What's New -- May 2000
May 30, 2000
Legacy is now in pre-production and will be shooting between June 12th and 22nd.
Posted blurb from Dreamwatch #70 about Missy writing for X:WP.
May 20, 2000
Pack Merchandise updates:
Do you know who you're voting for in 2000? Well we've got a great way to show your support for the ultimate duo! Get your Dar and Kerry in 2000 bumper stickrrrs!
Merpup Cie is creating another great cd compilation of fanfic and other goodies. For info on the first volume click here...and stay tuned for info on volume 2.
May 10, 2000
Added yet more Netforum interview Q/A about the Season 6 script.
Added link to Lucia's The Adventures of Dori of Amphipolis to the Merpup Links.
May 8, 2000
Added more Netforum interview Q/A about the Season 6 script.
May 7, 2000
Merpups' Links updates:
Updated link to the Merpups Relics.
Added link to 'A Fantasy Trip', a pup-created Dar and Kerry tale.
Added link to the Swollen Bud Awards.
May 5, 2000
Added an interview with Missy that was posted on the Netforum by Dave Gentile.
May 2, 2000
Added a new IGNScifi.com interview with Missy.
- Archived February through April 2000 What's New.
Please send any questions or comments about this page to Nic