LA smog is icky. Missy Good: I can reveal that. Missy Good: I got to see it from the plane when I left. Moderator: but they sure can bowl in LA Moderator: the Duchess says: "Tsk tsk tsk. The trials and tribulations of being a goddess-on-earth! The interior decorator is late, there's no cheese and caramel popcorn, and your co-workers don't show the proper reverence..." Moderator: SueG says: "Nice Divert Missy" Missy Good: regulating traffic is bizarre. Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: thanks, Sue... Moderator: Well, I'm not sure what's going on with Debby..she's on the userlist Moderator: ..and I keep inviting her up on stage, but no response Missy Good: she was here... Missy Good: but I do think she had to get her Thai. Missy Good: it was supposed to be on the way. Moderator: Annie says: "Umm me being the newbie and all.. what is 'Tropical Storm" ???" Missy Good: well, it's an uber story I wrote Moderator: ah yes, let's start from the beginning shall we, for people who are new? Missy Good: that Debby liked, and wanted ot make a movie out of. Missy Good: (that was prebby basic, no?) Moderator: SueG says: "I liked it" Missy Good: (G) Moderator: an uber story that is now being made into a movie Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Its a MUST Read!!" Missy Good: one of my coworkers was walking around with the book at work thsi week. Missy Good: I kept gettign the oddest looks. Moderator: Annie says: "Ahh well that shed's a litte light on the subject now doesn't it hehe" Moderator: Petunia says: "This is how I got to be a fan of yours, Missy--when I attended the first TS chat" Moderator: photomonk says: "that must be see two worlds collide like that" Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "lol" Moderator: the Duchess says: "You're too modest, Alpha -- you wrote the next New Amphipolis Times bestseller, a novel to charm the very birds from the trees, and now Debby is coming to the party and turning it into a blockbuster feature film that will bring joy to millions... or some" Missy Good: very weird... Missy Good: I had someone come up and mention someone was reading a book by an author with the same name a s mie. Moderator: the Duchess says: "thing like that anyway..." Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Annie says: "erhh another silly ( i'm new) question, is this story on the web somewhere or snippets of it ?" Moderator: Snuggle says: "Are you saying Missy that your coworkers are not aware of who you are in the Xenaverse???" Missy Good: Missy Good: a few snippets, yes. Missy Good: some of them are, Missy Good: some of them can't even imagine it. Missy Good: (G) Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "You think your coworkers will put the two together and figure it is you, the author..and the book is sort of about them?" Missy Good: well, a lot of them do know. Missy Good: but we always hav enew people. Moderator: Belle says: "here's a sign of true ignorance, but could you define "uber story"?" Missy Good: see? Kym should be here. Missy Good: uber is a story which uses the basic character types of Xena and Gabrielle, and puts them in another time and place. Missy Good: as different people, or sometimes as themselves Moderator: Alright you guys, I hate to do this, but Debby is having trouble getting in.... Missy Good: mac user. (g) Moderator: so I am going to start the whole moderator thingy over again Missy Good: okay. Moderator: everyone buckle your seatbelts Missy Good: maybe there'll be different curtains then. Moderator: this window will go away, then I'll start it back up again Moderator: hold on to your questions ----------------------------------------- TAKE 2 You have joined the audience. Moderator: Welcome again! Missy Good is on the stage. LADYHAWKE is on the stage. Moderator: YAY! Missy Good: whoa. LADYHAWKE: phew Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Oy vey. What a rush!" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "There She is!!" Moderator: SueG says: "Nice AV Deb" Missy Good: i thought you went to Thailand for dinner. LADYHAWKE: well i thouyght it waqs a short cut Moderator: SueG says: "lol" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "MAC users...sheesh..Just kidding Deb" Missy Good: heh. Moderator: Snuggle says: "glad ou can join us Debby" LADYHAWKE: me too sal and i were getting drunk Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "And are STILL my moon-goddess." Moderator: the Duchess says: "I feel privileged to be in such exalted company..." Missy Good: (laughing) LADYHAWKE: snicker Moderator: It probably doesn't help that I've had 2 Irish coffees tonight either LADYHAWKE: you and me both Moderator: but hey, we all made it now Missy Good: well, LN is known for getting people drunk. Missy Good: (G) Moderator: yeah, among other things Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "*cheers*" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "and you didnt bring us any Betsy??" Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "Betsy, shame on you." Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "lol" Moderator: yes, I feel very shamed... Moderator: LADYHAWKE: i am going to have to get you a new color Missy Good: (g) Moderator: okay, let's get down to business Moderator: bring on the questions! LADYHAWKE: she has had too much irish Moderator: Petunia says: "Is the script final yet?" Missy Good: yes, yes, no, Angie's out, and yes. LADYHAWKE: no Moderator: heh LADYHAWKE: really....and could be Moderator: SueG says: "LOL" Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Are you writing any more Dar & Kerry adventures in the meanwhile?" LADYHAWKE: my kinda chat no questions Missy Good: "Im assuming that for me..... yes, I am. LADYHAWKE: lol...god i hope so Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Goodie" Moderator: Snuggle says: "Debby..are you planning anything RS related for the Orlando con?" Moderator: Snuggle says: "um.. TS related, that is" LADYHAWKE: you had me scratching my head there LADYHAWKE: such as??? Moderator: bowling parties, perhaps? Moderator: Snuggle says: "party... promotion... BUTTONS... ????" Moderator: the Duchess says: "More stickers??" LADYHAWKE: only if you can al get into my suite at the floridian Moderator: oh, you are so asking for it, Debby LOL Moderator: Answer says: "is that a challenge?" Missy Good: we had seventy five people las tyear, Deb. LADYHAWKE: i can bring those goodies...sure Moderator: Snuggle says: "sounds like an invite! " Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: suuuuuure Moderator: SueG says: "DVP - be careful what you wish for..." LADYHAWKE: i am fast learning that SG Moderator: the Duchess says: "Are either of you planning on visiting New Zealand anytime soon? (This is me being a desperate autograph hunter...)" LADYHAWKE: lol Moderator: Folly says: "poker chips??" Missy Good: i wish. Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: I am hoping to get there in 2001 Moderator: the Duchess says: "I can see I'm going to have to start prepping my scrolling finger for con reports... heh." Moderator: the Duchess says: "So do we NZPups... all... uhm... two of us?" LADYHAWKE: well it will be a good dinner Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I have been staying away from the script, so as to be more surprised by the movie version. But for real, who is in, and who is out of the movie" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "character wise I mean" LADYHAWKE: well first of all the script that you are reading has changed Missy Good: (g) Just slightly. Missy Good: (G) LADYHAWKE: we are going to stop posting it next week Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "cool! lol...cant be spoiled too much then.." Moderator: Petunia says: "Are there any more cast members you can tell us about?" LADYHAWKE: and as far as anyone signed to the project...we are resiging LADYHAWKE: i can only really tell you about might "I am going after them list" Moderator: Snuggle says: "is Robert T. still on board?" Moderator: Petunia says: "Go for it!" LADYHAWKE: yes....timing permiting Missy Good: He'd be interesting as Kerry's father. LADYHAWKE: robert? Missy Good: Hmm. LADYHAWKE: i was thinking along the lines of william davain LADYHAWKE: or peter fonda Moderator: photomonk says: "sam o'neill would make a good senator, IMO" Missy Good: I think Robert could pull it off. But those guys would be cool too. Moderator: SueG says: "Jes - you just took the thought out of my head - on Bill Devane." Missy Good: Hm... Sam.. yeah. Moderator: Folly says: "love those ideas" Moderator: markski says: "I assumed Rob T would be playing Alastair" Moderator: photomonk says: "sam even already has the xena connection *chuckle*" Missy Good: yes - I was just thinking out loud. LADYHAWKE: whose alastair? Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I know Steven Sears is a big fan of Missy's and I know he is doing Sheena, but has he been hinting at any time about helping out with TS the movie?" Missy Good: I think he's way busy for that right now. (G) LADYHAWKE: i think he has much on his plate already Moderator: markski says: "Err... Dar's boss I thought. I'm horrible with names tho" Missy Good: yes - that's right. LADYHAWKE: oh you mean chuck Moderator: chuck...alastair...same thing? Moderator: Petunia says: "Chuck?" Moderator: Folly says: "hhhhaaaa, you are evil dvp" LADYHAWKE: whhhhyyy thank you Moderator: photomonk says: "where is the script this far posted?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "You realize you are really going to confuse the newbies in here, dont you " Missy Good: yeah, we changed his name to Chuck Wood. LADYHAWKE: at the ladyhawke site LADYHAWKE: if he only could Moderator: lol LADYHAWKE: darn you have discovered my mission Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Whoa...Chuck Wood??...thats suppose to be my fathers name!! lol" Missy Good: there were missions all over South CA, last I checked. Moderator: Answer says: "Any reasons in particular for that, besides evil-ness?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Ooops..sorry Deb.." Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "its called not giving too much of the plot away lol" LADYHAWKE: tooo much coffee? Moderator: tlc says: "I think Deb's catching on to this stuff!! She's having way too much fun..." Moderator: Zaba says: "It was nice to meet you two in Pasadena, did you come away from the dinner with any new thoughts?" LADYHAWKE: yes....the 42 lumps on my forehead have wised me up Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: it was nice to meet all of you in pasadena Moderator: Snuggle says: "42 lumps???" LADYHAWKE: thoughts about what? Moderator: SueG says: "other than to drink more next time (g)" LADYHAWKE: how to have you all in the film? LADYHAWKE: are tooooo many Moderator: Annie says: "erh tha ladyhawke site , where's that " LADYHAWKE: welcome to the club LADYHAWKE: Moderator: MaryD says: "HOw about having all of us as extras?" Moderator: photomonk says: "*heh* does acting experience count? i did some shakespeare in college :)" LADYHAWKE: hey made it LADYHAWKE: i am in shock Moderator: MaryD says: "Heck yeah I'm here :-)" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Least this chat is on sat night, instead of sun nights, else I would be in bed by now..hehehe" Moderator: MaryD says: "Sunday today for me :-)" Moderator: the Duchess says: "Stellar idea, MaryD... I *have* been referred to constantly by family and teachers as a drama queen... " Moderator: SueG says: "Mary D & Mr. Potatohead need definate cameos." LADYHAWKE: oh my Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "oh..thats right" LADYHAWKE: deal with way too many of those Moderator: Annie says: "hahah" LADYHAWKE: to be sure Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "least I got to meet Mr. Potatoe head in Pasadena..heck he was at my table thurs night " Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Ok, I know Dar's Xena, and Kerry's Gab, but is there a Callisto archetype?" LADYHAWKE: need so coffee? Missy Good: nope. LADYHAWKE: yes and a matter of fact there is Moderator: MaryD says: "Mr Potato Head is Callisto :-)" LADYHAWKE: lol LADYHAWKE: why didnt i think of that Moderator: SueG says: "Mr. Potatohead got around & he was drinking way too much!!" Moderator: markski says: "Missy, I've noticed Callisto is one char. from TV that you never write." Moderator: Answer says: "Oh darn.. I thought it was Debby. :)" Missy Good: that's true. Moderator: photomonk says: "kyle = callisto, maybe?" LADYHAWKE: the thing up his bum made him do it Missy Good: that's why there' sno analog in the uber. Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "Hudson Leick could play a potato successfully" Moderator: ooo....Lor, ouch! LOL Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "lolol" Moderator: the Duchess says: "It's to even out the unfair amount of Callisto in that calendar... no? ;)" Moderator: MaryD says: "Why don't you write Callisto, Missy?" LADYHAWKE: no kyle Moderator: photomonk says: "interesting" Missy Good: I like the way Hudson played her on the show - but I never could get into writing the character. Moderator: MaryD says: "Too Pyscho?" Missy Good: too fixated. Moderator: Folly says: "Laur wanted me to ask if there are any showers in the new script?" Missy Good: yes... they do get caught in the rain. Moderator: MaryD says: "ROFL! One track mind Laur!" LADYHAWKE: they are near one Missy Good: (g) Missy Good: they never actually get INTO one... LADYHAWKE: thats good Missy Good: though... they're close. Moderator: Annie says: "Umm so is this TS up to being filmed yet ? or is this all still in the planning and mediation stages ?" Moderator: Annie says: "Where and where is it being filmed when it gets to that stage?" LADYHAWKE: we have a ways to go yet LADYHAWKE: i am hoping that we enter that stage in june Missy Good: filming? LADYHAWKE: and it is still up in the air as to if we are shooting the entire production in miami LADYHAWKE: possibily 2 weeks in florida LADYHAWKE: and teh rest in LA LADYHAWKE: pre production for 8 weeks missy Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Will this be a major motion picture or a small local film?" Moderator: Folly says: "not enough air conditioning in the world to make the film look cool in June in Miami" LADYHAWKE: i am hoping for wide theatrical release... LADYHAWKE: which means anywhere from 1000 to 1500 theatres Moderator: MaryD says: "If you start in June how long will it take to complete?" LADYHAWKE: high art went mod release at 872 theatres LADYHAWKE: 8 weeks prep and then 9 weeks shooting LADYHAWKE: then we have post production LADYHAWKE: which could take 18 to 23 weeks Missy Good: Christmas? LADYHAWKE: depends on the deal for distribution as to when it will be released Moderator: photomonk says: "and a later release on DVD? :)" Missy Good: cool. LADYHAWKE: YES! LADYHAWKE: pluse the behind the scenes release Moderator: 2 questions about ratings... Moderator: Answer says: "What do you think the rating will be?" Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "What rating do you think TS will get (PG, PG-13, etc)?" Missy Good: R. Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: dont know until it is over but i would assure pg-13 Moderator: Answer says: "Noo! Then I will have to get my ID!" LADYHAWKE: whhhyyyyy Missy Missy Good: (G) Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Betcha wind up with an NC-17. :)" Missy Good: no no.... Missy Good: it's not that bad. (g) LADYHAWKE: "r"....big smurk Missy Good: oh... Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "gotta give a little to get a little, Answer" Missy Good: wait.. I did add love scnes. Missy Good: er..scenes... Missy Good: in the third version. Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Her book isnt even NC 17!" Missy Good: I forgot about that. LADYHAWKE: you did...where? Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "ohhh?? extra scenes??? " Moderator: MaryD says: "They are under the bed - you can't see them ;-)" LADYHAWKE: yes Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "lol" Moderator: tlc says: "yea, where?? " LADYHAWKE: you will have to come and see Moderator: Folly says: "bet the foley on those scenes is good though" Missy Good: (g) Moderator: tlc says: "LOL" LADYHAWKE: its all music Missy Good: polka. LADYHAWKE: with slight bed russle LADYHAWKE: whhhhyyy yes it is Moderator: SueG says: "NOOOOOOoooooo" Missy Good: little rose petals floating down... Missy Good: very artistic. Missy Good: apple seeds. Missy Good: (G) Moderator: 2 release location questions: Moderator: MaryD says: "Will it be released here in Australia?" Moderator: the Duchess says: "Is there any chance at all of the movie reaching New Zealand?" LADYHAWKE: depends on the foreign distributor Moderator: and a third... Moderator: Maj|k says: "what about Canada?" LADYHAWKE: i would say yes to aussieland LADYHAWKE: new zealand i am not sure LADYHAWKE: yes to canada Moderator: mmorgaine says: "Which distributors would you like to work with, dvp?" Moderator: the Duchess says: "On behalf of the NZPups, I throw a vehement hissy fit and slink off to drown my sorrows in chocolate milk." LADYHAWKE: miramax LADYHAWKE: october films Moderator: a few music questions on the table: LADYHAWKE: these lights are turning you green Moderator: photomonk says: "speaking of music..what kidn of soundtrack are you aiming for? custom for the movie, or songs by various artists?" Moderator: Snuggle says: "speaking of music... I heard Everlasing Love by Natalie Cole and thought of D&K? any chance you may use it for film?" LADYHAWKE: both LADYHAWKE: no Moderator: photomonk says: "are you/will you take possible ideas for songs?" Missy Good: I don't think they believed me about the polka, Deb. Moderator: the Duchess says: "May I nominate the very talented pup Helen/mmorgaine to compose the soundtrack? :)" LADYHAWKE: are you a song writter Moderator: SueG says: "I did Missy (G)" LADYHAWKE: i dont think they do girl Missy Good: (sigh) Moderator: mmorgaine says: "Are you going to try to license any of the music you put on your compillation disc, dvp?" Moderator: photomonk says: "me? no just a big listener :-)" LADYHAWKE: i am not familiar with her work LADYHAWKE: and i am srious as a heart attack about getting joe loduca LADYHAWKE: to underscore the film Moderator: Answer says: "Yee haw!" Moderator: Zaba says: "Nice, does he do polkas?" Moderator: Snuggle says: "hope you get him dvp! " LADYHAWKE: as far as the supervisor for the songs i am going to try and get melissa e Missy Good: I hear he does a mean polka. Missy Good: the other one. LADYHAWKE: if not LADYHAWKE: i will compile with the music super Moderator: photomonk says: "can we e-mail song suggestions to you?" LADYHAWKE: sure Moderator: a few actress questions.... Moderator: Snuggle says: "so DVP... you said you had a "wish list" of actors... what is it?" LADYHAWKE: shoot Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "What actresses do you have in mind to play the main roles?" Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Wouldn't it be funny if you could get Lucy or ROC to have a cameo?" LADYHAWKE: dar.... LADYHAWKE: this is going to surprise you all Missy Good: Carol Burnett. Moderator: MaryD says: "ROFL!" LADYHAWKE: of course you know about peta wilson Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "MISSY!!" Moderator: photomonk says: "oooh..cqarol burnett and julie andrews!?" Missy Good: heh heh. Moderator: MaryD says: "Oh her bio page is going to be HUGE!" Moderator: the Duchess says: "Missy, your sense of humour is lethal." LADYHAWKE: the other actresses i feel will fit the bill are..... LADYHAWKE: yancy butler......vicky pratt.....and lucy Moderator: Answer says: "Vicky Pratt!!! Yeahh!!!" Moderator: MaryD says: "Isn't Vicky Pratt busy with Cleo2525?" Moderator: Petunia says: "Who is Yancy Butler?" LADYHAWKE: go to your fan stations on google and find out LADYHAWKE: all things are possible Moderator: the Duchess says: "Rhetorical question: when is anyone too busy for Missy?" LADYHAWKE: boy this whole production is starting to sound like a xena fest Missy Good: (bck) Moderator: Petunia says: "What about Kerry?" Moderator: photomonk says: "for kerry... maybe kellie martin?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "nnoooo...really Deb??" LADYHAWKE: i am keeping jerry under wraps for now LADYHAWKE: opps kerry Moderator: the Duchess says: "Gillian... Gillian... Gillian..." Moderator: MaryD says: "Kerry got a name change Deb?" LADYHAWKE: about those typing lessons Missy Good: and you thought I was bad about switching names. Moderator: Folly says: "ooo, jerry ryan?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "whose" Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "For a sec there I thought you might have meant Springer...whoo..what a relief" LADYHAWKE: LOL Moderator: Answer says: "Oh gosh.. ROFL!" Missy Good: BCK! Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I am just glad to know both of you are typers as the rest of" LADYHAWKE: a fingian slip i assure you Moderator: Answer says: "Oh no.. Missy's regressing.." Moderator: Snuggle says: "Does Lucy know about TS? " LADYHAWKE: i am sure she has heard a rumor or two Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Annie says: "Are there asny Major or minor for that matter film industry people involved with the TS at this point in time?" Moderator: Annie says: "any -- my spelling suxz" LADYHAWKE: has she been given a script? LADYHAWKE: no LADYHAWKE: from what aspect? Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "ok, now, everyone, mail LL and tell her about lol" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I bet ol Stevie has mentioned it to her...Steve Sears I mean" Moderator: Petunia says: "What are some of the major changes from the book version?" LADYHAWKE: you are going to have to come and see Missy Good: (g) Moderator: Snuggle says: "will you do Disney World in the film?" LADYHAWKE: no Missy Good: No. LADYHAWKE: give me 5 Missy Good: can yo uimagine what they'd have charged? LADYHAWKE: sheesh dont go there Missy Good: yikes. Moderator: Snuggle says: "how about Pooh bear??" LADYHAWKE: pkay ya got me there Missy Good: (G) Moderator: MaryD says: "Does Renee know about the movie and if so have you considered her for Kerry?" LADYHAWKE: Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "ok, is there going to be a Disney like setting, something least with the hotel room scene???" LADYHAWKE: shall you or i? Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "uh ...oh..." Missy Good: no - the best way I can put it is... Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "That could be a new marketing strategy, come one, come all and see what we changed from the book. :)" LADYHAWKE: no Missy Good: they go along the same journey as the book... Missy Good: but the path's completely different. LADYHAWKE: phew.....thats good...i like that Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "so basically its like a whole new story.." Missy Good: (G) Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "lol" Missy Good: yes. Moderator: Folly says: "so missy, it sounds like it will be a new missy story in ways, cool" Missy Good: it is completely rewritten. Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Like Jurassic Park, eh? Same plot, just twisted to irrecognition." Moderator: photomonk says: "an uber of the uber? *grin*" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "thats cool...makes it more interesting" Moderator: tlc says: "That's why she's the bard!! (G)" LADYHAWKE: no a film of uber Moderator: Maj|k says: "how Dar and Kerry could have met in another dimension " Moderator: Zaba says: "lol" Missy Good: I started from scratch with the 3rd version. Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "I must point out I loved both versions though." Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Oh.......I am definitly going to see this movie now!" Moderator: markski says: "How about Steve Irwin? Any cameos from him?" Missy Good: though... Missy Good: one scene stayed the same in all versions. LADYHAWKE: we have made one of the characters evil Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: okay... Missy Good: two. Moderator: MaryD says: "My favourite scene - the pier scene :-)" Moderator: tlc says: "The kiss on the beach???" Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: what beach? Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "Evil is good" Moderator: Petunia says: "two scenes--or two characters?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: " are such a ....Tease!! lol" Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Who...Cappachino, right? :) " Missy Good: two scenes. Missy Good: remained the same in all versions of the script... Missy Good: though only one was in the book. Moderator: the Duchess says: "::prays for the Bermuda Triangle kiss to be one of the two::" Moderator: Snuggle says: "and the other is how they met?" Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: is there a ribbon for this Missy Good: guess you'll have to come see. LADYHAWKE: yup Moderator: the Duchess says: "Missy, are you ever going to write an UberCait? ::feels a kinship of sorts with Cait:: " LADYHAWKE: the behind the scenes is going to be a keeper as well Moderator: Snuggle says: "oh! I will be threre! " Moderator: Petunia says: "I will still come and see even if I know all the details" Missy Good: in the next Dar and Kerry, as a matter of fact. Missy Good: a military brat Dar runs into on the naval base she goes to analyze. LADYHAWKE: well she is already in mine Moderator: the Duchess says: "{{{{{Missy!}}}}} Gosh! How wonderful! I can't wait!" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "so...reading the book, or online version..hours before going to see the movie, definitly isnt going to help out.." Missy Good: .... LADYHAWKE: well...only a smidge Moderator: photomonk says: "version, i would guess, is the book. are versions 2+ on line at the ladyhawke site?" Moderator: Petunia says: "Will the new script not be posted?" Missy Good: of the script? LADYHAWKE: nope...if i understand you Missy Good: they're not anywhere. Missy Good: bits of version 2 are up on the site. Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "ohhh....crudpuppies! Now I cant wait for this movie" Missy Good: none of three. Moderator: the Duchess says: "Except the cavernous depths of the Alpha's head..." Missy Good: actually - it's in Debby's hands now. Missy Good: not in my head. (G) LADYHAWKE: and a few elves Moderator: elves! LADYHAWKE: well you know Moderator: ELVES LADYHAWKE: handy helpers Moderator: heh Moderator: Folly says: "Debby, can you say alittle about the behind the scenes movie?" LADYHAWKE: what would you like to know Moderator: is Missy at any time bowling in it? Moderator: Petunia says: "Will it be outtakes?" Missy Good: no LADYHAWKE: missy IS IN it to be sure Missy Good: there will be no onscreen bowling. Moderator: SueG says: "I would like to request that you only film my good side (BSEG)" Missy Good: I will do badminton, but no bowling. Moderator: Folly says: "well, you are doing to productions at once..... can you share a little about what you hope to capture in it besides Missy?" LADYHAWKE: snicker Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I will do the bowling scene!! " Moderator: the elves will bowl LADYHAWKE: everything that happens behind the scenes...interviews..just a lot of fun Moderator: markski says: "I thought most of the pups were "bowlers"" LADYHAWKE: yes......the elves......thats it......the elves Moderator: SueG says: "I understand Llach was hired by the Alley owner as the new pro to give bowling lessons." LADYHAWKE: LOLLOLLOL..... LADYHAWKE: she is a good duster Moderator: funny, I just had a conf. call on Friday with the folks who did the "Elf bowling" animation....coincidence?? Moderator: I think not! LADYHAWKE: scre me Moderator: Folly says: "I thought llach was hired to "sweep" the alleys?" Moderator: SueG says: "gives new meaning to the term "Ass Wiping"" LADYHAWKE: sigh LADYHAWKE: no LADYHAWKE: thats a groan Moderator: SueG says: "sorry couldn't resist." LADYHAWKE: you are the go there gal Missy Good: yow. Missy Good: be nice to Llach. Moderator: Petunia says: "Where will this" behind the scenes" be available?" Missy Good: did you all know she has to travel by canoe just to get to the airport to come to cons? LADYHAWKE: is she here??? Moderator: don't think so, Debby LADYHAWKE: yeah.....i did hear that rumor Moderator: Folly says: "It was great to see the two of you together on stage live in Pasadena. It was just like a palace chat but with answers " Moderator: lol Missy Good: heh. LADYHAWKE: lol LADYHAWKE: it was great to finally be with her Missy Good: I had a great time in Pasadena Missy Good: I"m realy clear now on the route between Pasadena and LAX, as well. LADYHAWKE: arent we all Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I just think its great, to be able to see all this in process, and just wanted to thank Deb and Missy for sharing this experience with us." Missy Good: it's really exciting for me. LADYHAWKE: absolutly Missy Good: much more so than reconfiguring routers. LADYHAWKE: god i hope so Moderator: photomonk says: "lol" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "I am kicking myself for not attending any of the PUP Pasadena..least I will make up for it in Orlando.." Missy Good: I wish we were starting to do the pre stuff next week. (G) LADYHAWKE: you and me both Missy Good: (then I could legitimately take my leave of absence right in th emiddle of this annoying project "I'm doing) Moderator: photomonk says: "hey if you all need a stills photographer, i'm available *grin*" LADYHAWKE: lol LADYHAWKE: you can come and do fund raising noww if you like Moderator: Snuggle says: "how about pups in the film? any place we can be used?" Missy Good: Oh, gee.. sorry guys.. I have to go help them film my movie... later... Moderator: tlc says: "ahh but if not for reconfiguring routers, we wouldn't be here! (G)" LADYHAWKE: yes...i have several in mind Missy Good: actually, I just got a promotion. LADYHAWKE: both on the screen and behind options Moderator: yay Missy! Moderator: Snuggle says: "congrats Missy! " Moderator: SueG says: "Congrats Missy !! " Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "congrats. :D" Missy Good: thenk kew. Moderator: photomonk says: "way to go, missy!" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Congrats!" LADYHAWKE: sneezing again Missy Good: I just recieved the title for the job I've been doing for six months.. but you know how it goes. (G) Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "now you can afford a spell checker.." Missy Good: nah.. you don't get a raise with it. (G) Moderator: oddly enough...that sounds familiar, Missy Moderator: MaryD says: "What roles would or could be filled by pups, Deb?" Moderator: Snuggle says: "what's the new title Missy?" Missy Good: least I got the title. Missy Good: You know.. LADYHAWKE: production assistants...and extras Missy Good: I hav eno idea. Moderator: SueG says: "VP Operations???" Missy Good: (G) Moderator: MaryD says: "cool" Missy Good: Nah.. it's my old boss Tom's job. LADYHAWKE: and if there are any people in the industry who want to supmit their resume we will take it for consideration Moderator: Zaba says: "You need a dog handler?" Moderator: Folly says: "so now we just call you Tom??" Missy Good: do I get to be the technical consultant still, Deb? Missy Good: sure you can call me tom if you want. Missy Good: at leas tnow, I get a bigger cubby wtih a window. Moderator: a new title AND a new cubby! LADYHAWKE: not bad missy Moderator: photomonk says: "i see another round of merpups shirts out of that" Moderator: Folly says: "oh cool, scan a pic of it in for us missy" LADYHAWKE: yes....absolutely LADYHAWKE: and you are in it LADYHAWKE: the film that is Missy Good: what. my cubby? Missy Good: oh... Moderator: scan in a pic of you weilding your newfound power, Missy Missy Good: oh.. the film. Moderator: the Duchess says: "Sorry I'm slow in saying this -- I was away -- CONGRATULATIONS MISSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's your job title, might I ask?" Missy Good: yeah.. I'm checking cables under Dar's desk.. I remember now. LADYHAWKE: in the mother ship Missy Good: I have no idea. LADYHAWKE: and one of the characters has been renamed Missy Missy Good: Technical development supervisior, I think. Moderator: Missy is VP of Movie Scripts Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Is Dar at the desk at the time?? " Moderator: Folly says: "hhhhhaaaaa, I hope not the evil one" Missy Good: Mel - absolutely. Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "The dog!! lol" Missy Good: yes.. the dog. Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: woof. Moderator: the Duchess says: "::nods seriously:: We're most impressed. Aren't we, guys? ::NUDGE::" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "LOL" Missy Good: sure.. I'll be in the movie, as long as I don't have to say anything. Missy Good: (G) LADYHAWKE: =) LADYHAWKE: somehow i dont think you will have to LADYHAWKE: say anyting Missy Good: cool. Moderator: Folly says: "YOu don't have to talk Missy, you just have to be the body double in the love scene" Missy Good: (G) Missy Good: (laughing hysterically) Missy Good: I'll stick to checking cables under Dar's desk, thanks. Moderator: it's a hard job but someone's gotta do it, Missy LADYHAWKE: damn you werent suppose to tell her just yet Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Missy doesnt want to scare people away!!" Moderator: MaryD says: "Is she's Dar's Double or Kerry's double?" Moderator: MaryD says: "Or both ;-)" Missy Good: I could be Kerry's desk ornament. Missy Good: or a lamp. Moderator: Folly says: "I think she takes turns as double doesn't she debby?" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Be Pooh Bear!" Missy Good: I know folly's been tapped as the seats in the Lexus. Missy Good: and Laur is, of course, The Shower. LADYHAWKE: there will be NO doubles Moderator: MaryD says: "Gosh she writes the script, does the under the desk duty and also doubles! Big job there Missy :-)" Missy Good: i live to serve. Moderator: Folly says: "And Debby will you be in it?? "you don't play you don't win??"" Moderator: Answer says: "Gotta change that MERWOLF-DOM thing, then." Missy Good: heh heh. LADYHAWKE: i will be too busy being Queen Missy Good: I just paid my MERWOLF-DOM fees for the next two years. Moderator: photomonk says: "like ln's queen?" Missy Good: we're getting Debby a whip to go wtih her portable air conditioning. Moderator: oh my LADYHAWKE: you are just full of surprises Moderator: MaryD says: "Thanks for the next birthday idea Missy :-)" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Oh..we talking bout that leather scene for EOTS now??? " Missy Good: (chuckle) Missy Good: I love being a nerd. LADYHAWKE: hummm...this could get interesting Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: MaryD says: "Goes with the outfit you have on too :-)" LADYHAWKE: irish kicking in there bets Moderator: SueG says: "poor Betsy -" Missy Good: what, fuzzy yellow? Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "" Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "All I can say is Kerry's reaction to the stores what I woulsd do.." Moderator: MaryD says: "Not you Missy...Deb :-)" Missy Good: ah. Missy Good: (g) LADYHAWKE: i missed something here Missy Good: where did you get lost Missy Good: yow! Missy Good: I had my damn speakers on loud! LADYHAWKE: fuzzy yellow Moderator: Mel...ROCaholic says: "Me too" Moderator: Folly says: "the whip and the leather connection" LADYHAWKE: not oyu Missy Good: oh.. they said the whip would go with your outfit... Missy Good: and I said... 'fuzzy yellow?" meaining MINE... Moderator: Lorana, The_Muse says: "" LADYHAWKE: lol Missy Good: and Mary said.... no, not you, Debby. Missy Good: and I said, Oh. Moderator: Folly says: "thank you for that informative reccap" LADYHAWKE: thank god you type fast Missy Good: that's my job. Moderator: any other questions for the VP of Movie Scripts and the Queen tonight? Moderator: tlc says: "Missy now also does play by play" Missy Good: Of course. Moderator: SueG says: "Nope - other than wondering how Missy's house is coming along??" Missy Good: you should see me in engineering meetings describing packet fracture. Missy Good: I'll either be moving in three weeks, or end of June. Missy Good: I'll know tomorrow. Missy Good: i'm hoping now it's in three weeks.. cause of Deb's projected schedule. Moderator: markski says: "why is Missy only VP of Movie Scripts? She should be CEO" Moderator: okay, Missy, you're promoted to CEO Moderator: MaryD says: "Debby is CEO" Missy Good: Gab the Lab says hi to everyone. Moderator: oops Moderator: Snuggle says: "will you be in orlando for sure Missy?" Missy Good: yup. Missy Good: I've got my plane tickets already. Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "You have a dog named Gabrielle?" Missy Good: Yep.. a cream colored Lab. Moderator: Answer says: "Give Gab a tummy rub for us. :)" Missy Good: will do. Moderator: Alright, let's take this to casual chat, back in the regular palace rooms Missy Good: give Betsy a break.(G) Moderator: Thanks everyone, for coming to the chat tonight Missy Good: thanks guys... Moderator: Folly says: "thanks guys" Moderator: photomonk says: "thanks to all!" LADYHAWKE: thanks Betsy Moderator: see ya next month! Moderator: Petunia says: "Thanks Betsy and Deb and Missy" Moderator: Snuggle says: "thanks so much for being here dvp and Missy! " Moderator: SueG says: "OK - Thanks Guys." LADYHAWKE: you are all very welcome Moderator: the Duchess says: "Mille grazie, Missy & Ladyhawke... :)" Moderator: Freya Lorelei says: "Thank you Betsy, Missy and debby" LADYHAWKE left the stage. Missy Good left the stage. The PalacePresents event "TS 6, take 2!" is over. Thank you for attending.