May 2000 Orlando Convention
green rule 
Below are some links to pictures and excepts from the Merwolfpack mailing list describing the goings on at the 2000 Orlando Convention. Another exciting year in Florida organized by the fabulous Orlando Planning Pups!  Thanks you guys....a great time was had by all!

Queen Laur's "There was a con??" Report: The Highlights:

Orlando…hot and shower soup for the soles.  After a fairly uneventful
mile-high trip from Milwaukee <waves to EM>, Wisconsin to the "wilds" of
outer-Disney, we had a quiet dinner on Wednesday night looking out for the
native wo'Man 'n tees.  Several were spotted during our time in
Puplando-often in fully-armed and loaded tank tops!!

The RavishSome Twin Towels was an excellent pup gathering site.  Way to go
Holly, Denise, Lisa, Lori and other Orlando Pup Powers that Be for planning
an awesome near-con experience.  The original message board (which was
taken down by hotel management-but perhaps that's just because they were
swept up by the spirit of pups crashing things?) was there in the lobby
waiting for us and nametags were organized and waiting.  This location
became a prime contact point for pups:  proximity to coffee, pool bar,
showers and a great breakfast buffet may have been factors.

Thursday… soon as we saw the steam rising off the weather report, Ste
pulled the Dodge Stratbus around and we landed at Blizzard Beach, hot on
the trail of Dar and Kerry.  I did a 6-hour marathon stakeout on the
floating creek ride (don't remember what it was called as I think I induced
a coma under my shower cap.)   I did make the whole experience more aerobic
by flipping over once every lap <g>  I also followed a Dar counterfeit who
I saw under the showers by the locker room.  <CENSORED>

Friday….Animal Kingdom.  I was impressed by all the opportunities to get
wet built right into the park's hardwear.  MGM (for Muppets and Animation
Studio tour).  Animal Kingdom.  New kind of animals started to arrive at
dusk.  The pups were There.  And Denise the Living Water Magnet didn't even
have to threaten too much to keep us organized.  Highlights included the
waitress, TS's Tongue-Tied Cherry Stem Challenge, meeting MJ "my idol"
Maven, watching Tracy win things for other people at the raffle and getting
female centaur sand down my shirt.  Or maybe that had to do with the
multiple showering opportunities that were offered to get the grit out.  In
either case it was a brilliant plan, Missy!!!

Saturday….EPCOT.  Less water, more cultural variety.  Jim and Terri got to
see the Go There Stratbus in action (and had to lounge on top of it at the
end of the day waiting for the drivers to get back from Japan).  The
innovative countries became a big blur except for the creamy tiramisu and
millennial fireworks.  It was like 1/1534 of London on New Years, but quite
nice, nonetheless.  At the end of the day, we stumbled into Scooby Joe's
pool bar to find the true Party Pup Pack.  I tried to convince TS to come
to breakfast (don't whap me, Denise) as part of the entourage.
Unfortunately, necessary supplies of duck tape and chains were unobtainable
at that late hour. Where's a 24-hour Home Depot when you need one?

Sunday….in the Frosted Breakfast Flake Zone.  Co-Den Pup conspirator Shaz
was vertical nearly the whole time….Caught the latest report on sheep
futures and have the best picture of Ste, Missy and the back of Rob
Trebor's head.  Magic Kingdom.  Nothing much magical about how tired and
hot kids can become after dragging around the park.  Splash Mt at night is
not to be missed.  Stunned to see a flock of merpups at the hotel bar again
<g>  First time I have ever been offered a cherry on the edge of a sword
<bg> although what happened to the stem remains a mystery.

Monday….can you say "collapsed by the pool?"

What I learned:

--A beat sheet isn't necessarily what you'd think it is.
--Capybaras can move if you watch them for long enough.
--Steve Sears' new Tydli-hat is brown.
--Grits go better with sausage gravy.
--The Delta was named for the fact that it's mostly standing in water.
--There is such a thing as too much Jimmy Buffet.
--Tying 6 cherry stems together with 5 knots is not just a dream sequence.
--If you're wondering what the Maven is contemplating, it might be cheese.
--If water goes up, it comes down on Denise.
--There are few things less aesthetically pleasing than the "Leave a
Legacy" fund-raiser/monument at EPCOT.
--Finding Dar at Disney can be harder than finding the GM Test Track ride
without a "delay" label.
--Peanut Butter fudge from Magic Kingdom can give you vivid vacation
flashbacks when conscientiously applied at rapid intervals.
--TS is even easier than an easy-bake oven….no wonder Orlando had a heat wave!
--Drink lots and lots of water!!!

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