Merwolf Chat: January 8, 1999.
Note from Phil:
I am extremely sorry for the beginning of the chat being missing. I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off and got into the room late. ;(
Due to the nature/content of MY log, as opposed to that of a 'normal' user, some editing was done; only system messages, extremely obnoxious behavior and extraneous wizard chat was removed.
The first 3-5 minutes were not (to my knowledge) logged.
21:11:27 - Opening Log
Merwolf: Aww.. little beeping noises.
Cindy: TX has many talents
TrueXena: yes and i feel slightly offended
Chaseher: LOL
pooka: hi missy
Tiff: The teeth look the best
deboX: music please/
Merwolf: Sounds like an elevator
pooka: )KISS
Latsric: i like the outfit Isurus
XenasBard: wow
*** Jammin' in the Pub!!
WarriorBard: )abracada.mid
Chaseher: Why thank you..I purposely avoided Braces to keep them this way <G>
Roman: lol
Katherine: sorry i am setting on your head I can't seem to get off
*** Jammin' in the Pub!!
Roman: )Bitch.mid
deboX: missy, how are you?
Isurus: thanks lat
*** Jammin' in the Pub!!
Roman: )starwars.mid
Ripley: what did I miss I had to help my mom iwth teh TV!
Merwolf: Fine thanks... and you?
deboX: cool1
Latsric: it's okay
Tiff: Sexy
WarriorBard: holly pups 31 and up in the same room
Katherine: thanks
TrueXena: 56 on her all together
deboX: where is red?
gloworm: there's music?
pooka: missy any updates to ts
Merwolf: Does Phil have a number limit?
Ripley: good thing no one is claustrophobic!
Chaseher: hehehe....Hey Tiff you ever seen the Movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit....??? Oh heck never mind LMAO
Cindy: 100
Merwolf: To Tropical Storm? I thought I finished that one. (G)
Isurus: I think it's 100
Roman: yeah but is 100
Jen: lol
Katherine: 100
Tiff: LOL...yeah I have
WarriorBard: so whats the lag like
gloworm: well actually...
pooka: sorry the sequel
Roman: LOL
Merwolf: If you mean HW... I have one almost done - after the chat maybe.
pooka: hw
deboX: so who's what's that smell...?
gloworm: cool
pooka: yeah
Tiff: No we want you to add more Missy
pooka: )APPLAUSE
Merwolf: I thought I was doing a sequel already (G)
WarriorBard: 100 pups can join in tonight]
pooka: hw
Tiff: Oh yeah..well...guess thats okay then
pooka: i love it
deboX: we won't get 100 in here!
Merwolf: We don't have room for 100 avs in this room.
Cindy: THIS could be a sequel!
Roman: man I need to restart brb
Katherine: will be standing on the bar
Chaseher: If we were all Smiley faces it would work but then we wouldn't be as umm unique I'll say!! <S>
Ripley: I am keeping my chair!
deboX: ^brb
TrueXena: we ARE standing on the bar!
WarriorBard: well 100 overall
Latsric: there seems to be a cheetah on my head
gloworm: me too
Merwolf: No.. even with the tennis balls...
Tiff: Yeah....I thought I was standing on the bar already
Merwolf: I don't think 100 would fit.
Katherine: hows than
Chaseher: I'm standing on a Brat!! <G>
Rayner: I wouldn't worry about it lat.
*BG: Psycho Puppy: Hello
TrueXena: LOL
Isurus: This is really funny
Merwolf: I like the little animated Gabrielle.. that's cute.
pooka: so missy how was your work week
TrueXena: im just a painting on the wall
Roman: !@30,60 )Yes Hello everybody!
Tiff: Man, I wonder how long I can keep up this hip thing
Isurus: Hey! Who's standing on my foot?
Chaseher: LMAO
pooka: you said everyone was grouchy
*BG: Psycho Puppy: !Now!
Cindy: you dont have a foot isurus
Dana: where is the entrance
gloworm: where's the entrance?
TrueXena: awww we gotta go to the entrance
Isurus: where's the entrance
Roman: !@30,60 )Yes Hello everybody!
Chaseher: the we go
Ripley: man I gotta leave my good seat!
Katherine: why are we going to the entrance
Tiff: Where is it?
Merwolf: okay... where is the entrance?
*BG: Psycho Puppy: Lets go!!!
*BG: Psycho Puppy: !Lets go!!!
Chaseher:'ll hover to a new spot...LOL
Cindy: options...go to room
pooka: i guess its the village entrance
Isurus: What do you mean I don't have feet. OH MY GOD! WHERE DID MY FEET GO?
Brat: Why do we hav eto go to the entrace?
Latsric: i'm gonna get lost again
Merwolf: aw.. teh little dancing callie is cute, too..
Chaseher: Just hit Cntrl G and go to the Entrance tha way...
pooka: so missy how was your work week
*** ; Roman is Painting
Merwolf: okay....
pooka: you said everyone was grouchy
Ripley: I like to hover,
Brat: Thanx!
*** Jammin' in the Pub!!
Artemista: )daydream.mid
Chaseher: heheheheheheh
Merwolf: my work week? I'll tell you in a minute
pooka: okay
Roman: you're welcome
*Red™: )YES !@190,55 Hello! *Red™ is here!!
Dana: help squished mmm
deboX: where are we going?
*** Jammin' in the Pub!!
*Red™: )startrk.mid
Chaseher: Ok...headin to Entrance.....
WarriorBard: 63 and climbing
pooka: ut oh red is here
Dana: which entrance
Merwolf: PHil... what's up?
Artemista: hi all
deboX: red! hiya!
*BG: Psycho Puppy: GO TO THE ENTRANCE!
*BG: Psycho Puppy: ^!!!!GO TO THE ENTRANCE!
Katherine: why go to the entrance
pooka: and
XenasBard: what are we suppose to be doing?
pooka: then what
Ripley: do you think they want us to go to the entrance!
pooka: i think so
Roman: OK BG no need to scream we hear ya
deboX: red where are we going?
gloworm: then what?
Received file mg2.gif
*** t
Wulfwin: Ripley!
MONIEB: did missy make it over?
Roman: !@30,60 )Yes Hello everybody!
Candy: Hey Papa.. you didn't say hi back to me.
*** Red is getting to Chat room ready now..
Candy: Hey Ripley!
Cindy: is this a trick to get us out of the pub?
Candy: Hi Isurus.
*** It's will be open in a few minutes
Isurus: Hey Candy
deboX: ok what now?
ARTIST: hey tx
Brat: Whoa!
Candy: Hey Debox.. you're sitting on my head. <ouch!>
Latsric: oops..left my beer in the pub
Candy: Hi Roman...
Brat: Hey Artist!
Rohan: sure, Tiff
Maritimer: werw gonna get crowded
Wulfwin: Ripley, go for this one
gloworm: nice cow--milk anyone. Did you bring syrup?
Ripley: Oo I am in a tree!
TrueXena: Zap is trying to get everyone to the entrance? why is that? aint we spose to be talking to her in here?
Tiff: Well maybe a bit Rohan
*Zaphod: small AVīs people SMALL AVīS
Merwolf: I have no idea...
EM: So any SNAKES in this room?
Rohan: hey dbox
Chaseher: Who's behind that Grassy Knoll????
Chaseher: heheheh
Rohan: Oscar Meyer
Roman: Nice, is that the tree where X&G... you know?
TrueXena: hey Pooka glad ya made it
deboX: Dana! wow!
Merwolf: I"m just going a long with the instructions...
Cindy: Is this sort of a YMCA camp look or what?
Jen: lol
gloworm: truexena, you are quite large--but i mean that in a good way
pooka: she is here
Tiff: Jen that is cute too
*BG: Psycho Puppy: Hello
Dana: thanx
Merwolf: nice tree.
Chaseher: WAHOOOO sweet
Ripley: instructions are good!
Rohan: We all are going on with instructions
Jen: thanks
TrueXena: yes and you have a sad face and i think that is sad
Rohan: Cindy, love your avatar
Papa Pup: Do we get clean linens
WarriorBard: 65 and climbing
Ripley: gloworm is sad again
Cindy: )paidhour.wav
Tiff: Glow is really depressing tongiht
TrueXena: 68
gloworm: hold on
Candy: Hey TX...Glad to see ya.
TrueXena: 69 we have 69
pooka: missy are you still going to do reviews of xena
Tiff: Hey TX what about the other avatar?
Merwolf: Most YMCA camps - you are lucky to get a mattress on the bed.. but I dond't want to make it too gruesome
Papa Pup: Can we fix glow??
gloworm: okay, back to the bird
Chaseher: what??????
TrueXena: LOL
Merwolf: I am.. I just missed this weeks.
TrueXena: sorry i uhhhh had to say it
*Zaphod: lol
pooka: i really enjoy your take on them
Rohan: LOL, Missy
WarriorBard: mm Missy you didn`t hurt your self falling of the ladder earlier in the week did you?
TrueXena: we got 70 now
*** The Missy Good Chat room is now OPEN!!!!
Cindy: this could be amazon camp...that why we hang out in the trees
Merwolf: nope.. I have a hard head.
Rohan: where do we go
TrueXena: duhhhh
TrueXena: we are there Rohan
Rohan: ah
*Zaphod: LOL
Rohan: Maybe I fell off a ladder
*** Everyone please limit yourself to ONE PROP Avatars.
Jen: lol
gloworm: Thanks for your concern folks, but I'm a bird again.
*** Or none at all
TrueXena: okeydokey
Ripley: I almost got smushed my a car today trying to get it unstuck in teh stupd snow!
Dana: ok
pooka: so tomorrow there may be and update to hw?
Merwolf: we don't have that problem here...
Wulfwin: whoops
Merwolf: tonight, an update, if I finish relatively early.
Tiff: I almost ran over a stupid road worker today
*Zaphod: SMALL AVATARS guys
*** thanks.. ;)
TrueXena: nope that ant it
EM: No snow in Miami but ya had COLD
Rohan: do you do that
pooka: )APPLAUSE
Blue Dragon: )YES !@190,55 Hello! Blue Dragon is here!!
pooka: )APPLAUSE
pooka: )KISS
Ripley: I don't consider 42 degrees cold1
Rohan: Hey, who kissed who>?
pooka: i love dar/kerry
WarriorBard: holy pups 68 pups and going strong
Roman: Ok
Papa Pup: how romantic
Jen: me either
Merwolf: No.. we had other traffic jams... someone crashed into a trooper giving a ticket to a limo.
pooka: i kissed missy
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
Tiff: Ouch...
Rohan: Hey XB
TrueXena: LOL
Merwolf: tied up the major highway for eight hours.
WarriorBard: )DEBUT
gloworm: 42 degrees-oh man, its like 3 here
Rohan: ouchie..traffic ticket there
TrueXena: tee hee almost scared me there WB
WarriorBard: )fist
WarriorBard: )fist
Chaseher: Missy..Did you get your idea about the Camp in HW from a personal work experience or did you see the previews for the Herc Ep and get the idea??
Merwolf: big time.
TrueXena: i am the holywoman
*** PLEASE wear a 1-pioece avatar or go 'naked' ;')
Wulfwin: hi Rayner
Merwolf: I haven't been to a camp, and I haven't seen the herc ep.. it's just imagination.
Ripley: Our interstates here are nasty there is an inch of ice on them!
*Zaphod: "just" she say s "just"
Rohan: good imagination, I say
Chaseher: Yepp...Imagination like no other
XenasBard: hey Ro
deboX: So Missy, can we ask about you, or just the stories...? <G>
Roman: rofl
gloworm: Hey Jeff, is that speedracer?
*Zaphod: You hearde the man .... cut down those avatars
Merwolf: ask whatever you like.. can't gurantee I'll answer.. but...
Cindy: Sunny Day and Skippy
*Zaphod: =)
deboX: hahaha
pooka: hmmmm
Chaseher: Yeppers LOL
Rohan: Is skippy from Capt Skip?
Merwolf: very coincidence.. (g)
Rohan: Okay, Missy I have question for you
Merwolf: It's skippy for the peanut butter.. but after I wrote that, I thought of Skip.
Chaseher: TX ...what's that?
Merwolf: (G)
EM: What was your inspiration for Skiyy
WarriorBard: holy mother of the Pups 75!!! and climbing
Dana: skippy the bush kangaroo
Merwolf: for.. what?
Papa Pup: Don't know, just saw it on the AVI rooom
Chaseher: heheheh
Rohan: Hurricane watch question
Merwolf: ha
Merwolf: go ahead
EM: Model for Skippy?
Rohan: Is the puppy calling Dar at work mean someone was in apartment?
Merwolf: wasn't any... (G)
Chaseher: Good Question
gloworm: Are we ever going to find out about Kerry's pregnancy test?
Merwolf: The puppy calling work was duplicating something my Gab the Lab did just last week. (G)
WarriorBard: hey wulfwin nice backrub you gave me earlier
Rohan: ah...Thank you
*Zaphod: Wow ... smart doggy
Merwolf: Yes - we'll find out about the pregnanacy test.
Cindy: Are you ready to try Uber Uber...D&K find X&G's scrolls from Reflections?
Ripley: talented pets!
Wulfwin: you're welcome, WB
Merwolf: (laughing) That would be twisted.
Merwolf: not talented.. big paws.
Merwolf: she likes to climb up on my desk.
WarriorBard: )APPLAUSE
pooka: will kerry and dar every have a rift
Ripley: my dog can go bald
Merwolf: pooka - no.
*Zaphod: heehee
WarriorBard: )gabsong.wav
pooka: good
Merwolf: been there done THAT>
XenasBard: yeah labs do that
Rohan: LOL
pooka: i dont like rifts
Chaseher: Will you be alternating again with a Regular X and G story ?
Merwolf: have the bruieses to prove it.
Merwolf: yeah...
WarriorBard: )GUFFAW
deboX: how much of the stories is based on personal experience?
WarriorBard: )GUFFAW
XenasBard: :love it TX
Tiff: So we get to see what the secret presents were or are?
WarriorBard: )holywoman.wav
TrueXena: LOL
Merwolf: yes - later in this story.
WarriorBard: )holywoman.wav
Rohan: Rings?
Rohan: sorry
Merwolf: guess you'll have to see.
Merwolf: (G)
Chaseher: TX...LMAO
WarriorBard: )howl.wav
Ripley: give us a hint?!
TrueXena: :what?
Tiff: LOL TX
Rohan: Can I be the toilet scrubber for the camp?
EM: I think Steve could use a pet snake
pooka: will there be flashbacks in hw
Jen: lol
Merwolf: uck.. you don't want to be...
TrueXena: :what?
Rohan: LOL
gloworm: I'm with Mary D--can you write in that my sword is in your service thing?
Roman: lol
Merwolf: I LIKE snakes...
Candy: Missy, what moved you to start writing in the first place?
WarriorBard: )paidhour.wav
EM: With or without fangs?
Merwolf: glo... go back in the story or..??
WarriorBard: )thund4
WarriorBard: hey Tx are you advertiseing or what
Rohan: my celphone is now in your service?
TrueXena: :hey if im gonna be a wallflower (or is it wall tree in here?) i might as well stand out
Merwolf: what motivated me to write? And idea that woudnl't leave me alone.
WarriorBard: )fist
WarriorBard: )BOOM
Merwolf: what was that?'
pooka: will you ever give up your day job
TrueXena: LOL
gloworm: I'm not picky.
Dana: I heard you used to write pern stories Merwolf?
Rohan: Is Warrior your first X and G story?
Candy: Was it a X & G story.. your first Fan Fiction?
pooka: to write
Merwolf: pooka - no.. something has to pay for my ISP
WarriorBard: )DEBUT
deboX: missy, how much of the stories is based on personal experience?
WarriorBard: )DEBUT
Merwolf: I used to write short Pern stories, yes...
pooka: pern?
Merwolf: debox - before the ubers - none. (G)
TrueXena: Pern?
WarriorBard: )DEBUT
Merwolf: I've never killed anyone...
WarriorBard: )AMEN
Candy: So you like Ann McCaffery?
EM: Anne McCaffrey Dragon series = Pern
Rohan: Ohh. Love Lessa and Bree..I cried when her dragon died
pooka: tx i think we think alike
TrueXena: what is Pern?
pooka: scary
*Red™: )YES !@190,55 Hello! *Red™ is here!!
Dana: a lot of similarities between your stories and anne mccaffrey - the affinity with animals for instance
Merwolf: yes - but those were six, seven page stories.
Merwolf: a little different than these.
deboX: ok, anything you can tell us about...? <S>
pooka: i have another ? about hw
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
Chaseher: These are books I would gladly purchase!
Rohan: how do you feel about your popularity
Merwolf: can't tell you? my credit card numbers...
TrueXena: :thinks we are not gonna know
Tiff: Good ? Rohan
Merwolf: how do I feel? wide eyed, most of the time, to be honest.
EM: How do you keep finding ideas -- your muse is prolific!
WarriorBard: so Missy do you have some thing messy lined up for steve then?
Rohan: The better to see then
Candy: I've been hearing about books of your stories? If they are available how does one purchase them?
Merwolf: the characters are prolific...they wont' shut up...
Merwolf: steve will get what's coming to him...
Ripley: I have voices in my head like that too!
Jen: he heh good
Rohan: Voices in your head? Hmm...something we share
deboX: hey red... nice party!
Merwolf: there's a page up by MaryD's...
EM: Yipeee
pooka: will you go into dar and kerry's background more
Rohan: Excellent, Red
Tiff: Not like that Rip....she is sane
Ripley: Heeyy!
Merwolf: yes...I kind of have to. We have to meet Dar's mom.
TrueXena: Missy? What kind of music do you listen to when your in the car?
pooka: i cant wait
Chaseher: Do we drive you insane??
Jen: lol
Merwolf: mm....light rock.
pooka: so cool
WarriorBard: do you want the voices to shut up then?
Ripley: me? nope only hit one curb!
TrueXena: kewl
Dana: do you have the pern stories on the net Merwolf?
Merwolf: no.. the'yre fun...
Merwolf: Dana.. nope.... that's not allowed.
pooka: what is a pern??
Dana: darn
Ripley: it was ices fault
Dana: oh well
Merwolf: Anne feels very differently about fanfic than Renpic does.
EM: Will Dar's dad make show in HW?
Merwolf: EM - yes.
pooka: anybody what is a pern
TrueXena: lol pooka
Rohan: Pern is a planet inthe Dragonrider series
Wulfwin: pern is the world created by Anne McCaffrey and there are a series of books set in that world
Dana: pern - planet - based on the stories of Anne Mccaffrey - mostly aobut dragongs
TrueXena: ahhh thank you Rohan
Chaseher: Have you ever thought of taking your writing to a higher level...I mean outside of Fanfiction and Uber all together?
pooka: okkay
TrueXena: did ya see that Pooka
Ripley: no I am gonna have to by Anne McCaffrey!
Rohan: Hey, that is what I am here for.
Ripley: um noW
Merwolf: I've met Anne, she's nice, she signed a croquest mallet for me, but she doens't like people writing in her worlds.
deboX: jeez... good thing there's a log here!
gloworm: About Dar's Dad, but you said Cait would be in circle and she never made it
TrueXena: yeah tell me about it deboX
Merwolf: no... I have a day job. G()
Dana: that's a shame
Merwolf: Cait was in circle.. she just didn't geta speaking role.
Rohan: I read your post about the technogabble..unreal
gloworm: Ah.
TrueXena: LOL
deboX: hey TX, any word on the Merwolf jackets?
Merwolf: yeah.. but it's true... (G)
Cindy: Did you send Kyle's head to Mary D? Where is the rest of his bod
Jen: yeah, me too zzzzzz lol
Dana: I think the character of cait - and the girl she hangs with is cute
TrueXena: not today, i sent off an email yesterday and nothing yet
Merwolf: Yuck.. no. .his demise will be explained.
Chaseher: Are you going to expand on Cait and Paladia's relationship any at all or stay focused on X and G and now little Dori <S>
TrueXena: will Call her tonight when the chat is done
*Red™: think Secans head is too rotted to send her? ;)
Merwolf: Cait is very cool.. and watch for the rewrite of Circle -s he may make a reappearance.. I've added a bunch.
Maritimer: a spot for Kyle's head is reserved at the Merpup Den
Rohan: Whoohooo
deboX: cool
EM: Yeah the birth of Dori was so SWEET
*Zaphod: cool
Merwolf: I was jsut putting in some flashbacks earlier.
gloworm: So with all this stuff hanging, HW is going to be as long as TS
*Zaphod: or longer ...
pooka: longer i hope
Roman: cool
Fayezer: I love flashbacks
Merwolf: I don't know.. I never know how long they're going to be.
TrueXena: yeah and i wont be spoiled tonite with that story cuz i was pushed into reading it
deboX: i love epics
Rohan: TS snowballed *beg* into a massive story. we loved it
gloworm: What's this about Circle rewrites?
pooka: dar and kerry really could be ongoing
Merwolf: yes... it was supposed to be two sections..
WarriorBard: :that surprise vist my dars father at the end of TS was a big shock I was on tender hooks for hours untill the next part came out
Chaseher: What made you decide to end TS where you did?
*Zaphod: uh huh
Merwolf: I'm putting Circle into one storyfile - and adding to it as I go.
Tiff: Did you expect this kinda response to your first true Uber Missy?
TrueXena: yeah but they couldnt shut up :o)
Merwolf: Tiff... not really, no.
Rohan: For the most parts, have we pups been behaving?
Merwolf: I was surprised.. because I didn't think folks would be interested if it wasn't X and G
WarriorBard: ^ouch
Spudhaid: Do you ever let readers' opinions dictate what goes into your stories?
Merwolf: I have no misbehaving pups.
Ripley: I have!
Tiff: So it shocked you some? Pleased?
Dana: will dar reunite with her mum
pooka: you were going to end it after chp 2
Rohan: sorry about breaking your board!
Merwolf: Spud.. no... I listen to everyone... but they kind of go where they go..
pooka: im glad you didnt
gloworm: I was kinf of gunshy when you first posted it, and it took me all of about 3 graphs to get hooked. Now I'm reading all uber stuff
Merwolf: shocked me.. yeah... the acceptance was much higther than I thought...
TrueXena: yeah we are sorry bout the board
Merwolf: a lot of people said that, glo.
Rohan: TS brought in a whole new batch of merpups
Merwolf: don't worry about the board.. it was funny....(G)
*Zaphod: heehee
Merwolf: I think folks are...
gloworm: I miss the board.
Tiff: I read LR...right before TS....and then I was totally hooked
Maritimer: Missy: Do you feel you have more freedom when writing D&K vs. X &G
Chaseher: I didn't start reading it untill chapter 11 was posted LOL...then I took a day off to read all that LOL!! Thanks again for the hook up TX LOL
Merwolf: kind of gunshy about X and G right now...
pooka: why
deboX: why?
Merwolf: yes and no.. because my X and G aren't really like the shows, so..
Rohan: That is okay..we like them like that
Papa Pup: It seems people enjoy the X&G relationship.. no matter who is living it
EM: I like your X&G better
TrueXena: not a problem Chase :o)
deboX: they're better!
Cindy: Your X & G are the real ones
*Zaphod: love em , yeah
Merwolf: it's fun to write Xena, because she can just smack the crap otu of people when she wants to.
Isurus: cool I made it
Merwolf: and she never gets arrested.
Rohan: Can she come to my house then?
pooka: so can dar sort of
TrueXena: LOL
WarriorBard: I think you made Xenaverse history with TS with the amount of feedback you must have gotten about it with so many people getting into the uber thing
Chaseher: Did you want to stay with the way the show was going or are you glad that you have kinda stepped away from that??
deboX: ha!
Dana: i find them very similar to the show
Tiff: Yeah I agree....your X and G are the ones I see when I watch the show now
BG: holy gods there are a lot of people in here
Merwolf: I wanted to stick with the show...
Papa Pup: tuff gal,
Merwolf: but I jsut coudn't...
Merwolf: yes - I'm glad - because Uber shows off all the bard's skills much more, I think...
Holly: Will there be an uber Cait?
Merwolf: eveyrone can write what they want.. not belocked into X and G
Cindy: You have plenty to show off
Rohan: Who are your favorite fanfic authors?
Chaseher: Are you going to continue to draw some things from the show ?
Merwolf: An uber cait.... maybe.
Tiff: Hey Brat
BG: hey XB
*Zaphod: COOL
Merwolf: some things - probably..
Ripley: hey brat
EM: Uber gives you room to expand
deboX: I agree... Lucifer Rising got me hooked on uber...
pooka: hi brat
Stellar: hi all
Tiff: Is Colleen kinda like the Uber Eph?
Merwolf: my favorite fanfic authors? I cant say, because I'll leave one of them out, and get in lots of trouble.
TrueXena: TS got me hooked to get to LR :o)
Merwolf: colleen is, yes.
*Zaphod: lol
TrueXena: LOL
Brat: Someone say my name?
Rohan: Oohh,,,we will protect you , Missy
Chaseher: I kinda thought her Kerry's sister was the Uber Version of Eph!
Merwolf: Oh no.. I have to see them all in about two weeks!!!
Tiff: Nah thats Lila
Jen: lol yup
EM: Sharon [LR] won't be back to Xenaverse
Merwolf: No.. her sister isn't strong enough tob e Eph.
Jen: and a lot of us too
Rohan: Are you aprehensive about the convention?
*BG: Psycho Puppy: Hello
Merwolf: No.. I had fun at the last two.
deboX: Yay! Santa Monica... here we come!
Rohan: People will want your autograph..I cannot go!!!
Tiff: I do love when you recommand other stories those Missy...haven't done me wrong yet
Chaseher: So.....Who's the Uber Version of Pony then? <S>
Isurus: Who's going to be in New York?
Merwolf: she hasn't shown up yet.
Tiff: I will be in NY
Merwolf: I can't wait for Santa Monica...
Ripley: I can't either
EM: Pony Uber = Mike?
Chaseher: Sweeeet Somethin to look forward to <G>
Roman: rofl
Ripley: go that is
BG: NY all the way!!
Merwolf: I'm really looking forward to meeting folks...
deboX: me neither!
*Zaphod: sigh
Toes 12: how do we get out of here?
Nanook: Toes in here?
TrueXena: I am with ya on the I CANT WAIT deal Missy
Jen: dancing, right debox?
Rohan: I shall wave out my window as your plane goes by
Chaseher: I'm workin on the NY thing...
Merwolf: it's going to be fun.
deboX: Missy, are you going to come dancing with us?
Papa Pup: I have about 20 names on thre pup in NY list
Wulfwin: you guys are making me jealous
Isurus: cool. I'll be there
Merwolf: those little dancing avs are so cute.
Xenalli: me too
pooka: i wish i could go
TrueXena: yes i have reserved dinner for Sat just to get a chance ta meet ya :o)
Tiff: You need to resend them Pop.
Merwolf: it's not the con...
BG: how d we get the cool avs?
Ripley: I am jealous, Santa Monica is way warmer then here!
Tiff: Oh and I am gonna call Meow Mix this eek
Merwolf: it's meeting the other fans that's the best part.
Tiff: week
Nanook: Hey ..I missed that is Missy coming to NY?
Stoley: I second that
deboX: missy, are you going to come dancing with us?
Papa Pup: I will .. this week
Merwolf: at SM? I'll come to the club.. (G)
Merwolf: sure...
deboX: Cool!
Jen: cool
pooka: we need music
Chaseher: Yes but who will get more attention....Missy or the Con LOL!!! <S>
TrueXena: oh and the fans want to meet you too :o) (least this pup does)
Jen: lol
Rohan: Missy will get more attention
Chaseher: yepp
Holly: Is Dar openly gay at the office?
pooka: hey i cant go so someone take pictures please
Brat: Im not going to the SM con but mebb the NY one
TrueXena: MISSY chaser for sure Missy!
deboX: Are you coming by yourself?
Merwolf: I was at Valley Forge, and at Burbank last year.. I think I liked Valley FOrge better.
gloworm: photos guys/ we want photos/
pooka: and post them on the web if possible
*Zaphod: yeah , plenty of pictures
Wulfwin: yes, pics!
TrueXena: im taking plenty of pics and video :o)
Merwolf: yep.. I;'m roomig with Lunacy though.. (G)
pooka: especially of missy
Rohan: If they ever have a con in Oregon, I shall be there
EM: Why Valley Forge?
Rohan: Uh, does she snore?
deboX: ah, will Lunacy come too?
Shazb: make sure she stays off the puter!
Tiff: So are you gonna go to the NY con too Missy?
Jen: ROC <G>
Roman: LOL
pooka: hi shazb
Wulfwin: that sounds interesting, stay away from the nutbread
Merwolf: Because it was Renee's first con.. and she was really cute...
Merwolf: (G)
Shazb: hi there
TrueXena: ohhh yeah I have a pic of Zap that he wants autographed by you too Missy ill bring him along for the dindin
Maritimer: shazb babe
Chaseher: Eat the nutbread...pass on the henbane
Tiff: She was really cute Missy...glad Luce called
Shazb: Hey Nic
deboX: we have to go now?
Merwolf: Lucy's bit was a circus... to omuch press, and all.
*Zaphod: Yeah , thanks TX ... and NO pink
Merwolf: it wasn't very personal... renee's was.
EM: Hope Renee gets to go to a con again
TrueXena: right no pink Zap
ARTIST: yes pink zap
*Zaphod: NO
Rohan: She looks really slender on the show, is she that in real life?
Merwolf: I think it's her choice...
TrueXena: LOL renee
Ripley: Zaph looks good in pink!
pooka: shaz how much snow so far
Isurus: you made it chakan
Candy: Lots of pink Zaph
Merwolf: Rohan - she looks very SOLID in real life.
*** Page from k'Acknor©: raise it to 70.. ;)
*Zaphod: oh boy
Shazb: about 4-5 inches
Rohan: Wow.
Merwolf: if that makes any sense.
deboX: Missy, will Lunacy come with us too?
WarriorBard: ouch 57 in this room!!!!!
pooka: same here
Merwolf: I dunno.. you have to ask her...
ARTIST: yes pink
Tiff: Renee has a great handshake
TrueXena: Missy are you Solid in Real life?
Merwolf: Yes, she does...
pooka: missy would you like some snow
Chaseher: WOW....a handshake with Renee I'm jealous now
Merwolf: crash into me.. you'll find out.
BG: snow..sigh..we have enogh
Merwolf: (G)
Jen: yeah, i'll mail ya some...
TrueXena: ohhh ok :o)
pooka: missy doesnt have any
Ripley: Oo I will mail snow too!
Isurus: We have plenty of snow here in Indiana
BG: we should give her some
Merwolf: no snow...
Tiff: Yeah....funny to find someone with smaller hands then I
LUVJOX: !HI everyone
Latsric: i got some snow too, anybody want some?
Ripley: we only have lke 2 adn 1/2 feet!
Holly: Is Dar openly gay at the office?
Isurus: and more on the way
*Red™: Hey LJ
gloworm: No crashing into Alpha Female--its against the rules
EM: Nah, just wiggle into Missy and show your fangs [vbg]
Chaseher: Ohio is Snowed Under....
TrueXena: hey she said i could!
Rohan: Missy, If I can pick my husband off the floor, I can lift you , so watch it!! <g>
Merwolf: Holly, Dar has a 'if you ask, she'll tell' policy
Roman: lol
BG: oohh go!!
Merwolf: yikes.
deboX: How many pups are you going to pick up, Missy?
Wulfwin: go Rohan!
BG: LOL debox
Merwolf: (g) I don't know.. depends on how many fit the critieria
Dana: lol - interesting phrasing
Shazb: Hey Rayner
TrueXena: i thought the point was for missy to pick up her fans?
Tiff: Whoo...I like that Missy
deboX: wasn't it though?<G>
fOLLY: what kind of pick-up of missy?
gloworm: again photos, my friends
Jen: lol
Rayner: Hi shazb
Roman: haha
Merwolf: I"ll have to bring vitamins.
Rohan: Will Najara make an apperance by chance?
TrueXena: but if she wants me to pick her up by all means!
deboX: what's the criteria?
Merwolf: (laughing)
pooka: is someone going to pick up missy
Stoley: only if she wants to be
Rohan: *blushes* I did not mean that way
Merwolf: I hope not... they'll get hurt.
Jen: i don't know... she's pretty tall
LUVJOX: Missy, I'm new to your writings. Do they have a reading order?
Maritimer: were gonna have to add pick up lines to the Merpups Den
TrueXena: Ill pick her up if she wants me too :o)
Jen: lol
pooka: hahahaha
Merwolf: the order they're listed on in my site.
LUVJOX: Like, read one before the next.
gloworm: those were great
Merwolf: or on Mary D's.
LUVJOX: Ok. Thanks. I thought that was it.
Shazb: Off of Missy's page
TrueXena: Luvjox start with A Warrior then go down the page ;o)
Merwolf: We try to keep them in order...
Merwolf: sort of.
TrueXena: LOL
BG: :whew...lots of people
Merwolf: So, Phil.. was this what you had in mind?
LUVJOX: Ok. I've read A Warrior and the first one I read was Winter's ENding
Rohan: I am impressed with your trust in us, missy
Ripley: :you're telling me
deboX: hahahaha
*Zaphod: LOL
Merwolf: why?
Chaseher: hey....who's on top of me
Brat: :this is fun!
deboX: Red... you're awfully quiet tonight? <G>
Rohan: you open yourself in your personal life to strangers like us
TrueXena: DL chaser
Tiff: Where are ya Chase?
Roman: lol
*Zaphod: feels like i have 4 and not 2
FIRE(DM): I got lagged out, then my ISP was all screwed up... took me almost a half-an-hour to get back on! Sorry I'm late!
LUVJOX: Is that Pringle queen I see down there? Rohan?
Merwolf: (chuckle) It's not that facinating...
Poison Ivy: wow!
Rohan: Hiya, LuvJox
Merwolf: I have some pringles here tonight.
Merwolf: (dinner)
BG: mmm..pringles
LUVJOX: Kathy here. How's it going?
Wulfwin: and some nuts too
gloworm: Poison, your leg is, oh nevermind, leave it
BG: haven't had dinner
Ripley: I have chocolate coverd coffee beans! <g>
Roman: lol
pooka: no chocolate
Merwolf: those are good, too...
Candy: PRINGLES! Incoming! Wolfhole.
pooka: ah
BG: oohh..Rip I love you!!!
EM: Should we be worried about Kery pregnant and hurling?
Chaseher: Did someone say Coffeebeans???
Isurus: I haven't eaten either
Latsric: Maj? are you smoking?
Ripley: I knw I am lovable!
deboX: Missy, do you have a Kerry in your life? A friend of mine wanted to know... <S>
TrueXena: Missy other than Xena do you watch much TV in your spare time?
WarriorBard: mmm Missy this has been bugging me for a while any chance in a future X&G story how about having a flashback to the In sickness and Health where they relive what happen in that part of their life
Candy: Shuddering Orgasm..
Merwolf: no.. Kerr's not preggers.. been there, done THAT.
Brat: Did someone say chocolate?
Merwolf: deb - nope.
pooka: what spare time
Ripley: aww <blush>
gloworm: Why is she puking then?
deboX: are you looking?
Merwolf: Aw... I hated that ep.. do I have to?
Stoley: good question
Merwolf: Uck.
Maj|k: not really smoking, just picked that, though it went with the glasses
Merwolf: LIce.
Latsric: just checking:)
Tiff: I have not got lice
Merwolf: deb - isn't everyone?
Shazb: no you don't have to Missy
deboX: <G>
Shazb: I hated that ep also
Roman: lol
Nanook: Hey, did Toes ever get in here?
TrueXena: hummm
fOLLY: lice,yuk, don't feel obligated to relive ISAIH missy
Merwolf: Though the lice talking was funny...
Wulfwin: hey, Tanya, that you?
Chaseher: bout this....This bugs me....Dahok is Rampant in Hercs world...wich is X and G's world as well and apparently there to have nothing to do it with!!! That's like....not right....ya know!!
Merwolf: Saying "You killed Kenny, you bitch" was hilarious.
Rohan: sorry, was kicked off
Shazb: It would make for some fun for Wordee some day
deboX: Missy, you know what I mean!
Brat: LOL!
gloworm: I've noticed she's kind of vague about that.
Merwolf: I'll leave that to Wordee..she'll do a much better job. (G)
Chaseher: K
Merwolf: vague about what?
Merwolf: I"m trying to keep up...
Dana: i notice you don't use callisto much - is there a reason for that
pooka: will there be a sequel to hw
Dana: ?
Merwolf: Hmm... not really...
TrueXena: she is dead might be a reason
Merwolf: I never thought about it.
gloworm: answering deBox's line of questioning
Merwolf: Probably - (sequel)
Tiff: Good answer TX
Ripley: good one TX!
LUVJOX: Hey Red, you didn't think this would be busy. heehee
Brat: Whooo!
Dana: I mean the flashbacks
Merwolf: glo.. it's kind of a public forum, you know?"
TrueXena: sorry :o/
*Red™: ;)
Shazb: It looks like D&K are here to stay
gloworm: not that I blame you
Merwolf: yeah...(G)
FIRE(DM): Where is missy?
Shazb: at least they're series won't end..
Chaseher: HEHE she's right....
Merwolf: They're kind of growing on me...
Brat: Growing on me too!
WarriorBard: hello is there any one out there talk about lag time or what!
*Zaphod: eeew
LUVJOX: Bye all. I just wanted to see how many folks got here. Talk with you soon Red.
fOLLY: boy, we all love them (d and k)
Shazb: I think it's the techno stuff you get to throw in
dai the flu: god fucking damnit
XenasBard: Hey it's sky from elfquest
Dana: ybe luv
Chaseher: Me too since I saw the wonderfull book cover for HW and TS today
TrueXena: OK MISSY big Question from me.......Paper of Plastic?
EM: Bye Luv
dai the flu: to many ppl
Merwolf: paper or plastic what?
Ripley: bags?
Merwolf: I prefer styrofoam...
Maritimer: Missy: why do you think ubers are sooo popular now?
Merwolf: in coffee cups..
TrueXena: LOL
Chaseher: LOL
Tiff: Ignore TX Missy....she is a wallflower tongiht
Maj|k: Where do you get the names for your characters?
TrueXena: HEY!
Chaseher: a dancing WallFlower at that
Rohan: Missy, it is nice that MaryD is helping you out.
TrueXena: tiff i thought we was friends?
Merwolf: Mart - because X and G are really kind of .. hard to watch the last few bits...I think it's more comforting for folks to read uber.
Candy: Well, Missy, I have enjoyed your writing greatly. Hope you keep writing for a long time. If not about X&G, then something else.
TrueXena: hey?
Ripley: you were thinking TX?
Merwolf: Mary is a lifesaver.
ARTIST: a funny dancing wallflower
Tiff: We are just gotta get better questions
Rohan: I don't know why she is not here?
Merwolf: thanks.... (G)
Merwolf: she's probably sleeping or something..
TrueXena: yeah i didnt make a deal with you for the 9th
deboX: hey! Quit the slapping!
EM: Yeah are your server hits down?
Rohan: cherry or lime?
Ripley: oh yeah good ponit!
Chaseher: yes where is Mary D....I had a Avatar head for her and everything
Merwolf: I havne't checked teh hits this week...
dai the flu: to many ppl
Brat: Misy, What inspired you to write about the retreat in HW? Any similarity to the Herc ep: For Those Just Joining us? *grin*
Merwolf: I'ts been busy at work...
ARTIST: hey ripley only one more day
Merwolf: No.. it really wasn't.... I haven't seen that yet. It was just part of the story.
Rohan: I laughed at your post about Disney going down
Dana: quite a few famous fantasy and scifi writers started out writing fanfic - do you consider branching out into that area
Merwolf: (G) Disney wans't laughing... (G)
Brat: Pretty good coincedince!
Chaseher: There we go...a head in honor of Mary D
TrueXena: LOL
Dana: i would be your number one fan
Tiff: I have to thank you Missy.....because of you and TX I have met a lot of people...that are here tongiht that I really have fun with now.
EM: Your retreat was funnier than Herc's
Merwolf: I don't know.. I knoid of like my day job....
Rohan: For once, Disney was not laughing..haa haa
Brat: I second that Tiff!
Merwolf: that's the best part of the whole thing..meeting other's so cool.
Cindy: Missy have you found a new house yet?
Shazb: fun w/plits and frads...hmmm
ARTIST: yes made a lot of friends here
Merwolf: Hopefully, an update will be around tonight...
Rohan: If we get your book, will you autograph it for us poor pups?
Merwolf: sure...
*Zaphod: yeah ...
Merwolf: yep....
deboX: And will it be insulated?<G>
Tiff: How is the book thing coming?
Roman: rofl
Rohan: Thank you!!!
Dana: you'd have ready made fans lol
Chaseher: I've made a ton of Friends...<S> and its all because of One bard...with good Fanfic taste
Maritimer: Missy: why do you think ubers are so popular
Ripley: lots of them!
Merwolf: book thing is chugging along, I understand...
Merwolf: that's kidn of cool...
Nanook: Hey, did I miss anything, had to let the dog out...
TrueXena: will you get a maid?
Wulfwin: so is Dar gonna get a concussion at the camp?
Rohan: Is that sort of scary to have a book with your name on it?
Merwolf: Dar's safe,f ro now.
BG: yeah..I've met some of the nicest people through fan fuc
fOLLY: missy, do you have any pick-up lines to add to the top ten list?
BG: fic
Tiff: Why you want the job TX?
TrueXena: so you can write insead of housework?
Merwolf: Rohan.. it's going tob e very cool.. my mom wants one.
Dana: oops bg
Rohan: Love the steve irwin jokes..My favorite show
TrueXena: sure i can go AWOL for missy any day!
Fayezer: is it too late to correct typos b4 the book comes out?
Merwolf: pick up lines.. (G) i'll have to come up with some.
Merwolf: It'll be edited first, yes.
Rohan: Pick me up to go with you, TX
Merwolf: I might even spell check it.
deboX: ha!
Shazb: I think introducing your self is sufficient <G>
Rohan: LOL
Roman: teehee!
Merwolf: and change the it's to its...
TrueXena: no problem Rohan
Fayezer: good
TrueXena: LOL
Katherine: lol
EM: If you fix the mistakes then we won't be able to groan
Merwolf: and the I"ll to I'll
s.: missy, so your mom is cool with all this stuff?
Oscarama: Are you changing anything for the TS book or will it be as is?
Rohan: Who will you dedicate it to?
Tiff: Oh yeah....can't be one of those horrible bards that doesnt spell check their work.....gotta love the FanFic list
gloworm: All you need is "Hi I'm Missy Good," remember?
Merwolf: she think sit's extremely strange, but nice.
Fayezer: how 'bout the "could care less" to "couldn't care less"
Rayner: Missy , will there be any kind of committment ceremony for dar and kerry?
Fayezer: a common mistake
Merwolf: I don't spell check them. (G)
Rohan: Your mom sounds nice
Merwolf: she has her moments...
Brat: whoa, im impressed!
Nanook: How much time do you usually spend at night on writing?
Wulfwin: have you told her about the pup community (your mom, I mean)
TrueXena: we couldnt tell missy :o)
Tiff: Sounds exactly like a daughter
Merwolf: about three to four hours.
Katherine: your amazing
Rohan: ah,mushy merwolf moment all.
Stoley: When do you sleep?
Maj|k: Where do you get the names for the characters?
Merwolf: she coudn't avoid it....
gloworm: Your mom thinks its strange?
Merwolf: I sleep between 1 and 6.
Brat: I'm in awe.. how do u manage to write updates, work, and still keep up to us pups?
Merwolf: when Gab lets me, that is.
Rohan: need more sleep. you sound like TX
Merwolf: lots of vitamins.
*Zaphod: And where do u keep those little cards with the names on them =)
Merwolf: (G)
Brat: LOL
TrueXena: LOL sleep when your dead is what i say
EM: and Thai food?
Dana: raise hands for those you don't sleep much lol
Merwolf: I don't.. as everyone knows...
WarriorBard: do you know who is going to publish the book yet
Isurus: What's the names of your other 2 dogs?
Brat: Sleep? who need's it? *g*
Wulfwin: two hands up over here
BG: what's sleep?
Ripley: what is sleep?
Tiff: We are gonna be in big trouble when Missy finds a sig other.
Merwolf: yes - it's being done privately... see the link at MaryD's...
ARTIST: sleep whats that
Isurus: three hands up over here
Merwolf: Or if they promote me. G()
Wulfwin: sleep's no longer in my vocabulary
Candy: Hey, you can sleep when your dead.. why waste the time now?
Stoley: Beats me
Katherine: ok
Merwolf: I like that head with the third eye.
Chaseher: Cooool
Rohan: Or is that a nose?
BG: is what happens when I'm not on the Merchat
Canuck: Why thank you, I got it from my mother....
gloworm: Let us talk to your boss. <BEG>
Canuck: <g>
Roman: lol
EM: Mickery /o ears?
Merwolf: Hey.. I'll be right back.. I need to get a cup of coffee.
Tiff: So Missy do you recognize names in here from the list...or are we
Tiff: all one big blur?
Canuck: she's still in a little pain after the surgery..<g>
Roman: teehee!
gloworm: Cool, break time
Fayezer: break time... every one run to the bathroom
Jen: lol
pooka: i got booted
TrueXena: k we will wait with baited breath for your return :o)
Ripley: heheh hey Artist she said Coffee!
Dana: ^brb
Brat: Artist.. dont say anything about coffee!
Wulfwin: lol
Chaseher: My NN never changes Ever
Latsric: coffee..good idea
TrueXena: run to the latrine while ya all can!
pooka: anyone else get kicked
Maritimer: are you a real Canuck, Canuck
Wulfwin: don't get started on coffee!
ARTIST: yes should i say it guys
Wulfwin: NO!!!!!
Candy: I thought she only liked hot chocolate.. where did the coffee come in?
Brat: It wasnt me this time!!
Cindy: Missy do you eat Frosted Flakes?
Tiff: :P`````Its the head
Wulfwin: don't make me come over there, Renee
Canuck: You betcha a reall Maritimer?? as in eastern??
Nanook: I still want to know if Toes ever got in here?
TrueXena: Hey Renee? i got something to show you!
Ripley: Yes Artist leave the Coffee Statement alone!
TC: hi shari and nicole
Stoley: haven't seen toes
Rohan: Jen, where did you get your avatar?
Tanya: hey Artist pup
deboX: Hey, I'm a Maritimer!
Maritimer: Oh ya. All the way baby
WarriorBard: hey Tx and artist pups you gotton over your duck`s asses yet?
Canuck: Where exactly??
Jen: Rohan, in a room here
Ripley: why are you way over there anyways Artist?
Chaseher: Coffee....Coffee Beans....Chocolate.....Chocolate Coffee's all related <G>
Tanya: wulf you are hilarious
Roman: teehee!
Rohan: Cool..
EM: Wulfin ... like the Avatar
Maritimer: Halifax
Wulfwin: they got on to other animals now
Tanya: not the duck';s ass thing again!!
Canuck: wierd...
Rohan: I like supergabby
Merwolf: okay..
Canuck: me too
ARTIST: come on guys please
TrueXena: What does that tell ya?
Candy: Duck Ass... Turkey Ass... Goose Ass.. Etc.
Rohan: BACK
Fayezer: she's baaaack
Maritimer: really
Jen: yeah, spent one night going thru the stack
Brat: LOL
Katherine: ass
Tanya: anything ass with us guys!!
Canuck: "'s a small world after alll..."
Ripley: don't forget Smart Ass adn Dumb Ass, mom added those too!
Canuck: <g>
Roman: LOL
Rohan: Okay, someone wanted to know if you recognized some names here
Maritimer: we should talk later Canuck
Merwolf: (chuckle)
Canuck: heh heh..
Merwolf: screen names? Yes...
Candy: Tanya.. I didn't see you among the crowd.. HUGS!
Canuck: okey dokey...
Merwolf: wasn't I supposed to?
Rayner: Missy will there be a committment ceremony for dar and kerry?
TrueXena: ooops she is back glad i didnt hit enter on that comment
*Zaphod: heehee
Merwolf: Commitment.. maybe.
Rohan: We figured you were so busy, why remember us?
WarriorBard: hey Tanya the BG bartender my big Sis how yer doing over there
Shazb: a sequel or two from now..
Wulfwin: hi Tanya
Holly: What's your favorite moment in any of your works?
Tanya: hey WB!!! I'm cramped!!! NO ROOM!! How are you big bro?
Chaseher: Wahooo so were set through this spring
Merwolf: teh kiss in the Centaur village.
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
Brat: Hey Tanya!
deboX: gotta be the kiss...
*Red™: rain ;)
Rohan: but then, we are very unforgettable
Tanya: hey Brat!!!
EM: Why the kiss?
Tanya: how do I kiss people?
Tanya: on the net that is *g*
Candy: Tanya, you didn't say hi to me, pout. sniff...
Rohan: The kiss was a classic..did it come to you as you sat down to write?
Ripley: hey brat you are dancing on Air!
Dana: that was brilliant imagery
Merwolf: Just because.. it was that scene that inspired Distance...
Tanya: I can't see you at the bottom!!! Who is that?
Brat: Yeah.. fun!
Merwolf: that whole sequence, witht eh dive, and the arrow, and all.
Rohan: It is strange, but I actually dreamed of Dar and Kerry at the camp
fOLLY: very cool scene missy
Candy: If you turn the log on.. you can read what everyone is saying without having to sort through the faces.
EM: A true diving catch
Chaseher: Brat and Tiff are going for the animated dancing record in a palace chat room by a Gab and Callisto look alike
Dana: you wrote it so clear - it's very vivid in my minds eye
Merwolf: (laugh)
deboX: it was the best scene... and the kiss in TS too...
Brat: LOL
Rohan: and a band of terrorists and Steve cool
Ripley: I will just stick with my Alien with a halo
Tiff: LOL You know it babe
Ripley: I deserve a halo
Brat: Shake ur booty!
Merwolf: I'll have Gab the Lab pictures up tis weekend.. I have the digital camera at home.
pooka: i like that rip
Tanya: HEY CANDY!!!!
Stoley: pics are good
deboX: how about your pic?
fOLLY: oh way cool re gab pics
Brat: Ohh.. so we finally get to see Gab the Lab?
*Zaphod: Cool ... what about that santa pic ??
WarriorBard: not to bad standing next to our Godess so pretty good Zaphod was getting anoyed that he was sm Bro and I was Big Bro strange he must have some nuts loose after been paint
EM: Oh Oh ... pics of a dirty lab
*Red™: kewl!!!
Merwolf: I'll try.. but taking yourself with a digtal camera.. is tough.
s.: missy, make sure you get yourself in a picture or two!
Rohan: Missy, will you be suprised if someone writes fanfic concerning Dar and Kerry?
Candy: Finally... BG... has seen me.. my night is made. <wink to Tanya>
Nanook: do you have any other pets besides Gab the lab?
Tanya: LOL CANDY!! know I luv ya!!
ARTIST: i can draw a body part for ya
Merwolf: rohan... not really... I'd be flattered, but not surprised.
Rohan: Speak up, Zaph
Tiff: Missy I started reading your stories at work and got my assistant hooked...she doesn't have a computer so I have to print them for her...and she is constantly begging for a pic of you
fOLLY: yes, missy we need decent phots of you, and we will take them at the con if we have to
Ripley: Hiya Candy
Tanya: Aww...Zaph knows I luv him as the small bro!! But you won out as bigt bro!!
Merwolf: Well,I will try...
Candy: We need to fix Missy one of those Blow jobs... <wink>
Rohan: hmm..good. *starts to put pen to paper*
pooka: huh
deboX: what?
Dana: i email all your stories in my department - got 32 people hooked - it's constant emailing lol - but fun
Chaseher: Missy....did you know when you wrote the scene in the apple tree for X and G that it would be the fall back to Gab becoming Preggers?
Ripley: He is a Big Brother to me! Only cause he is taller!
WarriorBard: luv yer Sis
Merwolf: Yikes... that's a lot of bandwidth...
TrueXena: nah missy could use a Shuddering Or....never mind :o)
Merwolf: yes...I knew that....
EM: Does this include "dirty" pics of Gab the Lab [teehee]
Merwolf: I wanted to give them that.
Candy: LOL.. you got it, Tanya.. <grin>
FIRE(DM): <Sorry, Lagging>
Ripley: Hey TX! The weekend party hasn't begun yet!
Shazb: I like that you have a soft spot for X
Katherine: lol
Merwolf: dirty Lab pictures? Okay...
pooka: and a picture of the florida
pooka: room
Tanya: heheh..this is kinda fun do you like my hair?
Merwolf: I do... she's my favorite.
TrueXena: no but i wanna give Missy one anyways ;o)
pooka: adorable peach wasnt it
Shazb: after Gab runs in the pool and the garden!
Merwolf: Sure...
Dana: when xena said that she would fall off a cliff for gab in one of your stories - were you thinking of bitter suite
WarriorBard: )APPLAUSE
gloworm: By dirty you do mean muddy, right. After all she's only half-alt
Rohan: You write Gabrielle with much maturity. THANK YOU
Merwolf: I wrote that BEFORE BS.
Candy: Where are you? I'm reading the log and forgetting to even watch the screen...
Chaseher: How far in advance do you have stories plotted or do you just work with what you have written to pull them together?
Merwolf: Rohan... she's my second favorite. GG
Dana: oh - scary foresight
Rohan: ARrghghhg
Tanya: I'm right at the top Candy..with the alcohol *g*
EM: I get a kick out of your Gab the Lab comments
Merwolf: not far... I know where they end, but getting there is always a surprise.
EM: Yes I do mean dirt as in Mud
deboX: Missy, what do you think of Jules' Nano series?
gloworm: I love gabby
Merwolf: I like Nano very nuch...
Candy: Oh, I see ya now.. with the drink.. sure ahve figured that.
Merwolf: it's one of the few things I've gotten to read parts of.
EM: though I couldn't resist a tongue in cheeck ques
deboX: Doc is terrific!
Ripley: gloworm you are frowning again
Brat: I just finished the Nano series.. Too hilarious!
Tiff: So are you amember of the mile high club Missy?
Jen: lol
Tanya: wouldn't do for the BG not to have a good prop to suit right Canjdy!!
Wulfwin: lol
gloworm: Hey, not again
Katherine: glowroom is depressed tonight
Brat: BTW Rohan..thanks for the warning.. i almost spewed but caught in time.. lol
Merwolf: Nope.. I usually fly alone, and that kinda keeps me otu of the club.
pooka: and why do you sit in the newark airport
gloworm: Just introduce yourself
WarriorBard: )fist
Stoley: doesn't everyone?
pooka: i dont
Rohan: Your welcome, Brat..That is what I am here for.
Merwolf: continentals hubs are Houston and Newark...
WarriorBard: )gabsong.wav
Candy: That's right.... BG has to keep her image... though Renee keeps kidding herself with wearing her halo.
Brat: Heeh!
Merwolf: I get stock at one oro teh other...
Dana: have you travelled overseas merwolf - if you come to brisbane I'll show you around lol
Rohan: LOL
pooka: newark is an armpit
Ripley: I have a halo too! See I found it!
Merwolf: no.... not yet.. but I'd like to...
Tanya: LOL CAndy...we all know Artist is deluded anyway
Wulfwin: no kidding, renee, give it up
WarriorBard: )GUFFAW
Merwolf: I like newark airport...
ARTIST: hey stop about my halo
WarriorBard: )holywoman.wav
pooka: no the city
Katherine: I like you halo
Tiff: I am flying in there for NY Con
Merwolf: they have a good Chinese fast food in the center of concourse C that I like.
Wulfwin: at least my avatar is honest
WarriorBard: )howl.wav
TrueXena: Missy? when your typing and playing on the puter...what is playing in the background? Music, or TV? or is it silent?
gloworm: Damnit, I'm not decressed
Tanya: )GUFFAW
Shazb: maybe you'll get to come to CT after EDS buys the state!
ARTIST: thank you
Rohan: Missy, we appreciate you answering our questions
gloworm: I mean depressed.
Candy: Yeah, we know she made it out of tin foil.. and spray painted it gold.
EM: What no THAI food in concourse <g>
Merwolf: tv.. usually Discover channel.
Roman: rofl
Nanook: Do you ever get to bradley International in Hartford?
Ripley: then cheer up!
Merwolf: Shaz.. (G)
Latsric: Wulfwin..that sure does suit you:)
pooka: the crocodile man
Merwolf: no problem, Rohan.. I think I missed some, though...
ARTIST: i did not
Wulfwin: I;m adding to my arsenal, lat
Tanya: yep...we shoudl get her a straight jacket Avatar!!
Merwolf: No..but you never know.. they send me all over.
ARTIST: leave the artist alone
Dana: i like the crocidile references you have in your stories - where I come from we have them on the back yard
Latsric: should I be worried?
Rohan: I am sure they will re-ask them
Chaseher: So is that why its Dar and Kerry's Fav channel to watch? The Discovery Channel that is
Ripley: yes and some crayons!
Wulfwin: ohh, I gotta see if I can find one
Merwolf: I love Wild Discovery... Steve is fun.
pooka: im not far from there you are welcome anytime
Tiff: Oh hey Missy...was cleaning my closet the other day and found a EDS fanny pack
Candy: Duct tape might help keep her halo from slipping over her forehead.
Wulfwin: that's up to you, lat
Merwolf: (laugh)_
ARTIST: i'll do more butt drawing
Tanya: LOL....heh...DUCK tape maybe
Merwolf: I have EDS shirts, bags, socks...
Dana: we don't have the crocidile show in australia
Merwolf: yes...
Brat: I get the Croc dude on Animal planet also
deboX: I saw my first EDS commercial last night...
Merwolf: they share my taste in TV
Wulfwin: oh, lat, guess what I have
Candy: Duck ASS tape...
Dana: too many real ones
Ripley: oh no you and your Butt Fetish Artist!
TrueXena: yeah saw him the other nite said something strange like "Crash Hot" about a smell
Rohan: Here in Oregon, EDS is a school system term
*Zaphod: i wonder why =)
Merwolf: EDS doens't do many commercials...
Tanya: LOL Candy
Latsric: What, Wulf?
Tanya: my dad has heard of EDS
Merwolf: we're pretty low key...
ARTIST: you guys enjoy it
Shazb: You got to have them watch Judge Judy, it's right up their alley
Merwolf: Ross Perot started teh company.
Latsric: LOL and running like hell
Wulfwin: let's try that chickedn thing!
TrueXena: So have all of TS fans now Tanya :o)
Chaseher: But EDS has many skills right ? <G> LOL
Roman: haha
Latsric: save me Ray
TrueXena: LOL
Candy: Chicked thing?
Rohan: What kind of food do you cook for your reinactment
Merwolf: EDS certainly does, yes.
gloworm: What is the fascination with Judge Judy? I'm not a big fan
EM: Ross is NOT lowkey
Tanya: LOL..unfortunately he's not a TS fan
Ripley: Judge Judy kicks butt!
Papa Pup: I liked the Iran rescue he did for his people
Katherine: I like her to
Stoley: Her her
Tiff: Does EDS monitor alarms too?
Tanya: I love Judge Judy
Chaseher: hello?
Merwolf: a variety.... two meat, a starch a vegetable.. something weird for desert...
TrueXena: print the story for him he cant resist for long
Brat: Judge Judy is great!
Dana: don't think much of judge judy
Candy: Judge Judy rules..
TrueXena: LOL TIFF
Merwolf: My mom watches Judge Judy...
gloworm: I just dont' get her.
Rohan: Wierd? My favorite is cheese Pringles on vanilla ice cream
Tiff: I am serious TX
Maritimer: Judge Judy rocks
Shazb: Judy treats idiots like idiots, it's great
Tanya: true TX...but..umm..some marterial these stories involve aren't really for my Dad *g*
Ripley: she is way better then Miles Lane!
Merwolf: and Judge Wapner on Animal Planet.. who does pet trials
Wulfwin: Candy - lat was being a chicken last night in the chatroom and I wanted to see if they really do run around with their heads chopped off
Merwolf: those are bizarre.
Shazb: people's court!
Brat: Oh yeah!
Spudhaid: Do your co-workers read your writings or know about them?
gloworm: How about graham crackers and butter
TrueXena: oh oh well his loss
EM: LOL - - Pet Trials
Tanya: I rememebr Judge Wapner on People's court
Merwolf: Yes.. that's me...
Merwolf: some of my coworkers do, yes....
pooka: is dar going to suffer a concussion at some time
Latsric: I was being chicken..i was looking for lost marshmallows
gloworm: what's you?
Rohan: what do they think?
Candy: YIKES! Wulfwin.. did you do a Bobbit on her?
Chaseher: I run Judge Judy Back to back at 5 and 5:30 and I run Judge Joe Mills and Judge Joe Brown....might as well call us Court TV LMAO
Stoley: why does everyone want Dar to get hit in the head?
pooka: i dont
Wulfwin: I didn't go for that part!
Dana: so do your coworker realise your popularity
TrueXena: do your coworkers know of you half-alt bardhood?
WarriorBard: Missy what is the strangest thing that has ever happen to you
Tanya: I don't want Dar to get hit
Brat: LOL Chas!
Merwolf: Dar wont' get a concussion.. but she might get into toher trough.
pooka: i just figured id start worrying now
Merwolf: er.. trouble...
Merwolf: what part?
EM: Will Dar compete?
Tiff: Well gotta run folks...gotta go get in character. Thank you Missy for answering my questions!!!!
Merwolf: Dar will compete.
Rohan: Bye Tiff
Merwolf: anytime...
Dana: by tiff
Ripley: bye tiff!
Tanya: bye Tiff
Jen: night Tiff
TrueXena: have fun Tiff kick there butts
Wulfwin: bye tiff
Chaseher: has there been an update I havn't read...cause ya'll keep talking bout Dar gettin a Concussion!! Hmmmmm
*Zaphod: bye
pooka: night tiff
*Red™: later Tiff
Stoley: bye tiff
Brat: Bye Tiff!
Merwolf: okay..I just missed some questions...
Canuck: later tiff
*BG: Psycho Puppy: nightie night tiff
Maritimer: by Tiff
ARTIST: by tiff
Nanook: bye tiff
EM: Will Dar compete?
WarriorBard: bye tiff
Rohan: Tiff and the Byes..
s.: bye tiff
Papa Pup: Bye Tiff
TrueXena: i had one but cant remember i
Roman: bye tiff
TrueXena: t
Merwolf: I was going to give Dar a concussion.. but changed my mind.
gloworm: So, do your coworkers know about your other life
Candy: See ya Tiff.
Nanook: night john-boy
Rohan: LOL, Missy
Merwolf: Some of my coworkers do...
Ripley: is anyone else getting a headache?!
Tanya: LOL Nanook
Stoley: yes!
gloworm: what do they think?
Chaseher: Oh ok Whewwwww Writers Privelage there <G>
Roman: LOL
Tanya: no headache yet
Candy: What do they say, Missy?
Wulfwin: already had one, Ripley
Merwolf: well, those that do are fans, so they think it's hilarious.
Merwolf: (G)
Ripley: Yet being the key word right!
Jen: me too Wulf
Fayezer: no headache, motion sickness
Canuck: I think I may be getting one...then again it could be that third eye....
TrueXena: Do they (coworkers) read your work?
Brat: :Why am I the only dancing nut?
Merwolf: four or five of them, do.. yes...
WarriorBard: Missy what is the strangest thing to ever happen to you
Tanya: do you really want us to answer that Brat?
Merwolf: strangest thing....
Maritimer: the log is killing my eyes
*Zaphod: us pups ?
Chaseher: Merpups
Jen: lol
Rohan: besides getting hit by lightening twice
gloworm: do they pester you for updates like we do (in a nice way, of course)
Brat: I was only merely thinking out loud
*Zaphod: LOL ROhan
Wulfwin: god, Tanya, I was typing the exact same thing before you did!
Merwolf: um... a candidate for a job at EDS, during an interview with me and four other supervisors, asked if they could go touch my cubicle, and wanted my autograph.
Ripley: you do that too Brat?
Tanya: suuureee Brat *g*
pooka: why not save the log and read it later
Tanya: we think alike Wulf!!!
*Zaphod: ROFL
TrueXena: LOL
Brat: Har-dee-har-har!
Dana: you must get like a zillion emails a day - how do you cope with that
ARTIST: don't think it's not the 9 yet
gloworm: that's funny.
*Zaphod: i can understand that
Maritimer: lol
Chaseher: LMAO
Canuck: <g>
Roman: LOL
TrueXena: id do the same i dont know what im laughing about?
Holly: Did they get the job?
Ripley: Tanya and Wulf think alike...oh man that is trouble!
WarriorBard: you are nuts Brat and so are the rest of us
Jen: lol
pooka: har de dar dar
Merwolf: I try to answer the ones that have questions... but it's tough.. I wish I could answer all of them, but I run otu of time...
Wulfwin: that's frightening Tanya!
Tanya: LOL....oh yeah Rip..a whole WROLD of trouble
Tanya: I kow sure is!!
fOLLY: how many emails in your box right now?
Brat: Here Comes Trouble!
Merwolf: 834.
Rohan: You need a secretary, Missy
Wulfwin: I was trouble enough before!
*Zaphod: OUCH
Papa Pup: you guys are going to blowup the palace
pooka: yikes
Holly: Did they get the job?
Canuck: holly moo, that's a lot of emails
Dana: omygoddess
gloworm: So let me see. Get a job interview with EDS, get Missy's autograph. I can turn on a computer. I could maybe get an interview...
Rohan: and a laundry person
Ripley: you and me both Wulf!
WarriorBard: laughing myself out of the chair
Merwolf: Holly.. um.. no.
Brat: Thank you WB!
Latsric: I can vouch for that Wulf
Tanya: gee,,we thought our emails were bad
EM: Will Dar compete again?
WarriorBard: you said it
Merwolf: EM.. Dar will compete.
Maj|k: How do you pick the names for your characters?
Wulfwin: thought you wold, lat
EM: Thanks
gloworm: Compete, what does that mean?
Merwolf: That's a good question.. they jst sort of name themselves.
Merwolf: Dar and Kerry were the hardest.
Rohan: Missy, are you doing okay with this? Getting tired yet?
pooka: martial arts
Ripley: is it those Voices again!
Merwolf: Nope.. I[m used ot typing. (laugh)
Chaseher: I wanna see Dar get into a bout with Steve....and accidentally umm take him out
Tanya: you heard the voices in my head Rip?
Jen: hee hee my last name is in TS
gloworm: Oh, I got it.
WarriorBard: your quite weclome Brat
Merwolf: Accidentally?
pooka: she did that already
*Zaphod: Yeah , pickup line #6 ???
Merwolf: She woudn't accidentally do it.
Rohan: I want Kerry to take him out
Ripley: accidentally on purpose!
Brat: I feel honored to be named after a character in TS
Tanya: yeah...accidentally...cure Chaseher!!
fOLLY: can't gab help with email? she helped lick the stamps for the thank you notes, though she ate mine
Tanya: sure
Chaseher: Well...ok On purpose....but we gotta avoid the law here
Merwolf: Gab would chew the email.
TrueXena: ok then on perpose kick his butt
Rohan: I don't think the name Rohan will come up in HW do you?
Spudhaid: Do you think you'll ever collaborate on a story with another bard?
Dana: you need an agent missy lol
Tanya: LOL....heh...that's better chaseher!!
Jen: lol Rohan
Merwolf: (blink) You neve rknow.
Rohan: uh oh
Merwolf: Spud... also, you never know.. no one's ever asked.
Chaseher: hehehehe <G>
Roman: LOL
Ripley: If they start drinking liquor my name might pop up <g>
Roman: haha
Wulfwin: better watch it Rohan!
*Zaphod: heehee
Tanya: LOL RIP
pooka: would you quit your day job to write full time if you could afford it
Ripley: hehe
Wulfwin: lol
Brat: When I first started reading TS, I did a double take with the name Colleen.. felt i was right at home! *grin*
Rohan: What can happen to me? I already asked for a toilet scrubbingjob
Candy: Thanks Zaphod for setting all this up. <smiles>
Stoley: I would!
Merwolf: If I coudl afford it? Well... that would take a lot of work.
pooka: and
EM: Missy --- include another dive scene in detail for us cold pups
TrueXena: LOL Rohan
Merwolf: EDS does pay the bills...
Tanya: no one ever uses my name in a story
Chaseher: Ok...say the pups support you so you could support our habbit!! <G>
Roman: haha
Merwolf: EM.. okay.. no problem.. I like those.
Tanya: :
Tanya: (
fOLLY: missy you are already more productive than most writers who write full time
Jen: yeah, a nice warm beach
Tanya: :(
Ripley: cold is an understatment
WarriorBard: any one seen Ripley you around here
pooka: if you could afford it
Rohan: Tanya, write your own stories
gloworm: I think Kerry should punch (accidentally) Skippy. Just because
*Zaphod: LOL
Tanya: WB!! RIp is right next to you
EM: Thanks ... I miss snorkeling up in the cold north
Dana: missy the next stephen king
TrueXena: warm? did i hear warm?
Wulfwin: she's right next to you,WB
Rohan: and I will write mine too!
Ripley: I am right here!
Merwolf: IKerry punch Skippy.. you guys are so violent.
Rohan: Moi???
Merwolf: (laugh) I feel like MaryD's here.
EM: Loved John Pennycamp
Wulfwin: so?
gloworm: Not CPT Skip
Tanya: we are the armed Merpups Missy!!
Ripley: us violent?
Chaseher: Nahh were just used to Xena whippin Butt!! <G>
Roman: LOL
Candy: Hey we're pups.. we're suppose to be violent.
Ripley: NAH.
Canuck: maybe she could accidently trip him....
Rohan: Just because I am wearing a red cape and spandex
TrueXena: yeah but we dont ask for heads
WarriorBard: Oh there you are your so small I missed you
Wulfwin: what'd you expect?
Merwolf: Mary D - OFF WITH HIS HEAD@!!!
Canuck: into a pile of menure
Jen: lol Rohan
gloworm: hey, we're Xena fans, not Betty Crocker, right
Wulfwin: YES!!!!
Canuck: <g>
ARTIST: we just talk a lot
Roman: lol
Rohan: MaryD is a kick!
Ripley: I am sorry, I am easily overlooked!
TrueXena: LOL gloworm
TrueXena: we talk alot?
Merwolf: I remember the first time she sent me a mail wanting a head.
Rohan: I bet you died
TrueXena: really? wow first i have heard
Jen: lol
Wulfwin: if you think we're violent now, you should come over to the talkcity chatroom sometime!
Katherine: lol
Merwolf: I did.. it was so amazing.
gloworm: let's call Mary D, anyone got a number? Wake her up
Candy: Yeah.. she needs headquarters.
Merwolf: I didn't expect it from her...
Rohan: did you give her one?
Chaseher: LMAO Rip....hehehehe an Alien with a Halo how could we miss you!!!
Tanya: can we get these emails Missy/
Merwolf: it was Secan, and yes...
Rohan: She is Sneaky..
Merwolf: I certainly did.
Canuck: :headquarters...he he
Nanook: yeh...I'm sitting next to Missy!!!
Ripley: obviously SOMEONE missed me!
Merwolf: what emails?
Dana: how do you feel about the impending end of xena missy (sob)?
Tanya: Mary D's head emails
TrueXena: I think you have answered this before, have you Meet MaryD in RL yet?
Merwolf: oh.. the MaryDones?
Brat: Rip.. hard to miss an alien with a halo!
Rohan: did you see merhaven? MaryD head shelf? riot
Ripley: I deserve a halo!
Merwolf: No.. I hope I do someday, though...
WarriorBard: hey Tanya you tryed out the massage table yet Wulfwin is going to give me a deep back rub when I get to the BS
Wulfwin: Ripley...NOT!!!
fOLLY: I thought we might try to call maryd from the pup dinner in sm
Wulfwin: with oils and everything!
Candy: Nope.. haven't seen MaryD's head shelf... shrunken or regular?
Tanya: you got me one WB!!! You're awesome!!
Ripley: YES I do, I have been good today, I didn't throw anythign at you Wulf
Merwolf: that woudl be cool.. I ahve an international calling card.
Rohan: Regular, not decaffinated
Merwolf: We could do that.
ARTIST: II'm the only angel here
Rohan: upp. decapitated
Katherine: regular
Tanya: yeah right aRTIST
Wulfwin: I'm bringing the oils, Tanya!
Rohan: She should be here
Ripley: Artist one word for you....NOT.
fOLLY: we need her number
Maritimer: MAry D's heads are at the Merpups Den
Spudhaid: you need a powerful speakerphone too
Tanya: oohh...good one Wulf!!!
Candy: either way.. heads on a shelf... YUCK.
Wulfwin: Artist...NOT!!!!
WarriorBard: I love oils
ARTIST: pictures guys
Rohan: Missy, we may be crazy, but we love you...
Rohan: stories that is
Ripley: we are crazy, what are you talking about Rohan!
Merwolf: I think you guys are great... this is such a fun thing.
Candy: Yeah, we love ya, Missy.
Katherine: yip
Brat: :crazy?
Stoley: Second
Tanya: where are you Rohan!! We're freaking nuts!!
Rohan: whew, I am glad you think so,
pooka: )KISS
Dana: great fun
Candy: Crazy <---keyword of this group.
EM: We think you're great and thank your muse for her outpourings
Rohan: who kissed who?
Merwolf: My main pet
Wulfwin: we're nuts and proud of it!
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
s.: )YES
Tanya: exactloy wulf
Canuck: )TEEHEE
Ripley: yes who is kissing adn not telling!
Tanya: )AMEN
ARTIST: okay i'm saying it
WarriorBard: )fist
ARTIST: ducks ass
Wulfwin: ARTIST!!!!
Brat: oh gosh! not that !
TrueXena: Ok BOUND, since i have just started it there was something that i wanted to know. why would Xena wash her hands in the creek before getting water for the skins?
Merwolf: thoughtless people.
Tanya: they play the Messiah!! this is awesome!!
Ripley: Oh man Artist starts with her Duck Ass fetish!
pooka: what is your pet peeve
Jen: getting tickets for only going 6 mph's over the limit? <g>
Roman: teehee!
TrueXena: wouldnt she want to get the water first then clean up?
EM: One tightass law officer
WarriorBard: Hey no more Duck ass Artist pup
fOLLY: a little curtesy goes a long way
Jen: i know
Katherine: probably
Rohan: Missy, are you ever going to post a pic for us? Or should we just picture Dar for you?
Merwolf: I'd have to go back and reread.. I just do action as it occurs t me.
nanapea: OK Missy, I'm confused. You say you don't watch TV much but you have access to satellite feeds?
EM: Works for me Rohan
ARTIST: coffee anyone
Merwolf: Rohan.. I'll try.. taking a digital pic one handed it going to be tough.
*Zaphod: heehee ... after Santa Monica there should be plenty of pics
Merwolf: Yep...
Candy: Say, Missy, when am I going to get a picture of you for the ALBUM?
TrueXena: ok not a problem just something that stuck in my head
Maritimer: there is a Missy pick at the Den Rohan
Ripley: only if it is flavoured coffee!
Wulfwin: Renee, just stop!
Merwolf: I have access to sat feeds.. but I dont' watch BROADCAST TV.
EM: Have Gab Lab hold camera [giggle]
fOLLY: missy, don't you have any rl friends who know how to point a camera?
Rohan: Does it have a timer?
Merwolf: I do watch Discovery, and history...
Jen: i've tried that Missy, it doesn't work too well
EM: Good point Rohan
Rohan: Maritmer, missed it..sorry
Merwolf: Not at my house, no...
Tanya: LOL
Chaseher: being in TV...I was wondering how you got the Coordinates for the sunday feed....I'm assuming you get it at
Katherine: or a neighbor
Merwolf: my mom an digital cameras... not a good idea.
Chaseher: 8:44 am right??
*Zaphod: Beth ???
Merwolf: yes - i have a sat dish.
Brat: I second that Missy!
Ripley: like my mom and a VCR I bet!
Merwolf: uh huh...
Rohan: LOL, Missy. I would not trust my mother with anything electronic either
Stoley: mothers and VCR's scary!
pooka: did you finish the florida room
Katherine: moms scarry
Brat: mothers + cameras = Trouble!
fOLLY: how long have you lived with your mom? I figure you have lived away from home before
Ripley: my mom calls me when she wants to record something, or order a movie off Cable!
Jen: lol not my mom
Merwolf: And Gab...well...
TrueXena: hey Chaser I got a friend in SC gets it too on wildfeed
Chaseher: For any of you who have a Sattelite too can watch Xena as it feeds <G>
Roman: teehee!
Rohan: she is just a bit to picky, right? Gab the Lab I mean
Merwolf: Always - someone has to take care of things, you know?
gloworm: Gab has figured out the phone
Tanya: my Mom lives ina diff city
WarriorBard: yeah thats like giving the pups a lot of cakes and saying FOOD FIGHT!
Rohan: That is sweet.
Merwolf: I coudl probably train her to take a picture...
Merwolf: I'll see what I can do.
Jen: lol
pooka: okay dont answer my question about the florida room in florida
TrueXena: LOL
Wulfwin: lol
Ripley: Ooo did I hear food fight?!
Dana: so does mine - if I lived with my mum we would kill each other
Rohan: Train your mom? I dont think so
Merwolf: Pooka.. didn't get it.... say it again?
fOLLY: it is cool that you can be grown up enough to do that, missy
EM: Train Who Mom or Gab the Lab?
Chaseher: That's Cool TX.....
pooka: did you finish painting it
Tanya: cool Wulf :)
Stoley: Mothers aren't trainable.
*Zaphod: OK , 4:00here and the bed is calling my name really loud now.
Merwolf: I"m an only child....
pooka: and is that how you hurt your head
WarriorBard: )howl.wav
Brat: :Food fight? where?
Tanya: bye Zaph!! Little bro
Chaseher: Hold back the Coffee Beans guys....Missy's here
Rohan: Nighto Zaph..guten nicht
TrueXena: Later Zap
Merwolf: night Zaph...
Ripley: bye Zaph!
Stoley: bye Zaph
Tanya: )KISS
Dana: bye zaphod
pooka: nght zph
*Zaphod: So thanks alot Missy , it was fun ,i loved it and have fun at the con
*Red™: later ZB
Candy: Bye Zaph.
Brat: Night Zaphod!
Rohan: hey, who kissed who?
Jen: nite Zaph
EM: Wiedersehn
Canuck: nighty night Zaph
Wulfwin: well, pups, I gotta go, it's been hilarious, Missy, thank you so much for doing this, and thank you to everyone who helped set it up
TrueXena: Missy do you wish you had sibs?
*Zaphod: See ya guys
Oscarama: bye
Tanya: I kissed my little bro Zaph!!
*Zaphod: @417,23 !KISS!!!
Chaseher: night Zaph thanks for the help earlier
Merwolf: hey Zaph.. wish you could come over for it...
*Zaphod: )kiss
pooka: )KISS
Dana: bye wulfwin
Merwolf: no problem.. it was lots of fun.
ARTIST: night zaap
EM: Bye Wulfin
Ripley: Stop with teh kissing already! it is to early to start that stuff!
Latsric: Night Wulf
Rohan: kisses are a the mile high club
Canuck: later Wulfin
Fayezer: where's Zaph from that it's 4:00?
Rohan: RUN
pooka: okay dont answer my question about the florida room in florida
TrueXena: Missy do you wish you had sibs?
Stoley: It's never too early
Merwolf: Germany, I believe.
WarriorBard: god you two are keen aren`t you for a food fight
Ripley: Zaph is in Germany
nanapea: Xaphod is in Germany
Brat: Bye wulfwin, ya little devil!
pooka: waaaahhhhhh
Rohan: Love Germany. very beautiful country
Merwolf: Do I wish I had sibs... soemtimes, but then I talk to some people who have them, and then I don't.
Tanya: yep..Zaph is German pup
pooka: nitht wulf
TrueXena: LOL
Merwolf: if you know what I mean.
Fayezer: Thanks
Rohan: LOL..I am oldest so it is better
Ripley: I would LOVE a food fight! I don't get to wrok tomorrow so I NEED a food fight!
Tanya: I have a 5 year old brother
Maritimer: lol, True
Tanya: kinda funny because I'm 20
ARTIST: food fight is like a ducks ass
EM: Oldest too
Katherine: I have 10 sibs, no you don't want them.
TrueXena: would you rather have a bro or sis? if you had a choice?
Candy: Missy, you're better off without sibs... <lol>
Zann: You could have my sibs. <g>
Roman: haha
Dana: my brother is 11 years younger then me - it has it moments
Rayner: Missy, If there was a con in Toronto could You be persuaded to come?
Stoley: Older brother who loved to hit me!
Tanya: everything is like a duck's ass to you Artist!!
Merwolf: now.. what was the question about the florida room?
Rohan: and now I have a husband and I am still oldest bwahahaa
Merwolf: I'd rather hav ea brother.
Maritimer: My sis is 15 years my senior Tanya
Ripley: I am the youngest of all my siblings, 14 years difference between me and my youngest sister!
Canuck: I have 3 sibs all older...personally I like it
pooka: i have 3 out of 5 left
TrueXena: did you get it painted?
EM: Hey my mom was older than my dad
Merwolf: Toronto Con.. sure.. I'd love to see Canada.
Tanya: who just asked the Toronto con question?
WarriorBard: yeah and Im in the channel lsles of the coast of France and 70 miles from United kingdom
ARTIST: of course
Rayner: I did Tanya
Brat: Im the youngest with two older sisters
Chaseher: 13 years between me and mine Rip
TrueXena: pooka im trying
gloworm: Canada is cool. I've been there like eight times (not far from Ohio)
pooka: thanks
Tanya: one is supposed to know about the Toronto Con yet guys
Ripley: and I still get picked on!
Stoley: Agree
pooka: adorable peach i think it was
fOLLY: missy do you have some long term goals, things you'd like to do?
s.: canada is way cool!
WarriorBard: so it a very early morning for me
Merwolf: Closest I got was a visit to Michigan.
Maj|k: I'm definately going if there is one in Toronto!!!
Maritimer: Canadians rock!
Chaseher: Glowworm is from OHIO?
Rohan: Love the hydrofoil over the channel
Rayner: I said if?
Canuck: I think I beat you out Rip....18 years between me and my closest sister
PD: Missy, sorry to be late - maybe this was already asked ..
Dana: I love wolves - has anyone read the wolves of time series by williliam horwitz
Tanya: we have too much to do first
Merwolf: complete my MCSE.
Stoley: Did I hear Michigan?
BD: I'm the oldest, too many sibs, I love'em all ...
Merwolf: soday...
TrueXena: ok pooka, just type MISSY really big before you question it usually works :o9
Merwolf: sokay..
Ripley: I feel so insignificant now Canuck!
PD: Have you ever been to one of those retreats?
EM: MCSE in Networking?
Merwolf: yes...
Canuck: Canadian's do rock...perhaps I'm a little bias though
Canuck: <g>
gloworm: What's wrong with Ohio?
Roman: haha
EM: Oooh thats tough
Rohan: Uh the geek talk..I dont understand it
Canuck: That's okay Rip
Tanya: LOL Cannuck..we do rock big time!!
pooka: !missy
s.: yes we do!
EM: Hats off to you
WarriorBard: hey rohan you have been on the boat across the channel
Merwolf: I'm here...
Chaseher: Nothing...I live in Ohio....just wondering where your at?
Holly: Are you going for your CCIE?
Rohan: WB, YES
pooka: like that
Ripley: Hey Midwesterns are cool too! Yeah we are!
Katherine: finally
Candy: Well, this has bee fun Missy.. and thanks for coming here to talk to us... I've got to head out now. You take care and keep up the wonderful writing. See ya all.
TrueXena: yeah now ask the question with it
Merwolf: Nope... just MCSE, probably with Internet.
gloworm: Hey Mis--I can't believe how handy you are, tool belt and all <VBG>
Rohan: Bye bye
Dana: bye
Stoley: bye
Merwolf: Nop roblem.. thanks for asking me...
Maj|k: Canadians and American pups are the best, anyone else just doesn't compare :)
Tanya: bye
pooka: i might have more luck sending her an e-mail
Maritimer: bye
Roman: bye
WarriorBard: ^bye
TrueXena: cya rohan
Katherine: your right
Tanya: bye
Brat: Bye whoever that is down there!
Dana: oh majik - that's what you think
Ripley: bye
TrueXena: LOL Brat
Holly: How many MCSE test so far? (1/6 for me)
s.: bye, bye
Chaseher: Dayton....
fOLLY: so I hear rumors of your stopping other robberies
Merwolf: four.
Rohan: Missy, do you ever get tired of writing?
Canuck: Hey missy I've got a question....I was at work today and was ringing through groceries...what kind of milk does dar like?? (1% etc..)
Brat: weel, I cant see who!!
Merwolf: Rohan.. not yet...
Merwolf: 1p ercent?? (laughing) Whole Milk.
pooka: i bet whole milk
WarriorBard: So Missy what do you see in the future for Dar&kerry then?
Canuck: Strange I know....but it's been bugging me
pooka: alright dar
Jen: cream
Merwolf: She'd proably drink hafl and half if she could.
pooka: thats good too
Merwolf: Don't know.. they havne't told me their future yet.
Maritimer: ewww whole milk, skim for me
Canuck: <G>
Roman: rofl
Ripley: Half and Half is good!
TrueXena: LOL
gloworm: I graduated from Miami
PD: Missy have you ever been to one of those retreats?
Rohan: Milk from the cow and make her own butter, right?
Canuck: here
Stoley: 2%
Tanya: I go to Queen's
Merwolf: No.. I haven't.....
s.: half and half might be kinda grosss
gloworm: sorry, ignore that
Tanya: skim is the one!!
fOLLY: missy did you go to Y camp?
Ripley: never drink milk fresh from a cow!
Stoley: HandH in coffee o.k.
s.: skim is great
Jen: skim here too
Chaseher: Sweeeeeet....One of Our Directors at the station went to Miami...
Rohan: I have made butter before. it is good. You should have Dar try it
Canuck: :this from the girl who's parents have threatened to get me my own cow
pooka: oh boy milk talk
Merwolf: iNo.. but SCA events are held down here at them...
Merwolf: (YMCAcamps)
Tanya: LOL canuck!! where do you live?
fOLLY: where is stark?
Dana: lol
Rohan: uh, making butter not me makingbutter,,ooomy
pooka: no one cares about the florida room tx
Merwolf: I've been to three in Florida.
Canuck: In
Maritimer: i'll see if I can make chocolate milk from my avitar
Shazb: That cabin you described is just like my camps
Brat: Chase. where areya?
Merwolf: I'd have to check where Stark is located exactly.. it's somewhere upsteate.
Shazb: including the spider webs
Rohan: DO you have any questions for us, Missy?
Merwolf: what is this question about the Florida room?
Tanya: I'm in Ontario Canuck
gloworm: Missy, can you humor pooka and tell her about your florida room
fOLLY: geez, that would have been the hilton of y camps compared to where ai went
Chaseher: I'm right here Brat....see...Glow's on top of me!!!!!!!!
pooka: hey
Dana: the prison nearby - will that play part of the story
Merwolf: I have a picture.. I'll upload it tonight.
Shazb: I went for 2 months every summer
ARTIST: have you checked out the album page
pooka: okay i'll forget about it
Merwolf: of the florida room, that is.
Tanya: Gabs is sitting on my head!!
Brat: OH.. now i see ya!
Tanya: hey XB!!
TrueXena: FLORIDA ROOM, did id get done?
Maj|k: who just said there were from Ontario?
Holly: I'm in Toronto
Dana: will they have a breakout of the prison lol
Merwolf: I don't know why they call it the florida room, btw... and partly.
Katherine: lol
XenasBard: hey all :)
Tanya: I did!! I"M FROM ONTARIO
Merwolf: done,t hat is....
Chaseher: I'm the Head with a Halo Brat hehehee
Canuck: I do beleive that was Tanya
TrueXena: lol
pooka: my neighbor has one
Shazb: cuz you have to wicker furniture in it!
Canuck: Which part Tanya??
Maj|k: kewl, where in Ontario?
Ripley: Hey XB!
pooka: its covered in snow
Brat: aww.. not another proclamined Innocent! *grin*
Merwolf: I got the blinds up... but the floor still has tob edone.
Tanya: Right now I'm in Toronto...I got to school in Kingston though
EM: Does Dar like Dark or Milk or both chocolates?
XenasBard: hey Rip...feeling a little small?
Ripley: I am innocent!
WarriorBard: So missy I have to admit you have converted me to uber fiction after reading TS I loved it so much I went and read as much as I could find of uber fiction stories
TrueXena: there ya go pooka :o) happy?
Merwolf: dark, but any chocolate will do, really.
Katherine: I'm sorry
gloworm: Missy the Toolwoman Good. Doesn't rhyme
Ripley: I am a little small it is a fact of life XB!
Maj|k: kewl, I'm in Lindsay, close to Peterborough
Holly: Tanya do you go to Queen's?
Nanook: Do you have any other pets besides Gabs the lab?
Merwolf: uber is very cool.. I didn't think I woudl like it.. but I was wrong.
Tanya: yes I do Holly
Canuck: :people prefer one choclolate over another??
XenasBard: LOL
EM: Yes a true Choc-a-holic
Merwolf: I have a wolfhound cross, anda mini schnauzer.
Merwolf: three dogs, all together.
gloworm: names, please
TrueXena: well when ya got Dar&Kerry who could go wrong?
ARTIST: no you are not ripley
Shazb: I bet uber lets you get into the nitty gritty of places and things you know
Tanya: My uncle used to live in Lindsay!! I've been there many times
pooka: i have a greyhound
Merwolf: yes... ti does...
Ripley: Yes I am! I have done NOTHING today!
Maj|k: kewl
Tanya: Hey Holly?? Where are you?
pooka: and a cat
TrueXena: what are the others names?
Ripley: honest!
pooka: called missy
Rohan: Missy, do you have any silly questions for us?
Holly: I'm in Toronto
Merwolf: Okay, Fire...
Tanya: cool! Where in Toronto? What school do you go to?
Nanook: I have 3 dogs also,german shepherd,australian shep,and collie
Holly: York & Ryerson (graduated both)
gloworm: oh yeah, we've been badgering you all night. Ask away
Katherine: what are there names
TrueXena: ok im confused???? but then i stay this way
EM: Ask us some questions Missy
Ripley: I have a dachshund, small dog for a small person!
XenasBard: how do I stop these advertisments?
Merwolf: Mine? Bonnach the wolfhound, andAeron teh shcnauzer
Dana: you'll have millions of answers
Tanya: I volunteer at the Humane society because I can't have animals
Rohan: press on the x
Shazb: Folly, did you get that??
XenasBard: I have a sheo/collie mix
Holly: I live in the burb's west of the airport.
Merwolf: I've always had dogs.
Tanya: I live right near York Holly!!
fOLLY: yes
Stoley: I'm getting a border collie
pooka: do you have a borzoi
Rohan: I have a cat, Freeloader. he thinks he is a dog.
nanapea: Missy, how did you get into IS? Did you study CS?
Holly: poor you...
Dana: dogs are interesting
Ripley: I used to have a tea cup poodle
Tanya: I live in Thornhill to be kidding
Merwolf: Luck.. I ansered an ad in the paper fora tech temp service.
EM: I babysat a lizard over the holidays
Cindy: Missy, what do TPTB think of your fan fic?
TrueXena: LOL
Canuck: Have a big golden retreiver (100lbs)...thinks she's a lap dog
Tanya: just as long as I don't go there then everything is fine *g*
Brat: I am owned by two cats
Merwolf: They havne't read it, if that's what you mean.. (G)
nanapea: And you just learned as you went along?
Fayezer: Missy, you think you'll live in Florida forever or is there somewhere else you think would be nice to live?
Stoley: Tech temp = consulting contract?
Maj|k: Thornhill is nice, I went to a Sledge Hockey tournament there two years ago.
TrueXena: have you gotten any feedback from the PTB about your work?
Merwolf: do you mean, what do they thing of peopel writing it?
Ripley: I have had a 100 pound mut trap me in a car
gloworm: I read on the webpage how you got into EDS. I was surprised.
pooka: missy do you want to ask us anything
Cindy: Maybe they should <G>
Roman: teehee!
Katherine: Missy did you say there would be a update tonight?
Nanook: dogs always love you no matter how crabby you get
nice 107: hi
Ripley: she sat on me!
Tanya: yeah's very suburbish...but very huge too
Merwolf: Well, I think they are intrigued by it...
Dana: i'm a cat person
TrueXena: yeah
pooka: i think im invisible
Tanya: I love all animals
TrueXena: do you think they read it and get ideas from some of it?
Nanook: do you like snakes?
gloworm: Dana, I love dogs, but I've got two cats, because they are low maintenance
fOLLY: they should be intrigued, you are truely the queen of altfic
Canuck: anything w/ four legs and fur...well almost anything
Tanya: yes I like snakes
Maritimer: I have a plastic fish and a bouncing tigger for pets
WarriorBard: I guess there wont be many posts on the lists tonight then for a change
Rohan: You dont have to answer this Missy, But how are things on the new server? Need more mola?
TrueXena: your not invisible
Merwolf: I got a good response from Steve Sears...but I'd never accuse them of reading it. Steve was a very imaginitive person.. don't think he needs to read fanfic.
Nanook: yikes....
Maj|k: I have two cats and I disagree that they aren't smart. I taught my cats to roll over and to beg.
Merwolf: new server is fine...
Dana: i don't mind dogs - love wild dogs - dingoes and wolves and foxes
Tanya: cats are very smart
Dana: but I could not have one of my own
*MegBot™: )YES
Ripley: my dog is dumb!
Chaseher: Ok people...Ya'll have a great evening..Missy Thank you for answering as many questions as you could and thanks for doing this it was alot of fun!! Night Night all!!!
fOLLY: will you risk giving us a message board again?
gloworm: My cats are smart; they got me wrapped around they're paws
Tanya: bye Chaseher
Rohan: Night, Chaseher..
Merwolf: nighters... thanks for coming...
Tanya: )KISS
Nanook: i was going to say how about 2 legs and fur, then thought how it sounded
Katherine: night
Dana: bye
Brat: Night Chaseher!!!!!!
Ripley: bye Chaseher!
Canuck: night Chaseher
TrueXena: cya Chaseher :o)
Maj|k: see ya
pooka: night
EM: NIte Nite
Roman: bye chase
TrueXena: )kiss.wav
Rohan: ugh,,someone is kissing again..yicky the germs
Stoley: bye
Merwolf: (laugh)
gloworm: Yeah, message board, any possibilities?
Tanya: LOL Nanook!!
Cindy: Do you know if ROC or LL have ever read any FF? It would be weird to the basis for a fictional character, huh?
Merwolf: Message board.. not that kind.. (g)
Tanya: I'll kiss you Rohan!!
pooka: )KISS
Rohan: arrghghgh!!!!
TrueXena: )KISS
Tanya: yeah..I heard that they have
TrueXena: lol
Rohan: Thanks. I think..
fOLLY: we loved taht board , it was eaasy to use
Ripley: oh geez, the kisses are flying again!
fOLLY: it jus tgot abused
Merwolf: Cindy.. you never know.. but I suspect a lot of them have ventured on the net and checked it out.. how could they resist?
TrueXena: brat? you tired yet?
Dana: will you include more mystical moments in dar and kerry stories
pooka: good one tx
Rohan: Yeppers, Missy. That board was great! Till we broke it.
gloworm: Papa pup, you're scaring me
Merwolf: I mean, Lunacy posts the reviews to the Netforum...
Tanya: mystical moments...I like that
Cindy: Red, where is your horsey?
Merwolf: they read that... it has to intrigue them.'
Shazb: I just read somewhere that Renee surfs quite a bit
Tanya: yeah..I read that too about Renee
Dana: like soul mates in the original stories - shared feelings pain
fOLLY: was renee surfing before or after steve
Merwolf: When DJWP does that little doll thing, then Renee comes up wtih a tiny doll in a story... welll.............
Rohan: Intrigue, seduction, confrontation..ooooh, and that is just the reviews
Cindy: Have any of the bards ever had feedback from Ren Pic?
Tanya: ummm both I think
gloworm: Renee probably flipped when she read some of the things Gabby does!!!
Merwolf: None that i know of..
Stoley: it's not their style
Tanya: good one Missy
gloworm: in fanfic, I mean
Rohan: Renee's mom is flipping TOO
WarriorBard: I luved that scene where Kerry went into the Room when Steve was telling them that he had fixed the conection probs until Kerry kicked his ass all around the table when she told them she&Dar had fixed
Shazb: my favorite is the abs of steel in Quill
TrueXena: thats what Im thinking too Missy! i think they take ideas
Cindy: I have heard of some producers being upset about fan fic...
Jen: what do you mean before or after Steve? did they break up?
Brat: I loved that scene also!!
Tanya: yeah..good scene
WarriorBard: it
Dana: conincidences do happen
Rohan: Missy, will Michele or Elani make a comeback?
Tanya: true Dana
Merwolf: (g) That was fun to write...
Maritimer: mmmmn, abs
Dana: exspeically when many creative people write about one subject
Merwolf: I don't know... they havnet' yet.
Tanya: LOL Maritimer
Merwolf: Steve was less than upset about fanfic.
Tanya: no..they didn't break up
gloworm: That Elana scene was the best. I think because it was so unexpected.
Jen: ok
Merwolf: Yeah.. that was fun.
Tanya: yep...I agree
Rohan: Breadsticks..ughh..I cannot eat them anymmore
Merwolf: (laugh)
Tanya: LOL Rohan
*MegBot™: rofl
Jen: i can't wait to see ROC's new do and if they write it into a script
gloworm: What do you mean Steve was less than upset about fan fic
Merwolf: glo.. I mean Sears... we talkeda bout it a lot.
Shazb: I was at speghetti Freddies and they have great breastix, I started gigling
gloworm: Gotcha
EM: RJ Stewart says hair cut for story
TrueXena: Hey gotta thank you Missy, the whole time you have been in the Palace, I aint had one cig :o)
Merwolf: how cool si that?
Katherine: me either
Maritimer: shazb you always giggle
Ripley: way to go TX!
pooka: freaking isp
Dana: bye truexena good for you
Tanya: I liked ROC's long hair :(
TrueXena: now if i could keep you around always i could quit
Brat: Me either.. lol
*MegBot™: LOL
Cindy: I have to tell you Xena was on here at 9 and I opted to come hear you instead...gotta go with the real thing!
Merwolf: "m sure we'll get used to Ren's short hair...
Tanya: bye TX
Shazb: not me <g>
Roman: haha
*MegBot™: lol
Rohan: Merwolf, the key to a smokeless room
Ripley: wear a patch TX!
Merwolf: (laugh)
TrueXena: you leaving Tanya?
Jen: i'm sure it'll look goog
Jen: good
gloworm: I was going to ask renee for a lock of hair, but I figured she'd send the stalker police after me
ARTIST: me too
Tanya: nope..sorry.though someone said you were
Rohan: Tanya looks like something from Absolutly Fabulous
TrueXena: yeah really Rohan
Merwolf: I have to say.. it often puzzles me how the smartest people choose to smoke.
Tanya: LOL gloworm
*MegBot™: rofl
Dana: she should auction for charity - her hair
Tanya: I love that show Rohan!!!
EM: Yep glo that'd qualify
Maritimer: fabulous show
Rohan: Oh no. Like Davy JOnes hair or ELvis
Ripley: AbFab is hilarious!
Nanook: Do you have any bad habits, Missy?
Tanya: LOL..nah..
*MegBot™: LOL
TrueXena: yeah loved that show to Rohan
Merwolf: I bet she gorws it out again...
WarriorBard: it makes you wonder about Renee new haircut what about the episodes allread film where she has full hair but are shown out of order ie Amazon Reuion?
nanapea: I'm with you there Missy
Dana: yeah - everyone would want to get hold of ren hair
Merwolf: Nanook..eating chocolate. (G)
TrueXena: she has to, i dont want her with short hair
Merwolf: I kind of like the new haircut.
Rohan: Chocolate is a requisite for excellent writers
gloworm: why is eating chocolate bad?
pooka: im worried they are going to do another cliffhanger with them on the cross
Stoley: Short hair makes her look older somehow.
Tanya: there;s Elvis hair!!
Rohan: Tanya is now Elvis
TrueXena: i havent gotten to see more that that one shot
Shazb: I bet it'll make life easier for her, esp. rock climbing
Jen: yeah, well we've all done it i'm sure
Dana: good question gloworm
Ripley: Elvis is in the building!
Deb: just don't cut kerry's hair, ok!
Cindy: I like the new cut...makes her look more mature
Merwolf: well, she asked if iI had any bad habits..
Katherine: easier to take care of
EM: Hey I have short hair and I don't act old
Merwolf: Kerry's hair is safe...
Rohan: Chocolate is not a bad habit
Jen: chopped our hair off for no good reason <g>
Roman: LOL
*MegBot™: LOL
Stoley: As long as LL doesn't cut her's it's o.k.
*MegBot™: rofl
Canuck: if that is true rohan...why am I failing my english class??
gloworm: And... I repeat, chocolate is bad because
TrueXena: THANK YOU!
Rohan: wrong kind of chocolate
Merwolf: Oh.. i don't know... that pic of her with her hair back in Day isn't bad.
EM: Ha short hair is easier to care for -- I'm lazy
gloworm: if that's your worst habit, you should be up for sainthood.
Dana: fat fat fat - (sob) that's what is wrong with chocolate
Nanook: As long as it's long enough to run your hands through , who cares?
Maritimer: englis not good
pooka: scary i was turning into callisto
ARTIST: hey i'm being good here
Katherine: your right
Tanya: LOL Dana
Canuck: ah, Missy...can you recomend a good, writer inspiring, chocolate??
*MegBot™: LOL
TrueXena: yeah but how they have it in the Vision scene really has me scared
Tanya: that's what weight weight weights are for!!
gloworm: Renee would look good bald (well...) so I'm not worried
Jen: lol
*MegBot™: rofl
Merwolf: um.... okay... godiva dark chocolate assortment.
Tanya: true Gloworm!!
pooka: sheesh tx we think alike
Ripley: or a really good metabolism!
pooka: scary
fOLLY: so missy, how did you develop you insight into people, your scenes ring dead on
Rohan: Missy, Xena seems to have matured greatly and yet, calmed down in your stories. We all really like that
Canuck: godiva??? hmmm
Shazb: Missy, you have excellent taste!
Merwolf: I have to say.. I dn't believe renee woudl look good bald. Sorry.
Katherine: me either
gloworm: She wouldn't look bad!
Dana: maybe gab's hair is cut off by the centurions - they often did that to women to humiliate them before execution, burning etc
Tanya: LOL gloworm!!
Merwolf: Rohan.. thanks... I try to give her a mature perspective.
*MegBot™: teehee!
WarriorBard: why shouldn`t LL cut her hair dont you think she woulf like to get rid of those spanish hair peices they add to her hair
Rohan: besides, Gab has her wrapped around her little finger
Maritimer: milk chocolate is better
Stoley: yep
Merwolf: (G) Yes...
Shazb: dark
TrueXena: could you be another one of the Triplets? makeing us a Quartet Pooka?
Rohan: I like the fact that Argo is also a mommy..
gloworm: Why would the Centurian's be executing Gab?
EM: Missy did ya know that Godiva has 4 raspberry chocolates?
Dana: romans, centurions - same diff
Merwolf: I don't know if I like the way they're doing her this year... she's really off teh edge....
pooka: thats scary too
Rohan: Do you think Xena will have a child in your stories?
Katherine: thats true
pooka: xena off the edge never
Merwolf: EM - yes... I did.. we have a Godiva shop at Aventura Mall.
ARTIST: that would make a chickens ass than
Cindy: Did you see the pic Mary D put up of LL (Dar) with sunglasses
gloworm: Oh, duh, I was thinking of the Centaurs--horsepeople, sorry
Merwolf: Xena have a child.. I don't know....
Tanya: LOL ARTIST!!!
Stoley: if your not on the edge your taking up too much space
*MegBot™: haha
Merwolf: Oh.. I LOVED that pic!!!
Jen: last season Gab had a bad one, I think it's just Xena's turn
Katherine: good pic
pooka: that place in san francisco is good for choc but i cant spell it
Merwolf: no.. I mean, she's almost too emotional.
Cindy: I made it my wallpaper!
pooka: ghirr something
Shazb: Ghiradeli
Tanya: we have a belgian chocolate place down the street from here
TrueXena: bfriend is here now wants me to leave BWWWWAAAAAAAAA
Spudhaid: Alfred Schilling? joseph schmidt?
Rohan: You give Cyrene such a good charactor. and a new hubby. that is great
EM: I think Gab is really Lost her center
pooka: right thats the one
gloworm: I think its joxer's turn for a bad season
Ripley: tell him we said no TX!
Tanya: FIREND!!!
Merwolf: I agree about Gab...
Merwolf: it makes me sad to watchthem.
Merwolf: not cool.
XenasBard: umm I haven't seen it is it on her board?
Katherine: me to
TrueXena: like i was gonna? bwaaaaaaaa
EM: Every season is bad for JOXER
Dana: terminate joxer
pooka: get the bfriend an av
Jen: lol
*MegBot™: haha
TrueXena: he is sitting quietly
Jen: he's getting better
Shazb: so, Gab's a little schizo this season
gloworm: I agree that Missy's Cyrene is really down to earth
WarriorBard: hey TX tell him to get lost your busy
Rohan: Granilla and Toris are hillarious.
Canuck: naw, need joxer for comic releif
TrueXena: LOL
*MegBot™: teehee!
TrueXena: k
*MegBot™: OK, TrueXena
EM: Nah just make him mature
Shazb: we still watch
Ripley: joxer is to inconsistently written!
EM: I agreee Ripley
Merwolf: Joxer.... is a plot device. Also not cool.
Tanya: Joxer is long as he insn't in too many eps
Nanook: Missy, why don't you like Joxer?
pooka: he's kinda a waste of a character
Rohan: You are planning on a future series for the kiddies, right?
Merwolf: he's an excuse for something tohappen...
Dana: auto is a better comic relief then joxer
Merwolf: Rohan..yes...
Maritimer: agree Ripley, Joxer would be better if he were consistent
Merwolf: he's not his own character.
EM: A BAD excuse
Tanya: yeah..I like Auto
Cindy: Joxer is a plot device not a real character, right?
Rohan: WHooooahhoooo
WarriorBard: J would be bad if he was in any episodes at all
pooka: i think they should have more hades
Merwolf: He's comic relief, or a prop...
pooka: he's cute
Tanya: I love hades!!
Merwolf: he's not a person, so far as I can tell.
Rohan: But what about Jessen's kids, Xena and Gabrielle? Nicknames?
Ripley: Auto is cool, but Bruce Campbell is alway scool!
EM: I like sly humor ... not bathroom
Fayezer: Joxer should only be consumed in very small doses
Maritimer: Ares, mmmmmmmn
Cindy: He seems pretty disposable
Merwolf: and yes, I prefer dry humor.
Katherine: It's like they put him in cause they can't find something else to fill the space with
TrueXena: ok there he is :o)
Merwolf: so the wacky comedies are tough.
Rohan: as opposed to wet humor
gloworm: Hey Miss--any shot at getting any of the Gods in your series more, besides Ares
pooka: oohh pooh bear
EM: I love it when Gab goes into Overdrive
gloworm: sorry, little g
Merwolf: I"m not much on gods...
TrueXena: BF is good he is giving backrub now :o)
Tanya: yeah..when Gab goes nuts it's funny!!
Merwolf: I do like Turbo Gabby, though.
Dana: i don't like the comedies much - tho the quill cracked me up
pooka: send him over here
EM: like in ADITL with her let met do the pinch
Ripley: keep that BF then!
Rohan: LOL Turbo gabby..
Tanya: LOL EM!!!
*MegBot™: rofl
Jen: Gab whacking lol
*MegBot™: haha
*MegBot™: lol
Merwolf: I liked FFG....if I keep the sound off.
*Red™: Shut up, Meg
*MegBot™: ;as "fist" SOUND
*MegBot™: )fist
*MegBot™: Relax, *Red™, I'll hurt ya!
TrueXena: i plan on it!
Tanya: I love when the two in ADITL
pooka: hi meg
Rohan: ROC looked wonderful..
*MegBot™: Hi, Rohan!
Merwolf: yeah.. Iliked ADITL.
Rohan: Hi Megbot
*MegBot™: Hi, Rohan!
s.: how do you get the special sounds to play?
WarriorBard: Missy any chance of more Auto in your stories I was very happy you had him in the end of the last story
Rayner: Hi wiggy
Cindy: Do Hi Meggers
pooka: did meg actually say something
*MegBot™: Hi, pooka!
EM: Loved 1st 20 minutes with Gab and Leah
*Red™: heehee
*MegBot™: teehee!
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
pooka: yea
Merwolf: Auto.. him and Sal will show up in the next X and G.
XenasBard: )howl.wav
Dana: and do you have ares as xena's father
Wiggy: Hi Ray
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
*MegBot™: )holywoman.wav
Rohan: Missy, you find it hard to write for Hercules. will he come back though?
XenasBard: )KISS
XenasBard: )KISS
Rohan: ewww..stop the kissing.
Merwolf: Oh... yeah, I guess I could bring Herc babck.. it's easier to write Iolaus, though.
Jen: lol
WarriorBard: )crazedam.wav
*MegBot™: teehee!
Rohan: bad germs bad germs
Cindy: )paidhour.wav
XenasBard: )KISS
Stoley: it's getting messy in here.
WarriorBard: )crazedam.wav
Dana: i loved the herc - iolous moment you had that was hilarious
TrueXena: you want the bf in the middle?
Ripley: who is kissing now!
*Red™: nope
Cindy: )shamrock.wav
EM: Except Iolaus is dead
Tanya: LOL TX
*MegBot™: lol
pooka: )KISS
Merwolf: everyone thought I was goign 'there'
WarriorBard: )DEBUT
Merwolf: (chuckle)
Tanya: )AMEN
Dana: yeah - but herc and iolus - no way
WarriorBard: )FAZEIN
XenasBard: )KISS
Merwolf: You should ahve seen some of the mail..
WarriorBard: )gabsong.wav
Dana: but it was cute
Merwolf: EEWWWW!!!!
Jen: lol
*MegBot™: lol
Tanya: LOL
*MegBot™: lol
Katherine: yuck
Dana: the hug - friendship was cute
Tanya: true Dana
*MegBot™: )fatherdied
WarriorBard: )gabsong.wav
fOLLY: you got eww mail?
Merwolf: And I was like.. wait.. you're reading fanfic about two women in a sexual realationship...why is two guys so EEWWWWW
gloworm: nawww, not herc and iolaus. But what was the mail?
Shazb: They just don't have checmistry
Dana: did you get hate mail about that missy
Merwolf: I don't know.. they were just very weirded out...
WarriorBard: )holywoman.wav
Merwolf: and no.. I didn't go there...
Cindy: You like to give us red herrings so we don't get too sure we know whats going on in your mermind, huh?
WarriorBard: )howl.wav
Tanya: I thought i twas cute Missy
Dana: I would have just had them do it to piss of the emailers
Rohan: Missy, nevmer mind, huh?
Jen: lol
*MegBot™: rofl
Merwolf: the gentelmen were the worst.
Merwolf: oh my gosh.
EM: ^Missy liked your anecdote of person who read every story to determine didn't like two women in love
Rohan: what? Gab the lab eat your book?
gloworm: But, X said to G, after she and herc talked that "Tjeu
Shazb: shocker <g>
Roman: haha
*MegBot™: rofl
Merwolf: (G) I liked that too.. they turned out to be a fan.
pooka: Missy do you want to ask us any questions
Dana: I loved it when iolous found out about x and gab and the egg on his face
XenasBard: )TEEHEE
gloworm: Sorry, "They're not." Did gabby think they were?
EM: Wow a convert
XenasBard: )TEEHEE
Tanya: good scene
Canuck: <g>
Roman: haha
*MegBot™: LOL
Ripley: hey XB I think you are sitting on my head!
pooka: MISSY do you want to ask us any questions
Rohan: Will Najara make an apperance. Contrary to many, I liked her
TrueXena: she dont wanna know about us, she already knows we are nuts
Dana: fantastic scene
Tanya: )NO
Ripley: you are covering my much deserved Halo!
Merwolf: Any questions...
WarriorBard: mm Q Missy are jessan and Family staying in town with X&G then or going back to their own family then?
Merwolf: I'm tring to think of some...
pooka: psst tx it worked
Ripley: Nuts is an understatement!
Stoley: Fire away
XenasBard: opps sorry :)
Merwolf: they're stahing in Amph right now.
TrueXena: LOL
Tanya: I thoguth they were setling near Amph
*MegBot™: lol
Jen: i think we should let Missy go write. <BG>
pooka: almost
Tanya: LOL that a hint?
*MegBot™: lol
Merwolf: um.. what was that other question. now...
WarriorBard: Hey whos making funny noises
TrueXena: JEN!!!!!!!!!!!
Ripley: woohoo, my Halo is visible now@
gloworm: After herc and X talked, X told G, "they're not." did gabby think they were
Dana: anyone going to save the transcript here?
Jen: nooo, just being polite <g>
*MegBot™: LOL
Roman: lol
XenasBard: RIP no hallo for you
*MegBot™: haha
Brat: Happy now Rip?
WarriorBard: )AARG.WAV
Merwolf: they were speculating...
Merwolf: (G)
pooka: )Thunder.wav
Tanya: )YES
Merwolf: okay.. gossiping...
Merwolf: just like eveyrone else..
WarriorBard: )thund1
gloworm: Not X&G
Maritimer: the transcript will be up on the Merpups Den
Ripley: But I already lost one halo!
Merwolf: uh huh...
Dana: fantastic
Merwolf: horrible, huh?
Tanya: you never had one Rip
s.: missy - thanks for what you do for all of us!! we appreciate it - and you!!
TrueXena: great to hear Maritimer
WarriorBard: )fist
gloworm: I thought they were above that, but its a woman thing
Rohan: and thanks to RED
pooka: ditto s.
Merwolf: I'm glad you guys like the stories, and have fun with them.
Canuck: here here s.
WarriorBard: )FAZEIN
Tanya: yeppers
ARTIST: you never had one ripley only i do
pooka: yup yup
Ripley: I did too, it went under the furnitrue in teh BS rmember
XenasBard: Missy thanks for comming...I hope you all have a good night... I will talk to you later
Merwolf: It's a guy thing too.. believe me...
Dana: we are a great writer
Maritimer: I think that is correct, Folly?
*** Page from sue in My Corner Entrance: sue logged on
Tanya: LOL Artist...yeah sure
*MegBot™: lol
TrueXena: later XB
Rohan: night, XB
WarriorBard: yeah makes my day to read a update about my fav people
Dana: you
gloworm: yeah, it's an everyone thing
ARTIST: no you didn't it
Brat: Missy thanks for all ur wonderful stories and ur patience wtih us pups!
Tanya: bye XB
fOLLY: correct that we are planning on putting transcript on den, yes
Roman: byeXB
Ripley: Bye XB
Stoley: bye XB
Maritimer: bye
Merwolf: That transcript will be up, right? I" d like to see what I said.
Merwolf: (G)
WarriorBard: bye XB
Rohan: Missy, LOL..
*MegBot™: haha
TrueXena: yeah i think i have seen bf peeking over my shoulder reading some of your stories too
Dana: same here
Ripley: You don't know!
Canuck: heh heh
TrueXena: LOL
Stoley: We won't hold any of it against you!
*MegBot™: LOL
Dana: so you don't get quoted out of context
Maritimer: oh yes we answer your call missy
Ripley: are you sleep typing or something!
Merwolf: don't ask.
Ripley: we know TX does that@
Shazb: hoefully Phill is saving this <crossing fingers>
Oscarama: Gotta go get some sleep now...Thanks Missy! See ya in SM!
Merwolf: I have a very limted short term memory.
Dana: by oscar
Rohan: Bye
Brat: TX does that *g*
Merwolf: that'swhy I never remember names.
Stoley: bye O
pooka: i cant read the stuff that happened when i got bounced twice
TrueXena: LOLyes and i do it well :o)
Tanya: LOL
Maritimer: Merpups Den union 405 is her to serve
*MegBot™: rofl
*MegBot™: haha
Ripley: what were you talking about again?
Roman: bye
Ripley: <g>
Roman: teehee!
*MegBot™: rofl
Rohan: short term memory? what is that?
Merwolf: exactly...
EM: Missy next life have more memory installed
BD: Update, update....
pooka: where is it going to be the transcripts that is
Merwolf: I need an upgrade.
Rohan: LOL
*MegBot™: LOL
gloworm: Can't say you've killed too many brain cells in your youth, can you
Canuck: lol
Merwolf: 128 Meg.
*MegBot™: LOL
WarriorBard: laughing his ass off
*Red™: :yes ... phill is saving it ;)
EM: Heck go for 2G
Rohan: SDRAM
Shazb: at the Merpups' Den site
Cindy: Meg heard her name
fOLLY: upgrade, lol
*MegBot™: haha
s.: missy, do you need 32 more megs of ram?
Rohan: Merwold II..the next generation
WarriorBard: :what alot of fun
Brat: Good one Rohan!
TrueXena: LOL yes she did
EM: Missy gonna up the clock speed?
*MegBot™: haha
* Merwolf * so... did I get enough folks in?
BD: Goodnight, my loved fellowpups!
Ripley: Ooo Merworld II that has a nice ring to it!
Cindy: I am waiting for the movie
Dana: by bd
Rohan: Bye be
Canuck: night BD
Tanya: gnight BD!!!
* *Red™ * this is wild. Missy ... thank you! ;)
Brat: Night BD
Stoley: bye
EM: Nite BD
Ripley: night BD
Roman: bye BD
fOLLY: missy would it help you to have the software you talk instead of type? naturally speaking , etc?
WarriorBard: bye
Merwolf: I"m going to go type... I have to move downstairs to the comfy chair.
Dana: the mini series
TrueXena: cya bd
Maritimer: later
Merwolf: probalby... I have to see how it works...
Rohan: Take care, Missy.thanks for being here
Shazb: bye Missy, thanks
Tanya: bye Missy!!!
Merwolf: I might end up with a sore throat.
Jen: night Missy
Cindy: bye missy...THANKS!!!
Tanya: WE love you!!!
gloworm: thanks Missy
Merwolf: (G)
Dana: goodbye - hugs
EM: Take Care Missy
Ripley: bye Missy!
WarriorBard: well goodnight Missy
Stoley: bye missy
Canuck: bye missy...night
s.: g'night missy
Rohan: Been fun! Haa..
Brat: Thanks for taking out the time to chat with us.. much appreicated!
MONIEB: thanx nissy
TrueXena: THANK YOU!
Ripley: We're not worthy!
Latsric: Pwaise Missy!
jt: bye Missy, thanks
pooka: bye missy nice meeting you
Maritimer: you rock Missy
xxpose1: night missy
Roman: night Missy thanks
Merwolf: night guys.... take care, okay?
Fayezer: bye Missy, thanks
WarriorBard: thanks for coming
Tanya: )KISS
Tanya: )KISS
Brat: Good night Missy!
Rohan: carpol tunnel syndrome..
Canuck: )amen
Maj|k: see ya!
Nanook: Thanks
V@lium: Bye Missy
Rohan: night
fOLLY: ha, you might if you produce as much as we cna read a night
EM: Say Hi to Dar andKerry
TrueXena: )KISS
Merwolf: night PHill.... rocking palance...
pooka: bye missy nice meeting you
TrueXena: )KISS
Stoley: night, night
Rohan: we will be waiting for the update!
Rayner: bye missy.
*Red™: niters ... thanx!
Brat: Its been fun!
Tanya: )AMEN
Ripley: now the kisses are flying!
Rayner: Thanks.
Dana: the queen has left
Rohan: She is gone..*sobbing*
gloworm: take care kids--back to the email
Cindy: Merwolf has left the building
Jen: night Rohan... be talking to ya on the list
pooka: )yiyiyi.wav
Latsric: Merwolf has left the building
TrueXena: THAT WAS THE KEWLEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:45:16 - Closing Log