18:55:34 - Opening Log *** PLEASE BEGIN ENTERING THE MISSY GOOD CHAT ROOM .. ROOM LIST, About the third room on the list *pooka: hiya *Zaphod: greetings *Zonetrooper©: Howdy *Zaphod: Hey Ag Shawna: woohoo Shawna: finally Agma: hey zaph! *Zaphod: drunk allready ?? =) Nic: I made it Lynn: thats better Shawna: so happy! Agma: naw, just acting like it Chiclet: Uh, am I nekkid?! *L* *Maryellen©: ok it is fixed *Zaphod: ^ok people, read your log *BG: Psycho Puppy: )YES !@190,55 Hello! *BG: Psycho Puppy is here!! *Brat™: @100,100 !Hello, *Brat™ is here! *Brat™: Eep! Alex's Little Angel: WooHoo! Alex's Little Angel: *MegBot™: haha *Zaphod: . Alex's Little Angel: I LOVE that trick terripup: where am I!1 *Brat™: oops.. Alex's Little Angel: Cute room *Red™: sorry.. easier like that *pooka: anyone wishing to save the log file has to open one terripup: ok, I found myself. *Zaphod: run meg tlc: guess we made it! *Red™: thanks Zaph Alex's Little Angel: Thanks Zaph! Alex's Little Angel: Hate that thing! Merwolf: ah.. that's better. *Zaphod: well, she was sitting on me ... not that i would mind =) Alex's Little Angel: *Zaphod: Hi Missy ... *pooka: welcome merwolf Shawna: ^brb *Zaphod: :wonder whats up there cellus98: ©©©©©©©©©©©© Merwolf: seems ok *Zaphod: shouldnt it be the other way Merwolf: why would wizards care what machine name you logged onto two weeks ago? Alex's Little Angel: terripup: Zap, u seem comfortable. Alex's Little Angel: ??? *Brat™: Huh? Merwolf: just curious. (g) Lynn: i have no response to that... Merwolf: phil? *Zaphod: ^lost Alex's Little Angel: I don't know nothing! *Red™: mmmmmmachine name terripup: don't even know whatcha talking about. Merwolf: (g) never mind... Shawna: back *Zaphod: techno geek show off Merwolf: I am a technogeek, yes. cellus98: ** Missy Good Chat ** Merwolf: shh.. the room is talking. *Zaphod: and a show off =) *Red™: the domain name or user name, M? Merwolf: tell ya later PHil.. *Red™: k *** Ok folks here are the chat guidelines.. please pay attention to them so that we all may enjoy the chat *** First of all, to attend the chat, please wear a small, non animated av *** If you have a question or commet for Merwolf put up a ^q and wait until she calls on you *** please keep the chatter between you and others to whispers if you need to say something to somebody *** or go to no prop at all *** so that all may know what is going on in the chat without confusion *Red™: ;) terripup: can u go no prop? Merwolf: okay.. I have a tennis ball, I"m safe. Shawna: tis nekid otehrwise terri :-) terripup: nz, got to take off ur shirt. Nic: bounce...bounce *Zaphod: :better Merwolf: I like that recliner.. that's cute. terripup: wow, skinny dip..nice. *pooka: look like my real one *NZ_Jester©: here is a nice AV you can copy for the chat terripup: wow, that's neat.nz Merwolf: so.. what's up? Nic: cool...I like it *pooka: congratulations missy on ts becoming a movie *Zaphod: you´re the on looking up, you tell us M =) Merwolf: yeah.. that was very cool. Alex's Little Angel: ^Q *pooka: you must be busy with the screenplay and all Merwolf: it's been a little weird... Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf: actually, the screen play is complete. Merwolf: barring some minor edits... Merwolf: I finshed that before they announced the site. *Brat™: ^??? Alex's Little Angel: Missy? Will the movie be released everywhere? *** thank you all for attending and I believe we are all ready to start :-) Merwolf: that I don't know.. that's up to Debby - she knwos all that stuff. *pooka: how is the casting going Alex's Little Angel: k Merwolf: again... there have been some casting discussions... and certainly, we all have people in mind, but nothing formal.. Merwolf: well, one thing formal, only, has been done. Merwolf: yes brat? *Brat™: How were you first approched on the topic of possibilty of adapting TS into a movie? Merwolf: Debby emailed me. Nic: the movie is in the preliminary stages...we still have a long way to go yet Merwolf: in November, in fact. Shawna: ^Q Merwolf: she said she liked the story, and wanted to purchase the option. *Brat™: no wonder.. =) Merwolf: I was surprised, to say the least. Shari: did you burst out laughing? Merwolf: (g) tlc: ??? Merwolf: I said.. "Sure.. sounds like fun." Merwolf: "What's an option?" Nic: haha tlc: LOL Merwolf: I think probably SHE laughed. Alex's Little Angel: LOL Shari: lol Merwolf: I have no knowledge of that stuff... Grlband1: ^q Alex's Little Angel: I'll bet Merwolf: yes Shawna? I can't see. Shawna: is there any one inparticular you had in mind for casting? Merwolf: sure. tlc: ^Q Merwolf: the same ones you all did. Merwolf: (g0 Merwolf: But I don't think I can get them. terripup: Angie! Shawna: :-) Shawna: oh terripup: :( Merwolf: that's why I stay out of casting comments... Shawna: Im sure yuo'll get some real good cast members :-) Merwolf: because I hav ea very fixed picture in my head as to what they look like. Merwolf: tlb? down in the corner tlc: since the screenplay is finished, what part do you play now? Merwolf: right now? Debby's doing all the work. *Zaphod: °Q *Zaphod: ^Q Merwolf: I kind of sit back, and wait for changes to be needed on the script. Merwolf: my part's really done, until they start filming. tlc: Enjoy!! Alex's Little Angel: ^Q *pooka: :? Merwolf: Zaph? *Zaphod: Will you show up in the movie, like Hitchkock Merwolf: (chuckle) That's up to Debby and the director Nic: oooh a cameo Merwolf: Alex? *Zaphod: =) terripup: u should! Alex's Little Angel: Have you made any/many changes to the story? Or is it pretty much the same? *pooka: ^q Merwolf: hmm. Merwolf: that's kind of hard to say. Merwolf: it begins, and ends in the same place. Merwolf: and the middle charts the same story.. Merwolf: but it's very different than the book. Merwolf: I had to take out a LOT. Alex's Little Angel: Can't wait! {{HUGS}} Alex's Little Angel: Aww! Nic: a fair amount of story must have been cut to fit sceenplay format Merwolf: me neither. (g) Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf: sure... gloworm: and the book is different than the online story, right> Merwolf: it's 120 pages of screenplay... Merwolf: glo - yes. Merwolf: not substantially.. Merwolf: but there are definite changes. Merwolf: added parts.. tlc: ^Q Alex's Little Angel: Good changes? Merwolf: added flashbacks.. Merwolf: I think so.. Alex's Little Angel: You happy with them all? *pooka: ^q Nic: can't wait for teh book Merwolf: yes... Merwolf: tlb? Alex's Little Angel: Good Merwolf: me either... Merwolf: (can't wait for the book) tlc: Can you give a clue how you dealt w/all the thoughts in the story Alex's Little Angel: *G* tlc: w/out them talking to themselves Merwolf: well, in the screen play you can't - you have to depend on th dialog, and the performers to bring that out for you. Merwolf: Mostly by the dialog. *pooka: ^^q Merwolf: it was an interesting experieence... Merwolf: pooka? *pooka: will the screeplay be for sale when the picture is finished Merwolf: Hmm... Merwolf: I don't know - but I'll ask Debby. *pooka: and when will d and k make another apperance *pooka: i miss them Merwolf: after I finish Dark comes the morning. Merwolf: so do I... *NZ_Jester©: ^? Merwolf: but I can only type so much in a day. (g) *Zaphod: ^Q *Brat™: Nic: Dar's taping at Missy's shoulder Merwolf: NZ Lynn: ^Q Merwolf: dar's more polite than Xena. *pooka: i know and we appeciate the time you put into everythoing *NZ_Jester©: you making a gust apperance in the movie in a cameo? Merwolf: (g) Not up to me... you have to ask Debby that. Merwolf: Zaph? *Zaphod: What will you write after the actual X/G story ... another X/G or an Dar/Kerry ?? Alex's Little Angel: You should, we'll asll sit there and say . . . Merwolf: Dar and Kerry - it's the sequel to HW. Alex's Little Angel: "THERE SHE IS!" *Brat™: ^q Merwolf: Lynn? Lynn: I know you have a "regular" job, do you see your writing becoming a new career? Merwolf: that depends. Merwolf: if this is sucessful.... then I would consider it, yes. gloworm: ooh that's not a no *Zaphod: cool Merwolf: Brat? *Brat™: Do you have an title for the D&K squel? Merwolf: a title... no. Merwolf: not yet... Merwolf: I was thinking about that the other day. *pooka: plot Merwolf: but when I title it... Merwolf: I have to start writing it.. so... gloworm: ???? Merwolf: glow? *Brat™: okies =) *pooka: :i cant wait Shawna: ^Q Nic: we''l brain storm in Orlando for title ideas Lynn: hey, I'm an Okie! gloworm: We' going to see any Cait/pal action in DCTM? Merwolf: (g) Merwolf: hmm...how do yo umean action?? (laughing) Shari: I think you'll be busy Nic. Merwolf: they're definitely in it... Merwolf: I just put Cait in the last update. Nic: hehe I hope so Nic: gloworm: Whoops, not like that, (g>but just them getting closer Merwolf: yes. gloworm: they haven't been around much Merwolf: remember.. it's been a year since we've seen them i my stuff. Merwolf: Shawna? Shawna: What got you so interested and ispired onto writing in the first place? Shari: time flys Merwolf: that's a good question. Merwolf: I have no idea. Shawna: hehe :-) Merwolf: I saw the quest, and it just went on from there. terripup: inspired by the Muse. tlc: ^Q Shawna: well Im glad youre doing it:-) Alex's Little Angel: :thank god for the quest! Merwolf: dlb Merwolf: tlb..sorry Shari: good thing you couldn't change the channel tlc: did you write any before that Alex's Little Angel: LOL shari Merwolf: a few short (three or four) page stories for Pern fandom. Merwolf: about six, seven years ago. Merwolf: other than that, no. tlc: incredible! Shari: Did you write when you were a kid? Merwolf: nope. Holly: ^Q Merwolf: and if you saw my handwriting.. you'd know why. Merwolf: (G) terripup: :) Alex's Little Angel: lol Merwolf: down by teh bottom? cant' read you rname. Shari: I saw..it's not that bad Holly: Are you going to MK or Con on Sunday? *Brat™: ^q Merwolf: Magic Kingdom.. and maybe when I get back, I'll drop by the con. Holly: Great Merwolf: I 'd like to see Claire, if I could. Shari: Claire is great Merwolf: Brat? *Brat™: Is there a way us pups not going to the con can obtain an autographed copy of the book? *Zaphod: :Oh yeah Merwolf: I think Robin is working on bookplates.. Shawna: ooo yes! Alex's Little Angel: :need to know that . . . Merwolf: to save everyone the freaking cash of sending that darn thing.. Merwolf: it's huge... Alex's Little Angel: lol *Brat™: kewlies.. thank you Alex's Little Angel: Cool! tlc: great idea! *Zaphod: woohoo Shawna: yay! Alex's Little Angel: YEAH! Merwolf: yeah... 470 pages.. yeesh. *Brat™: keep ur auto hand strong! Alex's Little Angel: *Zaphod: WOOHOO Shari: btw, thanks for writing epics. Merwolf: and that's with small margins. Merwolf: it's illustrated! Merwolf: that's so cool. Shari: most lesbian fiction is way too short Nic: great for the beach *Zaphod: WOW terripup: can't wait for my book to arrive! Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf we love you! Shawna: :-) *pooka: ^q Merwolf: they surprised me of rthat. *Brat™: ^Q Merwolf: er.. with that. tlc: ^Q Merwolf: pooka? *pooka: when does it ship the book that is Merwolf: well, Robin had the proof copy on Thursday.. she was going to review and approve it, then tell them to go ahead iwht theprinting.. she will have some for this Friday, my guess is they'll start shippin Merwolf: a day or so before that. terripup: wow, i may get mine today. *pooka: i have the printed copy but would like to order a book copy Alex's Little Angel: I want to order book copy too Shawna: ^G Shawna: ^Qeven Merwolf: so I figure you should see them by the weekend. Merwolf: tlb? tlc: how is it illustrated? who are the models? or just locations. Merwolf: illustrated by some of the online authors. Merwolf: (g0 Merwolf: of fanfic art. Merwolf: who very graciously gave permsission for their pics to be included. Merwolf: shawna? Shawna: is there any way other than online to purchase this book? Shari: sounds great Merwolf: see me in Orlando, or New York, or Atlanta.. I think I'll have them there.. and Robin is working on getting them in local stores.. terripup: u can call and paid by credit card. that's how I did. Merwolf: probalby in the local gay/lesbian bookstores.. the printer is part of Alex's Little Angel: I'm in England - can I order online? Merwolf: Ingram, so it'l be in their catalog. Shawna: dont have credit and im not the west coast :-( Shawna: easti mean Alex's Little Angel: Can I get a copy being over here in England? Merwolf: so.. if they dont have it, they'll be able to order it. (local stores) Shawna: great:-) Merwolf: yes - the online thing ships overseas. Alex's Little Angel: Cool, thanks Merwolf: you have to print something out.. I think. tlc: you can order snail mail w/check or money order also Merwolf: Brat? *Brat™: you mean Barbara Mclcay's work? (tbd answerd my original question) *Brat™: sorry a bit ahead now.. lol Merwolf: she is one of the artists, yes. *Brat™: whoooo! Merwolf: tehre's one pic of hers, of them on the couch with the laptop, that I requested in. *Brat™: :one very happy merpup here! Merwolf: and I think they got it. Alex's Little Angel: ^Q Merwolf: yes, Alex's Angel? Alex's Little Angel: Will the film come out over here in England? Alex's Little Angel: :please . . .!!! *Zaphod: Yeah Merwolf: I dont know - because that's out of my realm of understanding. Alex's Little Angel: Okays :0( Merwolf: I know that Debby does have a lot of contacts in the distribution world.. *Zaphod: lets cross fingers Merwolf: since that's what she's in... Alex's Little Angel: I'll keep praying Alex's Little Angel: Alex's Little Angel: keep us posted? Merwolf: she'd be better to answer these kind of q's... Merwolf: in fact, Phil.. why dont' you as HER to do a palace chat?' Shari: good idea *Zaphod: hehe *NZ_Jester©: ^? *pooka: :good idea tlc: YES *Brat™: I was just thinking that... Alex's Little Angel: Why can't we have BOTH of you Nic: excellant idea Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf: NZ? *Zaphod: yeah and a few other peopl too =) Alex's Little Angel: *NZ_Jester©: Is it gooing to the box office or direct to video? *pooka: ladyhawke has a web site with ts the movie info Merwolf: see? another question I can't answer. Shari: I think Debby said box office Alex's Little Angel: Hmm, lets ask story questions then! *Brat™: ^Q Merwolf: a lot will depend on what's going on wtih the movie at the time.. I believe it should go to the box office, though. Merwolf: that's what she planned. Merwolf: Brat? *Brat™: what inspired you to start writing D and K? Merwolf: Filler. Shari: lol tlc: LOL Merwolf: I had a couple months down time between X and G. Lynn: lol Chiclet: G* *Brat™: what was behind that filler? lol Merwolf: and I'd been thinking about the uber. Shawna: :-) Merwolf: so I decided to do ashort, two parter. Merwolf: that turned into the sixteen parts of TS. Nic: short? haha *Brat™: :short.. yah right.. =) Alex's Little Angel: LOL Merwolf: no.. the original ending was at part 2. *pooka: :im so glad it did Chiclet: ??? tlc: thank the gods! Merwolf: chiclet? Chiclet: DO you write a lot of poetry? You've had gorgeous stuff for Gab,... Merwolf: no.. Merwolf: (laughing) Chiclet: *G* Merwolf: in fact.. whenever I have to do that.. Merwolf: it's murder. Chiclet: It's true! *Brat™: :bet Llach would hate that queistion... Shari: lol Brat Shawna: :-) gloworm: Artemis' girdle--I love Amazon phrases Nic: haha Alex's Little Angel: LOL, me too Glo Merwolf: I sweat over all that stuff. Merwolf: it's like. oh god.. not another poem! Chiclet: It doesn't show! tlc: love the poetry disclaimers Merwolf: the worst was Dar's song. Shari: I'd figure..Gab is just telling them to you. Lynn: me too, Shari Merwolf: no.. i have to get inside Gab's head for that. Merwolf: because poetry is a very personal thing. ajsidon: will ya continue with them raising Dori? Shari: no esp sith them, huh Merwolf: sure.. Dori gets to grow up. (G) ajsidon: :-) gloworm: How quick is that going to happen? Nic: teenaged Dori ..*shudder* Merwolf: I haven't decided... ajsidon: lol tlc: LOL Nic Merwolf: though I do have a teenage Dori story very much in mind. tlc: YES Merwolf: (actually.. it's a Dori, plus her friends... Merwolf: the triplets, the twins..) Shari: that would make X like 45..oy the aches gloworm: Doesn't that age X&G too though? Xena at 45? Merwolf: what a pack. ajsidon: :-) Merwolf: yes, it does. Lynn: I love it! Missy has many future plans! Merwolf: they get to grow older too. Merwolf: it happens in life. (g) tlc: :-) Shawna: Merwolf: I try to be realistic... gloworm: Can't wait till X finds a gray hair tlc: ^Q Merwolf: as much as I can when I have someone jumping over ravines. Samson: yep Merwolf: (laugh) Mongke: Why does Xena think she might be going downhill? Merwolf: she's been doing this a long time. Merwolf: tlb? tlc: where did ya come up w/"Boo"? Merwolf: Boo. Merwolf: Well... Merwolf: I don't know... Merwolf: but someone wrote to me and said... Merwolf: you do know.. Merwolf: that boo is what chinese children call... Merwolf: their father... before they can really speak well. Merwolf: I was floored. (G) Shari: cool tlc: interesting...she has such a cute relationship w/both. Shawna: thats cute :-) Merwolf: I like boo. Chiclet: *sigh* I have to go to work. Thanks everybody. Thanks Missy! *Zaphod: bye Shari: bye Shawna: bye ajsidon: bye Merwolf: I think its totally ridiculous that a person like Xena would be called boo. Mongke: bye Lynn: bye chicklet, liked you questions Merwolf: which makes it fun. Lynn: chiclet tlc: that's what makes it great--only Dori! *Zaphod: fits though ... imho ajsidon: yeah Nic: yah..almost as bad as honeybear Merwolf: Also... Shari: it's perfect..she's a big mush at heart Merwolf: a coworker of mine.. calls his honey 'boo boo" Merwolf: maybe that stuck. (G0 *Brat™: lol Shari: animals always know..and they love X Merwolf: it's also an easy sound for an infant to make. Merwolf: Xena would be tougher. *pooka: ^q Merwolf: pooka? *Zaphod: ever tried the german way to pronounce Xena ?? =) Merwolf: uh.. no.. the english way's hard enough. *Zaphod: Thinks you =) *pooka: without giving any spoilers away "what do you think of the direction xwp is taking" Merwolf: what do I think. Merwolf: Hmm. Merwolf: I think it has the potential of either being very good, or really bad. Merwolf: depends on what they do. Lynn: ^Q *pooka: i like it so far Merwolf: I've liked a lot of fourth season. Merwolf: I really liked Takes one.. which other folks didn't. Merwolf: and Endgame/Ides was very intense. *pooka: i liked ides terripup: wow, I love those two eps. Merwolf: Lynn. Alex's Little Angel: Get to see ides in 15mins! Lynn: What about Steven Sears leaving, I love his stories! *pooka: and friedman Merwolf: Well, Steve just got a better offer.. and he's still going to be writing XWP. Merwolf: you havne't seen the last of him there, I"m sure. tlc: good deal!! Shawna: whew Merwolf: Liz is writing for Hercules.. I think she maybe needed a break, but I dont know for sure. Lynn: good, I love the way he crafts X&G into history and legend without leaving "tracks" Alex's Little Angel: Is Herc cancelled or not? Shari: I read that she wanted to try writing Merwolf: Herc is, to the best of my knowledge, done. Alex's Little Angel: Aww Merwolf: but you never know. Alex's Little Angel: I hope it's not Merwolf: I think Kevin wanted to move on... Merwolf: and do other things. Alex's Little Angel: I'll kill him! :0) Shawna: hehe Alex's Little Angel: I love that show! *NZ_Jester©: the talk is er will only go for half a season Merwolf: hey.. he's entitled... Alex's Little Angel: Shari: He's onto Rodenberry's new show Alex's Little Angel: I know Alex's Little Angel: But still . . . *NZ_Jester©: the talk is Herc will only go for half a season Merwolf: eight eps. Nic: all good things must end eventually Shawna: mmhhmm :-( Shari: bite your tongue Nic Alex's Little Angel: I guess *sniffle* but hey, maybe it'll revive oneday *pooka: ^c Merwolf: I"m kinda curious how they're going to do the pregnancy... Lynn: that was going thru my mind watching IOM Nic: hey... Alex's Little Angel: Hmm, me too Merwolf: will they really do it.. Merwolf: or will they shoot around it.. tlc: please NO Merwolf: and I think a lot will have to do with Lucy. Shari: I read that Lucy ordered a new design for her leathers Nic: Xena standing behind ardo alot Merwolf: well, sure... Merwolf: (g) gloworm: It certainly won't be LL doing all of that kicking either *NZ_Jester©: Kevin is ment to be going to do a Gene Roddenverry Series Idea being set up by Rodenberrys Widow Merwolf: they could cut things so that she could film longer wihtout showing much. Shawna: how can you shoot aroundt a pregnant woman? shes gonna be huge :-) Merwolf: well, not really. Alex's Little Angel: Mongke: I think Gab will become Xena's bodyguard now tlc: happens alot! Merwolf: remember, she's due in October. Lynn: its been done before! Shari: the magic of filming Merwolf: they're on hiatus from August to October. *Maryellen©: head and shoulder shots Shawna: ah Nic: they can do extra filming before she starts showing too bad Merwolf: so, she'll finish shooting at six montsh. gloworm: They'd have a harder time with Renee because of her outfits Merwolf: that was very good timing. tlc: lol Merwolf: yes, Renee would have a toughter time. (g) *NZ_Jester©: they could do a lot of nice flashbacks to the Amazon & Centar war when she had Salon Shawna: :-) Merwolf: sure... Lynn: LOL Shari: sounds like good planning Merwolf: they could do that.. Rhiannon Silverflame: Please, I don't want to think about anything obscuring those abs :) Merwolf: yes... Alex's Little Angel: Lynn: amen Riannon Merwolf: So, if they had to do it.. it was timed perfectly. Merwolf: or as much as it could be. *pooka: :i wonder if xena will have a baby Merwolf: If they write it in... Merwolf: as in Xena having a child.. terripup: I hope not. Nic: I think Lucy and Rob did some planning withthe baby and teh show Lynn: agreed Nic Merwolf: they COULD use that to really heal some of the stuff between X an G Lynn: agreed Missy! Merwolf: given that they both lost a child. Rhiannon Silverflame: I'd definitely like to see that happen. Alex's Little Angel: Hmm, me too gloworm: as in they raise it together? Merwolf: if they wrote it right... Merwolf: it could give that back to them. Alex's Little Angel: That's a good idea - but have to be carefully writen Merwolf: but w'ell see. terripup: wow, that will be maintext. Mongke: mmm thing like Gab attending the childbirth gloworm: depends on the father too Merwolf: Right. Merwolf: depends on the father... Merwolf: they could go with a love interest... terripup: my partner thought would be Marcus. Nic: maybe gabby has a new skill Alex's Little Angel: They always die . . . Shari: you mean appleseed. Lynn: LOL Nic Alex's Little Angel: LOL Nic Merwolf: or they could do it via the gods, or whatever. Rhiannon Silverflame: *teehee* Alex's Little Angel: Hmm, Ares? Merwolf: Maybe Ares, sure. *pooka: but who are the gods now Lynn: I like the gods idea... Merwolf: that gets squicky, though. Alex's Little Angel: Yeah tlc: lol terripup: who knows. Maybe Xena will be like Virgin Mary. gloworm: too incestuous, don't you think? Merwolf: yeah.. Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf: but I like Kevin Smith, so... Merwolf: (g) Alex's Little Angel: They should include gods more though *Zaphod: LOL Shawna: mmhhmm Alex's Little Angel: I like it when the gods are around! Mongke: perhaps that kid Amand, she saw him Marcus like Alex's Little Angel: Lynn: yeah, anything can happen.. Merwolf: yep.. we'll just ahve to see. Shari: ?? ajsidon: right *pooka: ^q Merwolf: I tihnk a lot of folks are gettin anxious.. *NZ_Jester©: mabe another body swap ep where her bodie gets pregnant while someone else has control of it Merwolf: becasuse of the ender.. and the pregnancy... Merwolf: I think we should just wait and see. Alex's Little Angel: Not again! Rhiannon Silverflame: Great combination for making everyone insane over the summer Alex's Little Angel: Merwolf: it may be great... *Red™: ^OTCs Merwolf: it may be stinky... Alex's Little Angel: I hoep they do it well!!!!! Merwolf: but ther'e sno point in worrying all summer. Rhiannon Silverflame: I'm trying not to speculate too much on it Merwolf: right. Lynn: right *pooka: there was a baby in "in between the lines" on using a PC. #149 since last cycle. Shari: ^Q Merwolf: yes, there was. Rhiannon Silverflame: I'm watching people do that and the speculation is going way off the deep end Merwolf: (a baby) Samson: q Nic: nope no worries...just me and my copy of TS at teh beach Rhiannon Silverflame: Whoa, you're right Merwolf: Shari? Shari: Any comments on Lunacy's semi-retirement? Merwolf: Dunno.. I haven' talked wiht her about it... I will this weekend. I think it sucks, but I dont' blame her. Alex's Little Angel: She'll be missed Shari: I'm with you there ajsidon: Ditto Lynn: yep tlc: ^Q Merwolf: hey... I'll be right back, guys... *Red™: I don't want to give the impression of rushing anything, as long as Missy feels 'ok with talking, cool ... but I want to say a few things while you asre here.... *** The staff of My Corner© would like to thank Missy! She rushed home from teaching a class this morning to do this chat .. *** I think we all owe her,again, for that! *** You're more than welcome to hang out and party for a while. Brat has made TS T-shirts and Caps and .... *** there will be a gathering in the MerwolfPack Pub following the chat. *** Also, this palace is on the large side, there is a lot here! Feel free to explore and ask any staff members for any help if needed. *** Thank you all for attending and rspecially Missy. Missy ROCs! Shari: Hey Nic..you ready for FL? Nic: yup terripup: can't go to Orlando..gotta to make living. Alex's Little Angel: Can't go to orlando live in England Alex's Little Angel: Too expensive for lil me Shari: we owe her for many things Lynn: too true Shari *NZ_Jester©: time for some applause *NZ_Jester©: )APPLAUSE Alex's Little Angel: *Red™: )applause ;) Lynn: )applause Alex's Little Angel: )applause Alex's Little Angel: Never too much applause! Nic: Shari, have you talked with the other grrls lately? Alex's Little Angel: Shari: yep, Lisa's online now and just posted a new design for the Den *Red™: ;) Shari: check your email Merwolf: okay.. I'm back. *** There is also an Tropical Storm Movie Room here where you can find the goodies! =) Nic: okay... Lynn: THANKS FOR THE CHAT MISSY! Merwolf: no problem.... Merwolf: it was fun... Samson: are you going to be in atlanta this summer? Merwolf: tlb? Shari: what class did you teach this morning? tlc: where did idea for Jess & his people come from...their great! Alex's Little Angel: Missy we love you! You're the best! :0) Merwolf: mm... Merwolf: Jess...I dont' know.. originally, the person they save in Warrior Merwolf: was supposed to be deformed. Merwolf: but when I wrote it.. he turned furry. Merwolf: I'll be in Atlanta, yes... Merwolf: was that the question? Samson: yes, thanks Shari: you're sure doing the con circuit this summer. Merwolf: coincidence... Merwolf: they're having the Orlando con in orlando.. Merwolf: I coudn't pass that up.. tlc: lol Lynn: heheheh Shari: thank the gods Merwolf: and I always planned on being at Dragoncon, since a bunch of my friends are going... Alex's Little Angel: lol Merwolf: and then Mist asked me to come to NYC, so.. Nic: yippeeeee for me and us all Merwolf: that worked, because it's a hub flight to Newark. Alex's Little Angel: Oooh . . watchin Ides!!!! Just started! *Red™: >? *Red™: ^? Merwolf: (write that is... I don't have top ay for plane tickets) Shari: and Gryph persuaded you to do the Gaylaxicon? Shawna: ^?? Merwolf: Yes, gryph did. (g) Merwolf: Shawna? Shari: Nic: I hear gryph is a persuasive gal Merwolf: (g) She can be. Merwolf: she does a great pout. Alex's Little Angel: ll Merwolf: Phil? *Red™: Come on ... Shari: what class did you teach this morning? Alex's Little Angel: lol even *Red™: ;) Merwolf: Implementing Extended IP troubleshooting on the Frame Relay network. Merwolf: since you asked. Alex's Little Angel: huh????? Shari: geek heavan! Alex's Little Angel: Nic: oohh sounds exciting tlc: darn sorry i missed it! *Red™: heehee Merwolf: oh yeah. Alex's Little Angel: heehee Merwolf: (laughing) Shari: do you like teaching? Merwolf: Shawna? Shawna: are you going to any cons aftrer summer, or will you be done after the end of the summer? Merwolf: Umm.. tentatively, to the January Xena con.. Shawna: california? Merwolf: depends on if Y2K goes smoothly. Merwolf: yes. Shari: oh boy Shawna: yay!!! Rhiannon Silverflame: Ooh. *crosses fingers* Shawna: i cant wait! Shari: eh, it'll all be fixed by 1/23 Merwolf: I hope so... Shari: Merwolf: that's always a big con... Nic: I have faith Merwolf: I had fun last year. Shari: I live my life in Y2K testing these days Merwolf: my guess is... Merwolf: that the hiatus won't fall there this year though... Merwolf: so I wonder what's going to happen wtih that. Merwolf: for guests, I mean. Shari: you mean Lucy or Renee? tlc: again, depends on LL ;-) Merwolf: yeah.. depends on LL, right. tlc: & the little one Shari: I think we go to see you now.. Merwolf: she looked really relaxed in SM. Merwolf: yeah.. wonder if it'll be a boy or girl? *Zaphod: twins =) Nic: Tony Robbins fixed her up.. I guess Merwolf: that weirded me out. Merwolf: I've seen his infomercials. Shari: or she was glowing.. Merwolf: I can't get past his teeth. Shari: lol Nic: haha Lynn: hehehe lol Merwolf: but if it worked for her... Merwolf: great. Lynn: ... Osmond family teeth! Nic: he is kinda scary Shari: whatever works for her Merwolf: yeah... *NZ_Jester©: ^? Merwolf: sounds like she had a tough time of it. Merwolf: i would think it's not much fun being an actor. Merwolf: a lot of things are so superficial. tlc: & sooo demanding Merwolf: NZ> *NZ_Jester©: If you gave lucy a curtial small rloe in your movie - do you think she would take it? Merwolf: well. I can think of a large role she'd be welcome to. (g) Alex's Little Angel: lol tlc: lol Shari: Merwolf: would she? I don't know... Rhiannon Silverflame: *laugh* Merwolf: i dont know her.. i've only met her once, so it's hard to say. Lynn: ^ Q Alex's Little Angel: You should offer her one Merwolf: Lynn Lynn: Do have any idea if any of the actors in X & G read your FanFic? Merwolf: Hmm. Merwolf: that's a tough question. Merwolf: I don't know.. but... Merwolf: Renee O conner did know who I was when I got her autograph at Valley Forge. *Zaphod: Cool Lynn: that must have been sweet! tlc: whoa!!! Alex's Little Angel: cool! Shawna: coolies Merwolf: uh.. yeah. Shari: excellent Merwolf: I blushed. ajsidon: cool Merwolf: she surfs, though... Alex's Little Angel: *gigle* Lynn: I guess so! Shari: at least you didn't pass out Alex's Little Angel: LOL Merwolf: I wonder if she blushes when she reads some of the stuff? *Brat™: :or get a nosebleed Merwolf: that must be weird. *Zaphod: yeah ... so you now know how pups must feel Shari: I'm guessing actors can distance themselves from their roles Alex's Little Angel: I think they have to Merwolf: oh, true... Merwolf: but it still must be weird. Shari: true tlc: but...still... Merwolf: you guys are quiet today. Shari: maybe she's happy Gabby's getting some..at least in cyber space. Nic: ..but it still must be weird toknow th e writers are imagining you when the write fic Merwolf: (laugh) Alex's Little Angel: LOL tlc: at least yours are 1/2-alt ;-) Rhiannon Silverflame: I'd guess it would be kind of weird . . . knowing that's essentially her physical descrip Merwolf: yes.. Merwolf: right.. exactly.. Merwolf: and at least, as you say, I"m half alt. tlc: lol Merwolf: I always picture her looking at some stuff... Shari: must help her ego knowing we droll over her abs Shari: drool Nic: haha Merwolf: like in Fins Femmes.. and saying.. ajsidon: hee hee Alex's Little Angel: lol shari Merwolf: Is that physically possible? Rhiannon Silverflame: Hehe tlc: i'd think the uber would be weirder than X & G stuff Lynn: oh man thats the truth Merwolf: not really... Merwolf: because uber is much more removed. tlc: true Shari: but the physical descriptions are usually close Merwolf: what might be weird is the few stories that actually have Renee and Lucy in them, as opposed to X and G. Merwolf: I know... Shari: oh..like that subtext one *pooka: :i still dont know what uber means Merwolf: I kept the descriptions in when I wrote the screenplay. Merwolf: (g) tlc: D & K are uber *Zaphod: hehe Shari: that makes it harder to cast Merwolf: True.. but Debby told me to. Alex's Little Angel: But easier in a way too Alex's Little Angel: Maybe Nic: mmm reading about your self doing things with your coworker...I think that would freak me out if I were in ROC's place Merwolf: well... yeah. Lynn: I agree Nic! Merwolf: that makes it more personal. Merwolf: much more. Shari: somehow, I don't think she has all that much time to read fanfic Alex's Little Angel: Hmm, I agree too Lynn: bleah as a matter of fact! Shawna: mmmhm Merwolf: squicky. Shari: 14-hour days and working out Merwolf: yeah.. she's got a busy schedule. Nic: definitely squicky Alex's Little Angel: If they both read the stories esp. that would be weird Shari: or they laugh hysterically Alex's Little Angel: lol Merwolf: I think they have a very good, very comfortatable relationship. Alex's Little Angel: I'm glad Merwolf: they probably laugh at it. Alex's Little Angel: Otherwise they'd kill each other! tlc: sounds & looks like it Alex's Little Angel: Spending that much time together Merwolf: yeah.. I want to know how many takes it took... Alex's Little Angel: You have to like people Merwolf: for Renee to get that lick in, and not crack up. tlc: lol Shawna: lol Alex's Little Angel: lol Nic: that must have been tough Lynn: lol *Brat™: lol Rhiannon Silverflame: Good question. Merwolf: must have taken all freaking day. Shawna: or more :-) Merwolf: because if you look.. you can see that Lucy's about to lose it. Lynn: she really laid it on her too Merwolf: in the print they showed. *Zaphod: lick in ?? Nic: a big wet one Merwolf: yep. *Zaphod: this is 4th season i guess Merwolf: I can picture it.. the script meeting. 'oh my god.. I have to LICK YOU?" gloworm: Devi Shari: lol Lynn: LOLhhahahah Shawna: lol tlc: oops...Devi spoiler Nic: haha ajsidon: lol *Zaphod: huh? *pooka: a little choc goes a long way *Brat™: Not that its a bad thing? Shari: and ROC really got into it Merwolf: oh yeah. Lynn: you'll love it Zaphod Rhiannon Silverflame: Did she ever. *whoo* *Zaphod: yeah, like in 1 and a half year Nic: who wouldn't in her place Merwolf: and the creation picture club got a great shot o f it. Shari: true tlc: great Mongke: well she got to know how does Lucy taste. A privilege Rhiannon Silverflame: I'd have liked to have been in Lucy's place Merwolf: not with makup on. Merwolf: it tastes lousy. Shari: mmm...body paint Merwolf: honest. Mongke: yuck Merwolf: ick. Shawna: eew Merwolf: ptooey Nic: chocolate mehndi Ya! Lynn: lol Merwolf: well.. it's starting to thunder here.. I think I'd better sign off.. unless there are more q;s? *Brat™: Missy.. wanted to let you know .. Lynn: I really like that episode, a new side of ROC Merwolf: a slurpy side of ROC. Alex's Little Angel: Lynn: heheehe Shawna: *Brat™: MaryD graciously gave me her permission to use the image.. so there is an TS Movie Room up... with the image.. Rhiannon Silverflame: That'd make a great title for a shrine to Devi Nic: *slurp..slurp* Shari: it's nice here..gotta go mow the lawn. tlc: thanks for coming, Missy!! now UPDATE!! ;-) Rhiannon Silverflame: "The Slurpy Side of ROC" Merwolf: great. Shari: thanks loads Missy Alex's Little Angel: Cool! Merwolf: okay.. I have to go catch up on mail.. then write a bit. Lynn: thanks for talking with us Missy, wish I could be in Orlando *pooka: thank you missy Samson: thanks, glad you've got more stories Shawna: thanks for comin and talking to us! Merwolf: wish you all could be there in ORlando too.. *Brat™: Thank you Missy! *Zaphod: THX for being here once again. Alex's Little Angel: Thanks Missy!!!!!!!!!!! *pooka: me too Shawna: Twas most enjoyable Nic: thanks Missy see you in Orlando *NZ_Jester©: bye merwolf Rhiannon Silverflame: Thanks loads, Missy Merwolf: chow guys... se some of you next week. Mongke: thanks Missy ajsidon: thanx Missy *pooka: cant wait to read more d and k Shari: can't wait to meet you. Alex's Little Angel: !{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Rhiannon Silverflame: Hope to see you in Pasadena ;) *Red™: )applause Shari: later..Nic Lynn: )applause *Red™: )applause Nic: bye Shari Alex's Little Angel: See yas all - I gotta bail too! Alex's Little Angel: !{{GROUP HUGS}} Lynn: bye all *Maryellen©: Thank you Red for hosting this! Shawna: byes ph 20:22:07 - Closing Log